Looking at his little hero attribute panel, Li Xuan couldn't help smiling, especially when he thought that the upper limit of the little hero's level was 100, Li Xuan was even more joyful.

Every time he upgrades his soul, he can improve a little. If he reaches level 100, he can definitely become a saint-level powerhouse if he has a domain.

Yes, it is a holy-level powerhouse.

One of the most fundamental conditions for a saint-level powerhouse is the domain, and then the soul power is strong enough. Li Xuan has already achieved one, and now the lack of soul power.

Thinking of the increase brought by the upgrade, Li Xuan couldn't wait to snap his fingers.

In an instant, the space moved slightly, and a pitch-black space crack slowly appeared.

The swirling storm formed in mid-air, and then expanded and expanded, forming a huge space crack with a diameter of thirty meters.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

With the sound of heavy footsteps, the densely packed dark creatures came out of the cracks in the space, exuding the breath of death one by one.

Necromancer, Death Knight, Pollution Monster, Shadow of Death, Eyeball Troll, Hell Skull Three-Headed Dog, Scourge Hammer Skull...

One after another, dark creatures walked out of the cracks in the space, like invading another world, they appeared in the shallow danger zone, and began to arrange according to the formation.

There are too many of them. With Li Xuan's soul reaching semi-holy, the number of dark creatures that can be summoned has reached tens of thousands, and even more can be summoned under the condition of squeezing himself.

However, Li Xuan felt that tens of thousands of dark creatures were enough to sweep through the shallow danger zone, and there was no need to summon more.

When the number of dark creatures reached tens of thousands, Li Xuan waved his hand, and the space crack slowly closed, leaving only the mighty dark army.

"Go, sweep the shallow danger zone!"

Following Li Xuan's order, the army of darkness set off in a mighty manner, heading towards the shallow danger zone in the east like a tide, sweeping everything it passed.

Li Xuan did not follow, his body changed for a while, from a human to a hedgehog, and then in the grass, went straight to the nest of the little hedgehog in the west.

He was very fast, and it only took five minutes to come to the vicinity of the nest, and saw the little hedgehog eating under the grape trellis.

Haw Haw!

The little hedgehog danced with excitement when he saw Li Xuan's arrival, and immediately gave his fruit to Li Xuan.

"No, I want to ask you something. Do you know the information about the woman with the red paper umbrella in the middle-level danger zone?" Li Xuan asked directly.

After asking this sentence, the scene fell into a brief silence.

Li Xuan didn't hear the little hedgehog's answer, and when he looked at it carefully, he found that it looked very dignified, and seemed to be very jealous of the woman with the red paper umbrella.

"Is she dangerous?" Li Xuan communicated with Wanjie again and tried to ask.

Haw Haw!

The little hedgehog started to answer, chirping and chirping, and the little claws gestured back and forth, trying to express its meaning.

Li Xuan listened quietly, and the more he listened, the more serious he became, because the little hedgehog meant that the woman with the red paper umbrella was very strange and was the evolution of the strange female shadow.

They have a special attack method, which is very difficult to kill. The key point is that there are twelve of them. They are called the middle-level twelve reds, and they are also the strongest subordinates of the middle-level king.

"King of the middle class? What is that? Is there a king in the middle-class danger zone?" Li Xuan asked seriously.

Haw Haw!

The little hedgehog showed sadness, and tears began to spin in his eyes.

"What? Your father is the king of the middle class?"

Li Xuan was stunned. He didn't expect the little hedgehog's father to be the king of the middle class.

Haw Haw!

The little hedgehog continued to chirp and told many of its stories.

It turned out that its father was very powerful, ruling the huge middle-level danger zone, and was the real king.

It's a pity that a super powerful enemy came to the high-level danger zone, and he competed with the little hedgehog's father for the position of the middle-level king, and won the battle.

Little Hedgehog's father was killed by the new middle king, and so was its mother, who was hunted down by the new middle king.

Only the little hedgehog escaped by chance because of its weak breath and concealed enough hiding.

However, the new middle-level king, now the ruler of the middle-level danger zone, makes the entire middle-level danger zone even more terrifying, so the little hedgehog advised Li Xuan not to go there.

"I didn't expect such a story. Don't worry, I won't go to the middle-level danger zone for a short time. By the way, your father used to be the king of the middle-level, so can you command the red paper umbrella woman?" Li Xuan asked again.

Haw Haw!

The little hedgehog shook his head, indicating that it could only avoid being attacked by the women with the red paper umbrella, but could not command them.

Because even its father couldn't easily command the woman with the red paper umbrella.

They are like the kings of the middle class in name, which makes Li Xuan feel heavier and heavier.

"It seems that the woman with the red paper umbrella must be stronger in her imagination, otherwise she will not belong in name."

Li Xuan muttered secretly and decided not to go to the middle-level danger zone for a short time.

Anyway, there are many monsters in the shallow danger zone, and it is easy to rise to level 100 as long as it is swept away.

After making the decision, Li Xuan instructed the little hedgehog to keep it away from Nancy's territory, and then said goodbye to it and left.

Next, he plans to upgrade with all his strength, strengthen his soul, and reach level 100 as soon as possible.

After level 100 ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ can be transferred to a powerful hero, and the hero already has the strength to break through the middle-level danger zone.

As long as you don't encounter the strongest existence like the king of the middle class, there is basically no danger to life.

After the decision was made, Li Xuan left and started the road to leveling in the dark world of God's Domain.

Fatty's world.

Imperial Beast Sect forbidden area.

At this time, the atmosphere in the forbidden area was solemn, and the Supreme Elders of the Imperial Beast Sect and the Supreme Elders of the Tianjian Sect all had ugly faces, staring at the space cracks in the forbidden area.

The cracks in the space are getting bigger and bigger. From the dense cracks, black gas emerges from time to time, filling the four directions.

But it's not that dangerous, it's what makes it tricky for everyone.

At the other end of the space crack, there is a vertical pupil staring silently here.

Looking at this strange vertical pupil, the elders who were present felt terrified, and they didn't dare to look at him in awe.

Just because the vertical pupils are like a vortex, as long as they look at each other, they will be sucked in. Even if they don't look at each other, these gold-level Supreme Elders feel their blood surging, and there are faint cracks in their skin.

"evil creature!"


A dull loud noise shook all directions.

A thin white-haired old man suddenly appeared, proudly in the air, the storm field instantly enveloped the vertical pupil, the terrifying wind blade, wind blade, and the storm swept across the strange vertical pupil.

This storm field is very tyrannical, and the wind blades can cut ripples in the space, causing the gold level to retreat again and again.

But such a terrifying storm field cannot have a big impact on the strange vertical pupil, and can only temporarily suppress the power of vertical pupil in this world.

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