Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Vol 3 Chapter 183: Shocked [Humble Squirrel] Boss Rewards Plus 1 More

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The hall of the medicine store.

Ye Fan walked slowly into the store with the black wild boar, greeted Sister Qi, walked to the counter by himself, took the book and read it carefully.

As Ye Fan, who can refine moisturizing pills, he was also valued by Sister Qi, who was given his own pill-making room, and his status even surpassed Qin Yue's.

After all, Li Xuan often didn't come to the store, Qin Yue couldn't refine the moisturizing pill, and Ye Fan, who made the moisturizing pill, naturally rose in status.

However, Ye Fan has been a little distressed recently because he is too short of money. Even if he worked hard to refine the moisturizing pill, his head hurts, it is still not enough for him to buy those kinds of materials.

"Hey, where can I get money?" Ye Fan muttered secretly.


Outside the store, a military vehicle suddenly stopped, causing everyone's attention.

In this dangerous world overrun by mutant beasts, although rich people have mobile phones, even rich people cannot buy cars.

Most people go out of the city to hunt mutant beasts and can only rely on walking.

But now.

A car parked outside the door, still a military vehicle, which instantly attracted everyone's attention.

With everyone's attention, two powerful female bodyguards quickly got down from the military vehicle, protecting a beautiful woman as they walked into the store.

"It's the lady of the city master!"

Everyone was shocked when they saw this beautiful woman, because she was the lady of the city owner with a high status.

Tata Towers!

With high heels, Sister Qi ran towards the door quickly, smiling like a flower and inviting the lady of the city owner into the store.

"Aunt Song, why are you free to come to my store? Is there something wrong?" Sister Qi asked suspiciously.

She is five or six years younger than the city lord's wife, but the city lord's wife is of high rank, so she can only call her auntie.

"My flying cat is dying. I want you to help me treat the flying cat and let it continue to stay by my side." The lady of the city said with a sad look on her face.

"Flying cat? What happened to it? Wasn't it fine when I went last time?" Sister Qi was puzzled.

"It didn't eat or drink for the past two days, and it didn't even move. It was very sluggish. I asked a lot of experts to check.

But they say that Fei Mao's life has come to an end, and it is powerless to return to the sky. I don't believe Fei Mao will die, so I can only come to you. "

The city lord's wife held the flying cat in her arms with pity, looking at its sluggish appearance, the city lord's wife's eyes were full of worry.

"Is it the end of my life? Let me see."

Sister Qi hurriedly hugged the flying cat, put it on the workbench, and checked it carefully.

Shortly after.

Sister Qi said with a solemn expression.

"Flying cat's lifespan has indeed come to an end. In such a situation, even moisturizing pills are useless unless you get the legendary water of life."

"Water of life? You said the same thing as they said, but the water of life is just a legend, how can you find it?"

The sadness on the face of the city lord's wife became more and more, and it was obvious that she had already mobilized her staff to find the water of life.

"The water of life is really hard to find, but apart from the water of life, I don't know how to save the flying cat." Sister Qi looked at the sluggish flying cat worriedly.

This flying cat has a pair of white wings, and the feathers are silky and beautiful, very cute.

Even the strength of this flying cat has reached the upper bronze rank, and it was once a formidable and powerful summoned beast.

It's a pity that Fei Mao suffered a very serious injury in order to save the city lord's wife, so the level could no longer be improved.

Now Fei Mao's life is on the verge of death, which makes Sister Qi look sad.

"Sister Qi, can I take a look at this flying cat?" Ye Fan opened his mouth and said with gleaming eyes.

Ye Fan clearly knew that the city lord's wife had money. If he could cure this flying cat, he would get a lot of money, and even the city lord's mansion would become his backer.

Then his strength will increase more quickly, so Ye Fan rarely volunteers to help.

"You are?"

The city lord's wife looked at Ye Fan suspiciously, her brows furrowed, because of her flying cat Jin Gui, ordinary people were not qualified to touch her flying cat.

