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"The corpse is not comparable to the extraordinary fruit, but it can be exchanged for one tenth of the extraordinary fruit, that is to say, if you accumulate nine more monster corpses, it is possible to exchange for an extraordinary fruit,

Of course, if you are too lazy to deal with it, our Ice and Snow Chamber of Commerce can help you sell it. We only charge 1% of the fee. What do you think? "

The little beauty explained softly that she was actually very scared and her little hands were shaking, but she still mustered up her courage and tried her best to tell the story with a smile.

"One-tenth? Okay, just wait for me."

When Li Xuan heard that the spider corpse was so valuable, he immediately turned around and rushed into the spider valley, bang bang bang, and took out a few spider legs.

Originally, he planned to take some ordinary spider corpses, but his black mist was too strong, and the corpses were corroded. Only these spider legs were well preserved.

Of course.

The spider also carried black mist on its legs. Li Xuan used purification to purify the black mist before taking it out. Otherwise, the little beauty would be killed instantly if she took a sip.

"Here, can you take it away?" Li Xuan asked with a frown as he looked at the spider corpse two stories high.

"Sorry, the spider corpse is too big, we... we need to go back to the decomposition team to deal with it." The little beauty said apologetically.

"It's too slow, where is your chamber of commerce, I'll send you the spider corpse later." Li Xuan said a solution.

"Okay, then I'll trouble you. Our chamber of commerce is in Ice and Snow City. I have a map here. You can find us according to the map. My name is Li Xueer."

The little beauty took out a map from the storage bag and handed it in respectfully.

Her storage bag is the largest in the Chamber of Commerce, but she still can't hold the golden spider, so she can only follow Li Xuan's method.


Li Xuan stretched out a big stone hand, took the map, glanced at it, saw the location of Ice and Snow City, and nodded.

"Don't go into the valley, where the poison is full of poison, and you will die if you take a sip."

"Okay! We are definitely not only in the valley. After picking the spider flowers, we will leave immediately." The little beauty replied obediently.


Li Xuan nodded, picked up the golden spider corpse, put the spider directly into the portable space, and then turned his head and left with the Lightning Tiger.

The little beauty and the guards were shocked again when they saw Li Xuan taking away the spider's body, and they felt that Li Xuan was extraordinary.

Of course, after Li Xuan left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, they realized that they and others had been scared into a cold sweat.

There is no way to make a deal with such terrifying beings as Li Xuan. They are scared in their hearts. Didn't they see that the little beauty was scared the whole time?

"Miss, why do you want to make a deal with such a terrible existence? We may be shot to death if we are not careful,

And as long as the 1% fee, we are purely busy, usually 5% fee. "

The captain of the guard looked at the little beauty suspiciously, not understanding why she did this.

"Our chamber of commerce is being suppressed by many parties because we have no backers. If we can have a good relationship with Mr. Stone Man, maybe we can get its protection." The little beauty explained.

"However, it's so powerful, what else can we do besides helping to sell things? Is it really willing to be our backer?" The captain of the guard worried again.

"We can only work hard. It happens that Mr. Stone Man needs extraordinary fruits. We can help find clues. Maybe we can win the attention of Mr. Stone Man and become our backer."

The little beauty analyzed it carefully and was very worried in her heart, but her chamber of commerce was in jeopardy, and even the goods were gone. She could only pray that the Stone Man would not be a ferocious powerhouse.

"Alas! That's all it takes."

Everyone sighed and prayed secretly in their hearts, hoping that everything would go well.

"Go, go and pick spider flowers. If those spiders come back, it will be troublesome."

"Okay, let's go!"

Everyone quickly came to the side of the spider flower, and the little beauty took out a special tool, carefully picked it, and sealed it in a jade box, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

Next, everyone hurried back and headed towards the Ice and Snow City.

the other side.

Li Xuan followed the Lightning Tiger, but although the Lightning Tiger's trauma was healed, the internal injury was still not serious, so he would be out of breath after walking a distance.

