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"Okay, thank you Ming Lao."

Chen Hao was very grateful, and for the first time expressed his gratitude to the deep voice.

The confident Chen Hao started alchemy and concentrated on refining in the closed alchemy room.

After dozens of failures and three full hours of refining, Chen Hao finally refined the Great Yuan Pill.

"Hahaha, I finally refined it, I really am a genius, hahaha."

Chen Hao was so excited that he jumped happily with the Dayuan Dan, feeling that his level of alchemy was finally level with Li Xuan, and he was finally on the same level as Li Xuan.

"I really didn't expect that I would catch up with Li Xuan so fast. I really am the protagonist, destined to be extraordinary."

Chen Hao happily put the Dayuan Pill into the porcelain vase, and walked out of the alchemy room excitedly, preparing to take the title of junior alchemist, and let Li Xuan also take a look at his Chen Hao's alchemy badge.


The moment he walked out of the closed alchemy room, he smelled a strong dan incense.

"What kind of Danxiang is this? Why does it smell so good? I've never smelled such a fragrance."

Chen Hao was surprised and didn't understand where the Danxiang came from, but it smelled so good.

Confused, Chen Hao stepped out of the room and came to the outside of the small courtyard, where he smelled a stronger Danxiang, and at the same time heard a loud noise.

"What are you doing? Get off, who put you on the wall of my house? And over there, who put you on the roof?"

Chen Hao was about to explode with anger, and after refining the medicinal pill for three hours, when he went out, he saw a group of people standing on the wall and roof of his house.

With so many people here, he has no privacy at all, and he wants to scold people in anger.

"Cut~ Isn't it just standing on the roof of your house, so stingy."

"That's right, even the fat man is standing on the roof. You dare to chase people away. You're really courting death."

"If you want me to say, I should beat this kid and drive him out of here, and the house will be used by Fat Master."

"Okay, this is the house allocated by the sect. I can't rob other people, Fat Master. I will come down."


A group of people talked a lot and slowly jumped off the roof.

But the fat man who took the lead gave Chen Hao a cold look, turned and walked out of here.

"Damn it!"

Looking at this indifferent voice, Chen Hao was sure that the other party would find fault again, because he had seen this kind of look a lot, and he had encountered it a lot before, which also made Chen Hao very depressed.

But now he can't care about it, the rich fragrance is really attractive to him, so he walks out of the courtyard to see what's going on.

As a result, as soon as he walked out of the small courtyard, he saw a dense number of disciples of the Divine Pill Sect, standing at the door of Li Xuan's house, waiting eagerly.

There are even many people with a lot of money, looking anxious and looking forward to it.

If it wasn't for the perception beast lying in the courtyard, the disciples of Shendan Zong would have already rushed into the courtyard.


Seeing so many people looking at Li Xuan's small courtyard and smelling the rich Danxiang, Chen Hao's heart skipped a beat, feeling faintly bad.

"Brother, why are you all around here, why are you waiting at the door of Li Xuan's house?" Chen Hao hurriedly said.

"You don't know? Let me tell you, not long ago, Li Xuan refined the best black iron pill. Long-term use can improve his strength to the perfection of black iron, and solve the risk of sudden death of the black iron pill.

Of course, after taking it, you will still completely lose your cultivation qualifications, but it will not affect future generations.

We all have family members, so of course we have to buy some quickly and give them to our family members, so that they have the strength of black iron Dzogchen,

This kind of top-quality medicine pill will never be encountered again in this life, so everyone is crazy and came with a lot of money.

Even some senior sect brothers, in order to live longer, brought a lot of money to buy medicine pills. "

A tall and thin disciple of Shendanzong spoke quickly, recounting what happened here.

When Chen Hao heard this, he was completely dumbfounded, and stared blankly at the small courtyard where Li Xuan was.

He never thought that Li Xuan was so powerful that he had refined the best black iron pill as soon as he arrived.

You must know that it took him three hours to refine the Great Yuan Pill.

He thought that he had tied Li Xuan, but he didn't expect it, but he pulled further and further away. The key point was that Chen Hao had never even heard of this superb black iron pill.

So Chen Hao didn't move stupidly, his head buzzing.


The deep man's voice sounded, and Old Ming sighed, and then he said.

"I didn't expect Li Xuan to be so good, and to refine the top-quality medicinal pill, this is the legendary medicinal pill."

"Old Ming, do you know the top-grade medicinal pills? There is also the term top-grade medicinal pills?" Chen Hao couldn't help saying.

He came directly to Shendanzong from afar, and did not enter the city where Li Xuan was before, so he did not know that Li Xuan had refined the top-quality aura.

Seeing this now, it's natural to be shocked.

"It is true that there is a saying of the best. I learned from an ancient book that a long time ago, medicinal herbs were divided into low-grade, middle-grade, high-grade and extreme-grade.

It is said that top-grade medicinal pills are too difficult to refine, and gradually there is no such argument. Ultimately, top-grade medicinal herbs only exist in legends. "

Old Ming's voice was full of emotion, and he didn't seem to expect that he would see such a scene.

"However, how did Li Xuan do it? Isn't he the same talent level as me? Why is he so powerful?

In the same three hours, I refined the Great Yuan Pill, and Li Xuan actually produced a more powerful Black Iron Pill.

The key point is that this is a top-quality medicine pill, such a terrible medicine pill, which will let others live? Is there any reason? "Chen Hao was shocked.

"I don't know, but I know that the same talent is also divided into high and low. Your talent may be the weakest among the superior talents, and Li Xuan may be the strongest among the superior talents.

This gap is actually not small, which shows that Li Xuan is not far from the extraordinary talent. "Ming Lao sighed again.

"Extraordinary talent!"

Chen Hao was completely silent, and the whole person staggered back several steps as if he had been hit hard.

He stood for a long time before stammering in his voice: "You mean, I will never be able to surpass him in alchemy?"

"No, no, with my assistance, you still have hope, but this time is very slow.

In fact, I have a method that allows you to quickly catch up with him, but this method requires self-harm, and I do not recommend you to use it. "Ming Lao said in a low voice.

"What method? I'm not afraid of self-harm." Chen Hao immediately asked.

"This is a sacrifice technique, as long as you sacrifice some of your own instincts, you can get a terrible bonus,

Whether it is alchemy or cultivation, you can get huge bonuses. "Ming Lao whispered.

"Really? What is the sacrifice technique? What do I need to sacrifice?" Chen Hao hurriedly asked.

"Sacrifice is required, the characteristics of a man." Old Ming said weakly.


As if struck by lightning, Chen Hao froze there, sluggishly motionless.

Mainly, he never thought that he would sacrifice this. If he didn't have this, wouldn't he become a eunuch?

"No, I can't sacrifice this, I can't be a eunuch!" Chen Hao hurriedly shook his head and immediately objected.

"This is only temporary. In the future, when you reach the gold level, you can find a way to repair yourself and regain everything you have.

It's just that during this period of time, you have to endure strange gazes, after all, after losing those, you will gradually become feminine and make strange behaviors. "Ming Lao said again.

"Can you get it back? Are you sure?" Chen Hao said unexpectedly.

"Of course, but you have to be tough, keep your true heart and not be influenced.

Because many people who practice this practice have been affected. Even if they reach the gold level, they don't want to become men, and they even marry men. "Ming Lao worried.

"This is not a problem. My heart is tough. I can definitely do it if I keep my heart, but my problem now is that I don't want to lose it."

Chen Haojin clenched his fists and didn't want to be a **** now.

"Think about it, and tell me after you've considered it." After Old Ming left his words, he fell into complete silence.

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