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Chen Hao clenched his teeth and clenched his fists tightly. He really didn't want to be a eunuch, but he wanted to catch up with Li Xuan, and he really lost his confidence.

"I'll fight again, I don't believe I can't beat Li Xuan, I am the protagonist of heaven and earth, I can get all kinds of adventures, I don't believe I can't beat Li Xuan!"

Chen Hao shouted secretly and decided to improve his strength first. After his strength is strong, even if Li Xuan has a sentient beast, Chen Hao will not be under as much pressure as he is now.

So he quickly returned to the room, took out the exchange booklet, and began to read it.

"Extraordinary fruit, if I can get the extraordinary fruit, then my strength can definitely be greatly improved, but what is the attribute of this extraordinary fruit?

If it doesn't match my attributes, it will be troublesome. No, I am the protagonist of God's Destiny. This extraordinary fruit will definitely help me. I must exchange it. "

Chen Hao carefully checked the various treasures he owned. These were all good things he got from adventures. If he sold these good things, he could get a lot of points.

Although the points are still not enough, and he still needs to work hard, Chen Hao is confident that he will collect all the points within a month.

"That's it, find a way to exchange the extraordinary fruit."

Chen Hao quickly walked towards the alchemy room, he was going to refine a large amount of Great Yuan Pill, and then sell it in exchange for points, so as to collect points for buying extraordinary fruits as soon as possible.

"Your idea is very good. If you have an extraordinary fruit, your combat power will skyrocket. Of course, the premise is that this extraordinary fruit matches your innate ability.

The reason why the Shendan Sect took out this extraordinary fruit for sale was because they could not use this extraordinary fruit, which meant that it was a more partial extraordinary fruit. "Ming Lao said again.

"I know, I have a feeling that this extraordinary fruit is of great use to me, and I can definitely use it." Chen Hao said based on his deep feeling.

"Oh? It seems that this extraordinary fruit is probably prepared for you by God, so you speed up,

Try to get this extraordinary fruit within a month, so as not to dream too much at night. "Ming Lao immediately reminded.

"Relax, the treasures I got before can be exchanged for a lot of points, and these points can't be earned by others in a lifetime.

Although it is still not enough to exchange the extraordinary fruit, within a month, I will definitely be able to collect it. "Chen Hao believes in himself.

"That's good, I'm looking forward to how much your combat power will increase after you get the extraordinary fruit."

"Hey, I'm looking forward to it too."

Chen Hao's heart was beautiful, and he fell into alchemy again.

outside world.

Li Xuan's maple courtyard entrance.

A large group of people stood excitedly around the door, looking expectantly at Song Ke'er and the fat girl who came out of the door.

Although everyone thought the fat girl was beautiful, everyone was more interested in the small porcelain bottle in Song Ke'er's hand.

"Everything is quiet. There are ten top-grade black iron pills in total this time. Now the first one will be auctioned. The one with the highest price will get it. It can only be auctioned with points and special materials." Song Ke'er said loudly.

"Okay, Senior Sister Song, hurry up and offer a low price, we can't wait." Everyone hurriedly urged.

"Okay, let's start the auction now, the starting price is 1 point." Song Ke'er said loudly.

"Ten thousand points! Don't rob me of anyone."

"20,000 points, cut~ You only give out these points, and you still want to exchange them? Go and eat shit."

"Thirty thousand points, plus a drunken fairy flower."


The auction started, and many children kept bidding at the door, one higher than the other.

Many treasured materials that have never appeared before are also frequently taken out.

Song Ke'er listened nervously, and at the same time held a list for comparison. If there is any material in the list, she will choose it first, because Li Xuan needs the material in the list very much.

In this way, the auction continued, a large number of points flowed desperately to Li Xuan, and many people rushed to send points to Li Xuan.

And Li Xuan's points are also skyrocketing wildly, and he doesn't need money to improve.

Shendanzong conference room.

The Sect Master and the elders sat in the conference room, silently looking at the small porcelain bottle in the center of the table, which contained a superb black iron pill.

