This result proves the captain's words once again, and proves that the blood beasts here have disappeared.

"Do you believe it now?" the captain said solemnly.

"I believed it, but why? What kind of expert can eliminate all the blood beasts here? You know, even the silver level is helpless."

"Yeah, even if a Gold Rank like the Grand Marshal is here, with ranged attacks, they won't necessarily kill them all, and there must be some surviving blood beasts left behind.

But now we have slept all night and not a single blood beast has appeared, which is unbelievable. "

Everyone said in disbelief, feeling that this scene is too weird, and it's too weird.

"Captain, what are you talking about? It feels incredible." The vice-captain said again.

"I don't know, but they may know about the bald head. Let's go to him and report it immediately after we figure out what's going on." The captain said seriously.


After several people's discussions, they searched carefully in District 6 three times. After repeated confirmation, they left with disbelief.

Going towards the Sea of ​​Blood stronghold, he was going to ask the bald head to see if he knew the reason.

the other side.

The gate of the blood sea stronghold.

The bald captain led his nine subordinates, and Jiang Zhan waited silently, waiting for Li Xuan and Jiang Yun to appear.

While waiting, they talked about this mission, which is to go to District 5 to hunt invisible blood beasts and obtain blood beads.

"Everyone pay attention this time, the blood beasts in District 5 are stronger, two grades higher than District 6, everyone must be careful." The bald captain urged.

"Good captain, we will be vigilant." Everyone nodded immediately.

"Captain, the rank of Mr. Ogre is only the lower rank of Black Iron. I suggest finding someone to protect Mr. Ogre and prevent accidents.

In addition, Jiang Yun's level is also a bit low, not even the black iron level, so he also needs protection,

In case he dies, the summoned beast will return to the world of summoned beasts, which will cause trouble. "Wu Bin said seriously.

"You're right, the weakest in the fifth district is the black iron level. Comparatively speaking, Jiang Yun's strength is indeed weaker.

Although Mr. Ogre has reached the black iron level, he still has to be careful and must protect their safety. "

The bald captain nodded, preparing to find two people to focus on protecting the ogre and Jiang Yun.

At the same time, he had a doubt in his heart, that was whether he could improve the strength of the ogre. With doubts, he looked at Jiang Xiaoyu next to him.

"Xiaoyu, is the rank of an ogre really always the lower rank of black iron? Is it possible to improve it?"

"Of course it can't be improved. At the beginning, our Jiang family did a lot of experiments to improve the strength of the ogres, but unfortunately they all failed.

The ogre is like being cursed and cannot improve its strength at all, so this issue does not need to be considered. "Jiang Xiaoyu shook his head.

"So, it seems that the way to improve their strength has failed, and only two people can be used to protect them." The bald captain shook his head.

"Huh? They're here, look." Jiang Zhan pointed not far away, then beckoned.

"It really came."

The bald captain smiled and was about to say hello, but after feeling the fluctuations of Jiang Yun and the ogre's spiritual power, he was dumbfounded.

"What's wrong with the bald captain?" Jiang Xiaoyu asked suspiciously.

"Quick... Look at their level, my God, they have all improved, and the ogre has reached the middle of the black iron." The bald captain said hurriedly.

"The middle of the black iron? No way."

Jiang Xiaoyu looked at the ogre in disbelief, but it didn't matter, her pupils shrank sharply.

"Actually... it actually reached the middle of the black iron. How is this possible? The problem that my Jiang family has been unable to solve for so many years has been solved?"

Jiang Xiaoyu was stunned, she couldn't believe that when she saw the ogre approaching, her little head was buzzing, as if she had been smashed.

Jiang Zhan next to him also stared blankly at this scene, especially seeing Jiang Yun's rank reaching the lower rank of black iron, Jiang Zhan couldn't believe it.

"Jiang Yun, you have reached the black iron level, why are you so fast? Your qualifications are obviously not high, why are you level with me so quickly?"

"That's it."

Jiang Yun walked over with a smile and said, "Secret."

"Secret? Could it be an adventure?" The bald captain guessed.

"It's not an adventure, I'll tell you when the blood beasts in District 5 are cleaned up." Li Xuan opened his mouth with a hint of doubt.

"Okay... okay, we're looking forward to it."

The bald captain and Jiang Xiaoyu wanted to know, but they didn't dare to anger Li Xuan, so they could only wait for the secret to be revealed later.

