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Even Qin Yue felt that she could easily refine the moisturizing pill, and the quality would be very good.

At the same time, her brain began to think about various sword techniques, sword techniques, spear techniques, boxing techniques, palm techniques, bow techniques....

She has acquired a lot of skills in the inheritance, and even gave Li Xuan a share.

However, she did not fully understand these skills, and even her understanding was not as good as Li Xuan's, not even half of Li Xuan's.

But now, these skills are also quickly understood by her, and they can even draw inferences from one case, making these skills even more extraordinary.

Such a result made Qin Yue uneasy. While surprised, he continued to think about everything and improve his strength as much as possible.

This also resulted in her not resting all night, but closed her eyes and worked hard to improve her skills.

In the morning, the sun is shining, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.

Qin Yue got up early and didn't even bother to wash up, so she immediately ran to the small courtyard to pick up a bow and arrow to shoot.

Chop chop chop!

Several arrows flew by in a row, hitting the bullseye with ease, even if they stood at the farthest distance, they still hit every shot.

Qin Yue was pleasantly surprised by such a bow technique, and couldn't help but continue to shoot.

"Yueyue, how did you do it? It's too accurate."

After Song Xiaomei came out of the room, she was very surprised to see this scene. She didn't expect Qin Yue to perform such a powerful bow.

Li Xuan, who came out together, also listened attentively and looked at Qin Yue quietly.

"It should be because of this lily. After it appeared, I felt that all combat skills became very simple, and alchemy was also very simple.

In just one night, my skills have improved more than I have in years. "Qin Yue pointed to the lily flower on her forehead.

"It turned out to be like this, I am so envious of you, I also want to improve my combat skills."

Song Xiaomei said enviously. As a genius, she found that she had become a hindrance, which made her very disappointed and could not help but yearn for stronger power.

"It seems, as if I can share my skills, I will try."

Qin Yue was a little uncertain, and walked quickly to Li Xuan with small feet, picked up Li Xuan's changed orange cat, and then put his forehead together with Li Xuan's.

In the next second, a mysterious power flashed and shrouded the two of them. Then Qin Yue let go of Li Xuan and asked, "How do you feel?"

"Very good, really very good."

Li Xuan's eyes flickered, and he found that his understanding of various skills had been greatly improved.

Even alchemy had different opinions and ideas, which surprised Li Xuan.

"Can you share it with me?" Song Xiaomei hurriedly came over and looked at Qin Yue with hope.

"Of course."

Qin Yue nodded and slowly approached Song Xiaomei. According to the action just now, the two people's foreheads were pressed together.

In the next second, a mysterious power flashed and enveloped the two of them.

Shortly after.

Song Xiaomei took a surprise, holding the death sickle in her small hand and waving wildly in the small courtyard, her movements were chic and sharp.

"Great, really great, my combat power has finally improved, thank you Yueyue."

Song Xiaomei cried with joy, she was actually under a lot of pressure.

Originally, she was the strongest, taking care of Qin Yue and Li Xuan in the way of a big sister.

Unexpectedly, she is now the weakest, which puts a lot of pressure on Song Xiaomei.

Now that she has gained so many fighting skills, she can completely crush her peers, or even leapfrog to fight, which makes her regain her confidence again, and she is naturally very happy.

Qin Yue next to her is also very happy, feeling that everything is developing in a good direction.

"Yueyue, come in first, there are several refining methods for medicinal pills, I have always had doubts, you can see if you can understand."

Li Xuan thought of several special pills in ancient books. These special pills are very difficult to understand. Although Li Xuan has a lot of knowledge, he still feels obscure and difficult to understand.

Moreover, the medicine pill is too old, and most of the required materials have disappeared and cannot be found at all.

Now it's time to ask Qin Yue to help, see if he can understand or help replace new materials.

With this thought in mind, he, Qin Yue, and Song Xiaomei returned to the villa and began to explain the general process of the several medicinal herbs.

During this process, Qin Yue has been listening carefully, and the lilies between her eyebrows are also flickering slightly. After only half an hour, Qin Yue's eyes lit up.

"Brother Li Xuan, body refining pill, breakthrough pill and pet evolution pill, I have a lot of ideas, and I will pass them on to you now."

After Qin Yue finished speaking, she put her forehead and Li Xuan together again and began to transmit that knowledge.

Soon after the transmission was over, Li Xuan also narrowed his eyes.

"That's it, let's go, go to Sister Qi's alchemy room and try to make it successful." Li Xuan said expectantly.

The three medicinal pills just transmitted are very extraordinary. Among them, the pet evolution pill is pet beast, which can always improve the strength of pet beast.

It has a very strong effect on pets below the silver level, and it may even make them break through quickly.

The disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the raw materials are mostly extinct, only a few materials can be found, and the raw materials are very expensive.

In addition, the pet evolution pill is extremely difficult to refine, so Li Xuan has not been able to refine it so far.

But I didn't expect that with the help of Qin Yue, this problem was solved, and even alternative materials were found, which made Li Xuan very happy.

With deep anticipation, Li Xuan sat on Qin Yue's shoulder and hurriedly went to Sister Qi's medicine store.

Not long after, Li Xuan and the others came to the drugstore in a hurry, attracting everyone's attention.

Sister Qi, who was wearing a purple-gold cheongsam, stepped on black high-heeled shoes, walked over from a distance, and walked quickly to Qin Yue with a fragrant wind.

Then Sister Qi blinked her beautiful big eyes, looked at Li Xuan with joy, and said in a crisp voice.

"Qin Yue, you are finally willing to bring your kitten, it's so cute."

"chubby, really cute."

Several new apprentices around came over and looked at Li Xuan curiously.

These apprentices are all newcomers, the former apprentices were all eliminated, only Qin Yue, Song Xiaomei, and Ye Fan stayed.

Of course, these new apprentices will also be gradually eliminated, and there may be one left, and the competition is very cruel.

This also caused these apprentices to look at each other unpleasantly, but after seeing Li Xuan, these apprentices felt very cute, and they rarely came together.

"Sister Qi, I'll go to alchemy first."

Qin Yue looked at so many people around~www.wuxiamtl.com~ She was worried that these people would fool Li Xuan away, so she hurriedly carried Li Xuan into her own alchemy room.

alchemy room

After Qin Yue and the others came to the alchemy room, they began to prepare materials, and finally decided to refine the pet evolution pill.

The pet evolution pill is of great help to pet beasts, which can make the reincarnated Li Xuan quickly improve his physical strength and enhance his strength in disguise.

In addition, the pet evolution pill has the most complete materials and is the easiest to refine, so it is naturally suitable for the first refining.

"The materials are all correct, everyone is ready, we are about to start." Li Xuan announced the start of refining after confirming that there were no mistakes.

"well then, good luck."

"come on."

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