Fortunately, they didn't go long before they came to a cave near a hillside.

Just right now.

They suddenly saw the mouth of the cave, the flame monkey with flames all around, grabbing a thin little tiger and running away.

The thin little tiger croaked softly, his voice extremely weak, as if he was praying for something.

Seeing this scene, Lightning Tiger hurried over, running and shouting, "Put down my child."


The flame monkey also saw the lightning tiger, and immediately grabbed the neck of the little tiger, bared his teeth and stared at the lightning tiger, like a threat.

Seeing this scene, Lightning Tiger dared to move forward, and could only look at the Flame Monkey anxiously.


Seeing this scene, the flame monkey jumped in excitement, grimacing at the lightning tiger with a frown.

When he saw the demon beast fruit, the flame monkey even screamed endlessly, pointed at the demon beast fruit, made a throwing action, and even grinned.

"Laugh at Nima, die!"


Li Xuan was furious, and the half-step golden body instantly activated, punching the flame monkey's head with a punch, smashing it with a punch.

After solving the flame monkey, Li Xuan caught the frightened little tiger and handed it to the lightning tiger, "Here!"

"Thank you! Thank you!" Lightning Tiger said gratefully, tears streaming down his face.

"Take out the extraordinary fruit."

Li Xuan spoke calmly, and at the same time remembered that the corpse could still be sold for money, so he ran back and threw the corpse of the flame monkey into the portable space.

"Sir, wait a moment."

The Lightning Tiger carefully placed the little tiger on the soft grass, and then hurried into the cave.

After a while, it ran over with an extraordinary fruit shining with lightning in its mouth, and placed it in front of Li Xuan respectfully.

"It really is an extraordinary fruit, not bad, very good!"

Li Xuan picked up the extraordinary fruit, nodded with satisfaction, and chose to absorb it without hesitation.

He obtained more than 100 talents last time, and there are eight talents in the lightning department alone, such as lightning affinity, lightning resistance, lightning sea... and so on.

Most of them are attack types, but Li Xuan feels that it is most suitable to increase the affinity of lightning, because the affinity of lightning is high, which can increase the power of various lightning abilities.

Therefore, Li Xuan chose to improve the affinity of thunder and lightning.

【Ding! The promotion is successful, congratulations on your thunder and lightning affinity reaching the extraordinary level. 】

Seeing that another ability reached the extraordinary level, Li Xuan nodded with satisfaction, feeling that his half-step golden body had taken a step further.

"Mr. Stone Man, are you very short of extraordinary fruits? I have a piece of information about extraordinary fruits. I don't know if I can help you." Lightning Tiger said.

"Oh? Where is it?" Li Xuan immediately asked.

"There is a group of dark monsters in the dark forest in the southeast. Among them, the dark double-headed dog has a hobby of collecting extraordinary fruits. It often carries an extraordinary fruit around its neck.

Anyone can take that extraordinary fruit, and with your strength, you can easily get it. " Lightning Tiger explained softly.

"Well, thank you, I don't like to owe favors, so I'll help you treat it."

Li Xuan waved his hand, and the extraordinary level of healing flashed, covering the Lightning Tiger, quickly treating its injuries.

This kind of treatment is very effective, and it also makes Lightning Tiger feel warm and close his eyes.

After the Lightning Tiger woke up~www.wuxiamtl.com~ found that Li Xuan had gone far away.


Lightning Tiger expressed his gratitude gratefully, and at the same time looked at the little tiger, and then at the powerful stone man, it thought for a while and murmured again.

"If my child could follow such a powerful strong man, he would not be hiding in the east like me,

Wait for a while, when my child is older, I will take the child to find this adult. "

After the Lightning Tiger finished speaking, he picked up the little tiger's neck, rolled up the monster fruit with his tail, and turned around and walked towards the cave.

It is ready to let its children take the monster fruit to officially transform.

ps: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

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