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the other side.

in the blue sky.

Li Xuan quickly flew in the sky, and at the same time used God's perspective to scan the four directions, hoping to find the extraordinary fruit again with good luck.

"The spiritual energy of this world is extremely rich, and extraordinary fruits are bound to be indispensable. I expect my physique to reach the true gold level."

Li Xuan incited the wings of the wind to fly quickly, and suddenly a huge monster rushed towards him and attacked him.

"court death!"

The dark soul's big hand suddenly appeared, grabbed the monster's head in an instant, pinched it to death, and then threw it into the portable space.

"This monster is so weak that it dares to attack me. It's strange, it seems to have been affected and become a little violent."

Li Xuan was puzzled and continued to fly above the sky, and soon saw a large number of monsters and birds flying in the forest ahead, most of which were black iron and bronze.

However, the eyes of these birds were red, and their breath was violent. It seemed that they had been affected and were very crazy.

The stone man transformed by Li Xuan was huge, and was seen by these birds at the first time, and then rushed over.


Li Xuan's eyes froze, and the Thunder Sea skill suddenly activated, and in an instant, white thunder light shone, covering a large area.

These thunder and lightning are very dense, like a rain curtain in the roar, slashing at the birds.

Boom boom boom!

With the flash of thunder and lightning, the area in front was completely transformed into a sea of ​​thunder, and large tracts of monsters and birds were hit to death and fell downward.

Li Xuan's soul waved with a big hand, and put the corpses of monsters into the portable space, and everything was solved in just ten minutes.

"What's affecting them? Go check it out."

Li Xuan was curious, and his figure changed quickly, from the appearance of a big stone man to the appearance of his soul, and he began to change.

In an instant, a celestial Li Xuan in white clothes flew in the air, looking down at the earth.

Such a handsome figure, under the sunlight, looks like an immortal.


Li Xuan's figure disappeared in a flash, and he activated his teleportation ability.

Under normal circumstances, Li Xuan scans the environment to find valuable things, and will not teleport easily, but there are birds rushing around.

The strength of these birds is even weaker, not even at the black iron level, so they have no value at all.

Li Xuan didn't bother to pay attention to these garbage monsters, so he teleported away and entered the forest.

His figure was erratic in the forest, flickering in the forest like an exiled immortal. At the same time, God's vision scanned the four directions, and quickly locked a dark cave.

The cave is not big, only about the height of one person. The weeds around the cave are slowly changing, and the green grass blades are gradually turning red and then withering.

Not only the weeds, but the rocks around the cave were also changing, gradually turning from off-white to red.

From time to time, red mist drifted out of the key cave, spreading to the surroundings.

These red mists shrouded a large area, and all the birds and creatures that were close to the red mist had blood-red eyes, and they frantically bombarded the creatures that were not affected by the red mist.

This scene made Li Xuan puzzled, and his beautiful eyebrows were wrinkled, "Is it a demon?"

Li Xuan went deep into the cave to watch from God's perspective, but the red fog affected his God's perspective and could not see the scene in the cave clearly.

with deep curiosity.

Li Xuan turned on his stealth ability and disappeared in the teleportation. When he reappeared, he was already in the center of the cave.

"It turned out to be a red flower. Why is it so domineering and actually affecting so many creatures?"

Li Xuan looked at the little red flower on the rock. The flower was very beautiful like a rose, waiting to bloom.

It was just the blood-like red mist that made Li Xuan clearly realize that it was not a good plant.

These red mists are actually affecting Li Xuan, but with Li Xuan's soul strength and various resistances, Li Xuan can't feel anything now, as if he has not been affected.

"Pick it first, no matter what kind of plant it is."

Li Xuan stretched out his hand and pulled out the red flower directly. He found a jade box and packaged it in a random box, and then threw it into his personal space.

After doing all this, Li Xuan turned around and walked outside the cave, and when he saw the affected monsters regaining their clarity, he muttered in his heart.