"I didn't expect that Li Xuan could refine the black iron pill so quickly.

The key point is that what he refined is the best black iron pill, which solved most of the drawbacks of the black iron pill. "The Sect Master sighed.

"Yeah, I'm still thinking that Li Xuan's refusal to become a teacher is too exaggerated. I'm going to let Li Xuan calm down for a few days.

As a result, I didn't expect that he would make such a big battle so quickly, which is really surprising. "The second elder shook his head.

"The point is, can Ziyue Stone really improve the quality of medicinal pills? Is Li Xuan really relying on this kind of stone powder to make the best black iron pill?" The fifth elder asked with a frown.

"Definitely yes, I can guarantee this, look here, this is the best black iron pill I refined."

Elder Song took out a small porcelain bottle from his arms and placed it on the table with a hint of pride on his face.

Because he was the only one present who had the Purple Moon Stone, and no one else had it. Although he knew that Li Xuan still had the Purple Moon Stone, Elder Song had no points, so he couldn't afford it, so he could only choose to give it up.

"Oh? Let's check."

The first elder took the small porcelain bottle, carefully inspected the medicinal pills inside, and nodded in approval.

"It is indeed the best black iron pill. It seems that it is really this kind of purple moon stone. It is really a good thing."

"Where did Li Xuan get the Purple Moon Stone? We should ask him carefully,

As a disciple of the sect, he is obliged to tell us the answer, and the big deal is to give him some points. "The second elder narrowed his eyes.

"I'm going to you, but I won't. Perception beasts can perceive emotions. You are so malicious, be careful that the perception beast slaps you against the wall with one paw." Elder Song shook his head.


The second elder was silent, because the perception beast is really possible to do this, there is no way, the perception beast is too strong, it is really impossible to beat.

The key point is that even the Supreme Elders are not good at dealing with Perception Beasts, because Perception Beasts have groups, and behind them are the entire Perception Beast group, they can't afford to offend them.

"Then what should we do? It's impossible for us to exchange points for Purple Moon Stone, right?" the second elder said dissatisfied.

"This is a good way." Everyone nodded, as if they had already figured out what to do.

"You! So many points have been given to Li Xuan. If he does something, wouldn't it be a trick to the Divine Pill Sect?" The second elder frowned.

"What can happen? Li Xuan needs points so much, probably because of that extraordinary fruit,

Then the extraordinary fruit of the side door, Li Xuan can't use it, if he wants it, give it to him. "The fourth elder shook his head indifferently.

"Indeed, this transcendent fruit has passed many auctions in the auction house, and I have not been able to find a suitable owner. Now it is just right to sell it to Li Xuan."

"That's not good. If Li Xuan can't use it after buying it, he might feel dissatisfied with the sect."


Everyone was silent again, because it was really possible that Li Xuan was dissatisfied with the sect, which was not a good sign.

"But there are only two extraordinary fruits in the sect, except for the one from the side sect, there is only the most cherished one,

We can't sell this cherished extraordinary fruit to Li Xuan, right? "The second elder frowned.

"By the way, I received a commission half a year ago, the city lord of Wushan City, promising an extraordinary fruit, ready to deal with a blue fist gang,

I went to see it, the effect of that extraordinary fruit is too biased, it is useless to us, and the blue boxing faction is not shallow, I refused the commission,

Now I can think of a way~www.wuxiamtl.com~ to get this extraordinary fruit from Wushancheng to Li Xuan. "The Great Elder said.

"Oh? Then get the extraordinary fruit as soon as possible, and everyone will use their personal connections to find the extraordinary fruit with all their strength, even if they are partial, they can't let it go.

If we can get it, then we can use the extraordinary fruit to attract Li Xuan as a disciple, maybe he will become a teacher. "Sect Master Shendan smiled.

"Good way, everyone act now."


Following the Sect Master's order, the elders began to act, mobilizing their personal connections to search for extraordinary fruits everywhere.

In the face of medicine pill sects like Shendan Sect, basically any force will give some face, so the information about the extraordinary fruit gradually appeared.

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