District 5.

The bald captain and everyone are fighting frantically. After several days of fighting, they have already entered the inner circle from the periphery, and even reached the core area.

In the process, they obtained a lot of blood beads, enough to exchange for a lot of military exploits.

Thinking that these battle functions can get rich resources and improve their strength, they are getting more and more excited and crazy.


The sword pierced through the sky, and the fierce sword flashed away like lightning. With the blood, the head of the blood beast flew out.

This blood beast was originally in an invisible state, so it just stood silently, but the sudden attack made the invisible blood beast's eyes stare.

The shock and disbelief were simply too obvious.


The bald captain's big knife slashed wildly, and he swung wildly during the fusion of the blood beast's body. He waved the knife like chopping vegetables, killing the blood beast again and again.


The blood beast died in mourning, leaving behind a small blood bead.

"Hahaha, happy, so happy, with Mr. Ogre here, we can do it happily, and we don't have to worry about anything anymore."

"Yeah, in the past, we had to carefully look for invisible blood beasts, and we had to be careful to be suddenly attacked at all times. We had to be extremely vigilant every time we fought, worrying about accidents.

But now, we don't have to worry so much anymore, we just chop blood beasts like pumpkins, which is so cool. "

Wu Bin was also very happy, waving his sword and continuing to kill, looking at Li Xuan with admiration in his eyes.

And Jiang Yun and Jiang Zhan are also similar. After these days of fighting, their energy has been improved.

At this moment, they are no longer stinky boys, and their temperament has changed as if they had changed.


The last blood beast died in mourning and was hacked to death by everyone. Then the bald captain hurriedly handed the blood bead to Li Xuan and said.

"Mr. Ogre, we succeeded and completely emptied the fifth district. Where shall we go next? Go to the fourth district, or report this matter?"

"The blood beasts in the fourth district are too strong, and the weakest ones are bronze subordinates. It's too dangerous for you to go, so please report it."

Li Xuan has learned a lot about the situation in this world these days, including the general situation of the Blood Pond, and even the Dark Legion.

Like the various areas of the blood pool, there is a huge gap in strength. For example, the weakest in the third area is the bronze middle, the second area is the weakest is the bronze upper, and the first area is the bronze great perfection.

There is even a silver-level blood beast hidden in the first area. It is very powerful and has caused heavy casualties to the army many times. It is also the invisible blood beast that the army is most afraid of.

So Li Xuan plans to cooperate with the military to hunt down the remaining areas 1-4.

"You're right, our strength is indeed weaker, especially in the fourth district where there are invisible blood beasts of Bronze Great Perfection hidden, we are indeed not opponents."

The bald captain shook his head. Although he was in the middle position of bronze and could try in the fourth district, his teammates were too weak. Wu Bin and Jiang Xiaoyu were barely able to go, but only barely.

In the case of insufficient combat power, it is most suitable to cooperate with the military. After all, the military has many masters and is suitable for fast hunting.

At this time, Jiang Xiaoyu remembered the previous agreement and asked quickly.

"Mr. Ogre, you said before that after killing all the blood beasts here, you will tell us the secret of your strength improvement. Can you tell us now?"

After Jiang Xiaoyu asked this sentence, she looked at Li Xuan nervously, wondering why the ogre could solve the problem of strength.

After all, the Jiang family couldn't solve this problem after years of research, but the ogre solved it by itself, which is really shocking.

Jiang Zhan next to him also watched curiously. He was very curious about why Li Xuan could improve his strength.

"Is this..."

Li Xuan did not answer, but thought that the goal of these people to earn military exploits was to improve their strength.

If you exchanged the medicinal herbs for their military exploits, then you don't need to give them the 30%.

So Li Xuan took out a small cloth bag from his arms and handed it to the bald captain, "Eat it."

"What's this?"

The bald captain was at a loss, took out a blue moisturizing pill from the small bag, and looked at Li Xuan puzzled.

"One per person, it's useless to eat too much." Li Xuan replied, closing his eyes and waiting.


The bald captain didn't dare to ask any more questions, but immediately divided the medicinal pills into one, and then ate them in confusion.

"This is!!"

The moment the bald captain ate it, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at Li Xuan in disbelief.

"My spiritual power, my spiritual power is skyrocketing wildly, my God, this is as refreshing as flying." Wu Bin said in horror.

"My spiritual power is also skyrocketing wildly. I broke through, hahaha, I finally reached the top of black iron."

"I've been seriously injured and I've never been able to improve my strength, but now I'm improving like crazy. Am I dreaming?" A teammate named Lao Liu cried with joy.

With the shouts of everyone, the strength of everyone present has been greatly improved, and most of them have been upgraded by one level.

Although a relatively strong person like Captain Bald ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ has not been promoted by one level, his spiritual power has skyrocketed, and he is not far from a breakthrough.

Such a result, such an increase in strength, surprised everyone at the scene, and when they looked at Li Xuan, their eyes turned into a frenzy, yes, a frenzy.

Because such a promotion method is simply incredible, they have never heard of it.

"Mr. Ogre, what exactly is this? Why is it so powerful?" Jiang Xiaoyu said anxiously.

"This is the moisturizing pill, one can only take one in a lifetime, it is the pill that I refined." Li Xuan said lightly.


Everyone's minds are a little confused, they are very unfamiliar with the word medicine pill, and have never heard of it.

"You just need to remember that medicinal pills are of great value. Well, each of you ate a moisturizing pill, let's talk about how much military merit you plan to use in exchange." Li Xuan said.

"Mr. Ogre, you can say as much as you want. We all listen to you. I just hope you can let us follow you." The bald captain said hurriedly.

"Follow? Let's talk about it later. You have a lot of military exploits. I will give you some moisturizing pills to offset the military exploits you have earned these days."

Li Xuan said, and then took out some moisturizing pills to distribute to everyone. Among them, the bald head got the most, because he also killed the most blood beasts.

"Thank you, Mr. Ogre, thank you so much."

Everyone was ecstatic with the moisturizing pill. Although they couldn't eat this pill, they could give it to family members, friends, and even sell it at worst.

So they were very happy, and felt very lucky to follow Li Xuan.

But right now.

Just when they were ecstatic.

The mighty army rushed in, led by a silver-level general.

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