"It should be the poisonous flower that confuses the mind, my poison resistance is directly immune, forget it, go to the dark forest first,

Huh? Diyuan Grass, this is a good thing to advance the ability of the soil element to the Great Perfection, so hurry up and pick it. "

Li Xuan charged quickly, came under a lush willow tree, carefully picked off the ground grass on the ground, and kept it in the portable space.

"There are so many good things in this world, I search and search more, maybe there is a surprise."

Li Xuan began to search around, constantly walking through the forest, and at the same time using God's perspective to scan quickly, trying to find valuable plants.

Soon he had another harvest. He found five or six kinds of spiritual plants, and even the materials needed for alchemy. In short, the harvest was full.

Li Xuan, who was in a good mood, continued to search, but at this time his eyes narrowed and he locked onto a small village outside the forest.

There, a battle is going on.

A large number of corpses fell in the village, and many villagers were killed, crying and wailing, staring at a triangular-eyed man with hatred.

The team like a city guard, led by two strong men, protected the villagers while besieging the triangular-eyed man.

However, under the siege of many people, the triangular-eyed man was more than capable, and counterattacks from time to time caused heavy casualties to the city guards.

This triangular-eyed man was carrying an iron box, holding a pair of knives, and wielding the two knives with a ruthless expression. He was dressed in silver with the strength of great perfection.

The villagers were holding the corpse and crying bitterly, but seeing that even the city guards were seriously injured, their eyes were filled with despair.

Such a scene was clearly seen by Li Xuan's God's perspective. While rushing towards the small village, he also looked at the iron box.

This iron box has a glass-like side, and you can see the contents inside. Li Xuan can clearly see that there is an extraordinary fruit in the iron box.

It's just that Li Xuan also saw a pattern similar to the formation on the iron box, and a strange piece of paper with the word 'seal' written on it, which seemed to be a seal or something.

"Seal? What about him, get the extraordinary fruit first."

Li Xuan's figure flickered rapidly, appearing and disappearing in the teleportation, like a ghost, scaring the monsters in the forest away in a hurry.

outside the forest.

Daniu Village.

Crazy laughter resounded in this area, the triangular-eyed man frantically waved his two knives, staring at the two strong men with gloomy eyes, mocking loudly.

"It's really two wastes. The dignified Snow City Lord and the city guard are so weak together. They want to use traps to arrest me. It's ridiculous, hahaha."

The triangular-eyed man couldn't stop laughing. While waving his two knives, he also stared at the strong man on the opposite side with cruel eyes, vaguely looking for an opportunity to kill the two strong men.


The faces of the two strong men were very ugly, and the bald-headed city lord would dance with a big spear, frantically looking for opportunities to kill the triangular-eyed man.

It's a pity that the bald-headed city lord's rank is only high-ranking silver, even if the city guards are also high-ranking silver, and a group of city guards attacked together, they could not seriously damage the triangle eyes, but they themselves were scarred.


Another city guard fell in a pool of blood, clutching his stomach with pain on his face, but instead of shouting a word of pain, he gritted his teeth and insisted.

The city guard saw this scene~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and then looked at the fewer and fewer city guards around him, and hurriedly shouted.

"Lord City Lord, the triangular eye has broken through to the Great Perfection of Silver, which is no longer something we can deal with. Evacuate, otherwise we will all die."

"It's useless, he won't let us go, the triangular eye has broken through to the Great Perfection at a critical moment. If we eat this extraordinary fruit again, it will definitely become more terrifying, and we will still die at that time."

The bald-headed city lord quickly waved his spear with an ugly expression on his face.

"However, we can't beat him at all. If we continue, we will still be dead!" The city guard looked desperate.

"Don't be afraid of death! Today is death, and I will destroy the extraordinary fruit, so that the triangular eye will never be obtained."

The bald-headed city lord shouted loudly, regretting using the extraordinary fruit as a trap to lure the triangular eye.

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