"Aunt Song, this is Ye Fan. He once made high-quality moisturizing pills, and he is also a very powerful alchemist. Maybe he has a way." Sister Qi hurriedly introduced.

"Oh? Come and see. If you can cure my flying cat, you can choose any of these things."

After the city lord's wife waved her hand, dozens of things appeared on the counter in an instant.

Essence, space stone, gold card, advanced material, soul spar... and so on, a lot of good things.

So many good things, he also stared at Ye Fan, which made him very excited, but he still said cautiously: "I'll take a look first."

After Ye Fan finished speaking, he quickly walked to Fei Mao's side and carefully checked Fei Mao's situation. After a while, he said seriously.

"It's situation is that its vitality is overdrawn, which leads to the end of its life. It only needs to replenish its vitality. I can refine a kind of elixir to replenish vitality.

As long as there are enough materials, the flying cat can definitely be cured. "Ye Fan said solemnly.

"Really?" The city lord's wife hurriedly asked, with surprise in her eyes.

"Yes, but refining life elixir requires a lot of materials, most of which can be collected, but there is a seasonal flower that needs to be collected and used when it is in full bloom.

And it still takes three months to bloom, and therefore, I need three months. "Ye Fan said solemnly.

"Three months? It's been too long. Flying cats don't eat or drink now, so they can't last that long." The city lord's wife frowned.

"It's really a hassle, so, give me a day, I'll think of a way,

Maybe I can let the flying cat eat for a while to stabilize its condition. "Ye Fan said solemnly.


The city lord's wife sighed deeply when she heard this, and said helplessly: "That's all, I hope you can find a way as soon as possible and don't let me down."

"Okay, I'll try my best."

Ye Fan was also a little worried, because it was not easy to stabilize the flying cat, and if something went wrong, he would be implicated.

However, Ye Fan had a feeling that he could find a solution.

This feeling has been with him for a long time, and he has relied on this feeling more than once to solve many problems.

Therefore, he hurriedly walked to the edge of the bookshelf and began to flip through various books, looking for inspiration and trying to find a solution.

Time passed little by little.

The city owner's wife looked at the flying cat who didn't eat or drink, and felt more and more uncomfortable. She couldn't help raising her hand and petting the flying cat, wanting it to move.

But right now.

Just when the city lord's wife felt uncomfortable.

The sluggish Fei Mao suddenly raised his head and stared straight at the direction of the alchemy room.

"Huh? It moved, and the flying cat moved."

The city owner's wife was very surprised, and hurriedly hugged Fei Mao in her arms, and said warmly, "Maomao, do you want to eat? I'll take you to eat food, the best food."


Fei Mao shook his head, his voice weak, his little paws raised slightly, pointed in the direction of the alchemy room, and said, "Eat over there."

"Eat there?"

The city lord's wife was stunned when she heard this, and immediately turned her head to look in the direction of the alchemy room.

The people next to them also turned their heads in confusion, not understanding what Fei Mao was talking about.

Also at this moment.

The rich Danxiang diffused from the alchemy room, and the refreshing Danxiang shocked everyone present.

And the several summoned beasts that were lying down in the store all stood up, even the **** bear who was licking and playing with the roast chicken at the door, didn't lick it anymore, just grabbed the roast chicken and went into the store. .

hum hum hum!

Ye Fan's black wild boar hurriedly ran to the Dan's, afraid of falling behind and being snatched away.

The flying summoned beasts of the apprentices flew across the sky and flew towards the pill room.

Seeing this scene, Fei Mao, who was huddled in the arms of the city lord's wife, hurriedly flapped her wings and flew up, swaying towards the pill room.

Such a scene stunned everyone, and everyone was stunned.

The city owner's wife was worried about her flying cat, and hurriedly said: "Be careful, don't fall."

The city lord's wife ran quickly and hugged the flying cat, and also hurried forward to see what happened.

hum hum hum!

The black wild boar and the **** bear collided with each other and ran forward, and the two summoned beasts almost fought.

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