These two farmers, Farmer No. 1 and Farmer No. 3, were also the first group of people to be summoned.

If it wasn't for Li Xuan being promoted, they would still be No. 1 and No. 2 farmers.

Now, except for the two of them, no other peasants have come back, obviously an accident has happened.

In front of them were 10 stones, similar to the ones Li Xuan brought back yesterday.

The harvest of 10 stones is reasonable, but it is a pity that only two farmers came back, which made Gu Xiaohao's face ugly, and even his face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

"Damn, how did you lead the team? With so many peasants killed, these stones only add up to 100 energy, and you can only create one more peasant."

Gu Xiaohao angrily kicked the No. 1 farmer, and he wanted to hit the wall in depression.

"I'm sorry, Lord, I'm in a hurry for quick success." No. 1 hurriedly confessed his mistake, not daring to look at Gu Xiaohao because of his guilt.

"You! Forget it, pay more attention in the future, don't rush for instant success."

Gu Xiaohao was very helpless. He clearly knew that the farmers he made would not betray him. Every time he went out, he risked his life for the purpose of finding resources.

Now that he has died so much, although he is angry, considering the special talent of No. 1, he can only sit there depressed and absorb the stones with the simple token.

After the 10 stones were quickly absorbed, Gu Xiaohao looked at the energy in the token and shook his head helplessly.

"There's not much energy in the token. With what you just provided, you can create 4 farmers. If you can't get more energy, you'll have to sell the farmland."

Gu Xiaohao looked at the farmland in the southeast corner of the base. He finally built it. If he sells it, the price will be reduced by half.

Thinking of the predicament of no energy, Gu Xiaohao sat depressed, feeling very distressed.

At this time, he felt something, looked up in the direction of the gate, and then saw a figure returning home full of rewards.

"You actually brought back a rare white mushroom! This is red leaf grass? This is an herbal remedy for wounds, and iron ore? There are two pieces, too strong."

Gu Xiaohao looked at Li Xuan who walked in from the door in surprise. He couldn't believe that Li Xuan brought back so many things. He seemed to be dreaming.

"Wait, this is the corpse of a big ant? You've been through the battle! Are you injured?"

Gu Xiaohao hurried over and saw that Li Xuan was not injured, and he was relieved.

He also realized that Li Xuan's companion hadn't come back, but it was good that he could come back safely after encountering a big ant.

You know, a large ant corpse alone is worth 120 energy, which is more expensive than a farmer.

With the addition of white mushrooms, red-leaf grass, and two pieces of iron ore, Gu Xiaohao felt that his peasants could fill it all at once.

"Okay, No. 2, you are really my lucky star, I must reward you, tell me, what reward do you want?

Is it to give you two peasant subordinates, or to increase your rank? 100 energy can help you level up. "

Gu Xiaohao looked at Li Xuan seriously and decided to train Li Xuan to protect his safety.

no way.

Farmer No. 1 only brought back ten ordinary stones after so many comrades died, and the energy added up to only 100 points.

The two pieces of iron ore that Li Xuan brought back were worth 200 energy points, plus 120 energy points from the ant corpse, red leaf grass for healing, and white mushrooms with higher nutritional value.

With so many good things, Gu Xiaohao became more aware of Li Xuan's extraordinaryness and paid more attention to Li Xuan.

So he looked at Li Xuan and made two suggestions, asking what Li Xuan wanted.

"I want to upgrade." Li Xuan said solemnly.

Companions are all burdens to him, and the upgrade is the fundamental, especially the justifiable upgrade, how could Li Xuan let it go.

"Okay, I'll give you an upgrade."

Gu Xiaohao took out the quaint token, and first injected two pieces of iron ore, ant corpses, half a piece of red leaf grass, and half a piece of white mushroom into the token.

Then take the token and draw strange symbols in the air.


The golden light shone, and Li Xuan was bathed in golden light. His level also increased from level 3 to level 4.

At the moment of the upgrade, Li Xuan's soul power increased again, which was equivalent to about 40 days of Qin Yue's feedback, which was quite rewarding.

Number: Vice-Captain No. 2

Level: 4 [140 experience points]

Occupation: Farmer

Combat Strength: 14

Good at: weeding, planting, pest control.

Belonging to: God's Domain Gu Xiaohao's Domain

Potential: unknown


"Very good, come on and upgrade, you must reach level 10 as soon as possible, then I will give you a big gift." Gu Xiaohao checked Li Xuan's attributes and nodded with satisfaction.

Then he put half a piece of red leaf clover in his pocket and started cooking with half a piece of mushroom.

As he ran, he muttered, saying that he would summon a few peasants after the meal.

Shortly after.

Mushroom soup is ready.

Li Xuan once again enjoyed special treatment, in the envious eyes of farmers No. 1 and No. 3, got mushroom soup and mushrooms.

After dinner.

In front of the farmer's dormitory, Gu Xiaohao waved his quaint token to summon a new farmer, and soon the golden light shone and enveloped the entire wooden house.

Shortly after.

The five dull-looking peasants slowly walked out of the cabin and stood mechanically in front of Gu Xiaohao.

"The potential is not high, and the combat effectiveness is worrying. It seems that a barracks should be established as soon as possible, and soldiers should be summoned, so that the farmers can be protected from accidents."

Gu Xiaohao muttered and looked at Li Xuan. He valued Li Xuan more and more now. He didn't want Li Xuan to have an accident, so he naturally had to send someone to protect him.

"No. 7 and No. 8. From now on, you will follow No. 2, your vice-captain, to protect his safety and protect him with all your strength."

Gu Xiaohao pointed at the two farmers and ordered them to protect Li Xuan.


The two dull-looking peasants should have walked behind Li Xuan stiffly, protecting him like bodyguards.

No. 1, who was not far away, watched silently, with a very disappointed expression, as if part of his authority had been stripped away.

"No. 1, you will lead the remaining farmers. Your talent is good, make good use of it, don't be as eager for quick success as you are today." Gu Xiaohao looked at No. 1.

"It's the lord! I will work hard, and I will make good use of my talent this time."

Farmer No. 1 solemnly The whole person seems to have transformed, exuding special fluctuations.

"Yes, let's go find energy." Gu Xiaohao looked at the serious No. 1 farmer and nodded with satisfaction.

"It's the lord!"

Everyone set off again and walked out of the base.

Farmer No. 1 didn't say anything to Li Xuan, but took the crowd and strode to the west.

Li Xuan glanced at Farmer No. 1 and was a little curious about his fluctuations just now, which were obviously different from ordinary people.

"What is it? Forget it, go search for energy first and strive for more upgrades."

Li Xuan no longer thought about it, and walked eastward with farmers No. 7 and No. 8.

Having risen to level 4, the detection range of God's perspective has reached 4 meters, and his vision can also see a little more than 4 meters, so he can easily see things in the dark.

"Huh? What is this?"

Li Xuan suddenly looked at the black earth, and there seemed to be something inside a raised piece of soil.

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