"Is it the fruit of a plant?"

Li Xuan took a few steps forward quickly, trying to observe deeply into the soil from the perspective of God.

He understands that this is the world of rules. Even if he reaches level 4 and the suppression becomes smaller, it is not easy to go too deep into the soil.

With this kind of thinking in mind, Li Xuan's God's perspective carefully probed, and the tyrannical God's perspective only saw the appearance of one centimeter underground.

This depth is enough, Li Xuan did see his goal, it was an egg, a mysterious white egg.

There are some strange lines on this mysterious white egg, and there is a faint vitality that permeates the white egg. Li Xuan carefully looked at it, and after confirming that there was no danger, he slowly approached, and carefully digging with a hoe.

Seeing this scene, farmers No. 7 and No. 8 were a little dazed and did not understand what they were doing.

They looked at it and quickly widened their eyes, because a fist-sized white egg appeared in their field of vision.


Farmer No. 7 spoke, and his eyes were obviously more agile than Farmer No. 8.

"Come and dig, be careful, don't break this egg." Li Xuan ordered.


Farmers No. 7 and No. 8 heard the order and began to dig cautiously, revealing the white eggs inside.

"I don't know what egg it is."

After digging it out, Li Xuan picked it up and looked at it. He couldn't figure out what kind of egg it was, but he felt it was edible, so he put it in his pocket.


Li Xuan continued with the crowd, walking towards the weed area that was detected yesterday.


They came to the front of the two weeds, and under Li Xuan's order, the two farmers began to dig hard.

After arranging tasks for the two farmers, Li Xuan turned around and walked into the darkness, walking towards the wheat not far away.

The last time he saw the wheat, he wanted to get rid of it, but he felt a sense of crisis at that time, and now his level has been improved, and he has the ability to kill insects, so he just gave it a try.

Along the way, Li Xuan picked up two crushed stones on the road. They were crushed stones with very low energy, not as good as iron ore.

"Where iron ore appeared before, there may still be iron ore. If you look for it later, there may be an unexpected harvest."

Li Xuan muttered, slowly came to the wheat area, saw the solitary bead of wheat, and also saw a bug on the wheat.

"The sense of crisis has disappeared. It seems that with my current strength, I can easily kill that bug."

Li Xuan was pleasantly surprised, he slowly approached with the hoe, and slammed the bug, poking the bug directly from the wheat.


A strange sound sounded, and with the sound, a circle of water ripples spread in all directions, and Li Xuan only felt that his brain was a little confused as if he had been hit hard.

Fortunately, Li Xuan's talent is extraordinary, he quickly blocked this feeling, and then looked at the bug seriously.

Surprisingly, the speed of the bug was very slow, crawling a little further into the distance, seemingly avoiding Li Xuan.

"It turns out that you are only capable of this, so die."

Li Xuan brandished his **** and hit the insect's head hard.


With a dull sound, the worms screamed and shrank into a ball.

Bang bang bang!

Li Xuan can't be soft, the **** smashed fiercely, and after smashing it eight times in a row, a light group finally appeared.


As the light group poured into Li Xuan's body, his experience value increased by 4 points.

"Not bad, the experience value is more than expected."

Li Xuan was in a good mood. He quickly picked up the corpse of the bug and collected it well. Then he walked around the wheat and looked carefully. After confirming that it was safe, he began to collect the wheat.

This pearl of wheat is not small, it is bigger than what Li Xuan has seen in the previous life, and all the grains are full and full of vitality.

[Experience value +1]

After Li Xuan peeled off a seed, a light group suddenly poured into Li Xuan's body, and then the experience value increased.

"How can this still be done? There are twenty or thirty seeds on this wheat plant, that is to say, as long as I finish picking all of them, can I be upgraded to another level?"

The surprise came too quickly, Li Xuan couldn't believe that there would be such a big harvest.

"Collect the seeds immediately."

Li Xuan was really happy, he quickly peeled off the seeds, and plucked all the seeds in the prompt of experience points.

At the moment when the seeds were taken, the wheat stalks withered directly, dissipating like fly ash burned by flames.

Looking at this scene, Li Xuan took two steps back, because a sense of crisis appeared.

Below the withered wheat, an earthworm slowly emerged.

The earthworm was about the same size as the earthworm in the previous life, but its open mouth showed serrated teeth, and it growled towards the surroundings.

Because Li Xuan retreated faster, he exited the earthworm's observation area in two or three steps. It could only howl above the soil and finally drilled into the soil again.

"This guy's strength is not strong, why do I feel uncomfortable? It seems to be the same as the feeling of being cursed at the beginning. Could it be that killing this earthworm will be cursed?"

Li Xuan stood two meters away to observe silently, and finally, out of caution, he did not act rashly, but looked at his attribute panel.

Number: Vice-Captain No. 2

Level: 5 [150 experience points]

Occupation: Farmer

Combat Strength: 15

Good at: weeding, planting, pest control.

Belonging to: God's Domain Gu Xiaohao's Domain

Potential: unknown


"It's really good, the suppression force has become smaller, huh? The power of the mind can be released! Although it is only half a meter away, it is enough.

It can be said that this pearl of wheat has helped a lot. If I find a few more plants, my level will definitely increase rapidly. "

Li Xuan couldn't wait to find more wheat, and also thought of the farmland in the base.

He felt that if wheat was planted in the farmland and then picked, it might be possible to gain a lot of experience points.

"Wait, it shouldn't be so simple. If farming can be quickly upgraded, then there is no need to explore the outside world.

There must be other things to say~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Forget it, ignore these first, go to the wheat first. "

Li Xuan did not stop here, but went back to see farmers No. 7 and No. 8. After confirming that they were safe, he walked towards the southeast.

After some searching, Li Xuan did not find new wheat, but saw a plant with red fruits.

This plant is about the height of a water cup, with emerald green leaves and ruddy fruits, a bit like a small tomato, but with a glowing light, it is not ordinary at first glance.

Li Xuan stared at the plant, feeling that the power contained in the fruit was of great help to him.

But he didn't go, because the location of the plant was 51 meters away from the base, more than 50 meters away.

Li Xuan can feel that the level of danger within fifty meters and fifty meters away is not the same level at all, and it is not an area that he can step on now.

That strong sense of crisis clearly reminded him that if he crossed the 50-meter zone, he would definitely encounter big trouble.

It's just that the red fruit is too tempting, and the treasure-hunting talent is a crazy reminder, Li Xuan is reluctant to give up.

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