Therefore, in deep anticipation, they headed towards District 5 and started the hunting mission again.

shortly after they left.

The patrol team rushed back from District 6 and went straight to the bald camp.

As a result, there was no one in the camp, and after three rounds of searching, none was found.


They can only choose to wait, and prepare to ask carefully after they come back with bald heads at night.

In the end, to their helplessness, the bald team didn't come back at night, even for several days in a row, and they didn't know where they went.

In desperation, after the patrol team carefully confirmed it more than a dozen times, and officially confirmed that there was no blood beast in District 6, they were ready to report it.

"Captain, let's report it today. It's been too long, and the general is back today, which is just right for the report." The vice-captain suggested.

"Okay! Then let's report to the general's camp."


After the decision was made, the two set off and quickly headed to the general's camp.

General's camp, study.

The general with a tyrannical aura and eyes like electricity is quietly handling official business. He has been investigating the outbreak of the sea of ​​​​blood for several days and has not returned for several days.

This also caused him to accumulate a lot of official business, which must be dealt with as soon as possible.

"General, there is a letter from you in the Alchemy Guild, which was sent by your eldest brother." A little girl disguised as a man said weakly.

"My eldest brother? He actually wrote to me?"

The general looked at the little girl in surprise, full of curiosity in his heart.

His eldest brother is the chief elder of the Alchemy Guild, and he is also a martial idiot. Every day in addition to practice is practice.

Although the eldest brother's aptitude is a little worse and his brain is a little stupid, he is too focused on cultivation, and his strength is getting stronger and stronger.

Because such a big brother is too focused on his practice, he doesn't care about many things, and he has never received a letter.

Now suddenly a letter arrives, which is really surprising.

"Ya'er, bring the letter over and I'll take a look." The general said with a smile.


The little girl disguised as a man came to the general and was about to hand over the letter in the little hand when suddenly there was a report from outside.

"Report! The Captain of the Sixth Patrol Team is asking to see you."

"Captain of the sixth patrol? Did something happen to the sea of ​​blood?"

The general frowned, and immediately said loudly, "Let them in."


Following the command of the general, the captain of the patrol team walked in respectfully with the deputy captain.

"General, there is a big incident in the 6th district of the sea of ​​​​blood. All the blood beasts have disappeared, and the entire 6th district is empty." The captain said hurriedly.

"The blood beasts have disappeared? Are they empty? Are you sure? There are a lot of invisible blood beasts there. Is it because of the invisibility?" the general asked in confusion.

"No, it's not because of invisibility, it's because a blood beast is gone. We probed more than a dozen times, and even slept in the blood sea area 6 for one night to confirm." The captain said again.

"Have you slept all night?"

The general was finally moved. The results of investigation and sleeping all night were different. Sleeping in zone 6 was equivalent to seriously provoking blood beasts.

Normally, blood beasts will definitely attack, and it is absolutely impossible to let others sleep there, but the captain and the others are safe, which is shocking.

"Are you sure?" the captain asked solemnly.

"Of course, I'll vouch for it with my head." The captain said solemnly.

"I'll go and see for myself, Ya'er, come with me, can you help me investigate?" The general looked at the little girl disguised as a man.


The little girl put the letter under the inkstone and nodded her head softly.


The general set off, and he rushed into the 6th area of ​​the sea of ​​​​blood with a mighty army, and began to investigate carefully.

The little girl named Ya'er pointed her index finger on the ground, and the strange power spread to all around, reaching a radius of ten meters and then retracting it.

Then Ya'er continued to explore a little bit with her index finger not far away.

After a full morning of exploration, they stopped the exploration completely, and then came to a shocking result.

That is, the blood beasts in the sixth district are really gone, not one of them, and it is confirmed that they were killed. This is confirmed by Ya'er, who has mysterious abilities.

"It's unbelievable, it's really unbelievable, what kind of master was it that killed all the blood beasts?" Ya'er said in shock.

"It's unbelievable. I can't do this even at the silver level. What's going on?"

The general was also shocked and couldn't figure out which master made the shot.

"Could it be that the Grand Marshal is here? No, the Grand Marshal has to deal with the Dark Legion, and he can't get away at all.

And if he came, he would definitely use his big move to kill the blood beasts. He couldn't kill them so cleanly. He had to cooperate with the army. "

The general couldn't figure it out, so he could only turn his head to look at the patrol that reported the news earlier.

"Tell me, tell me the ins and outs of this matter, which team has been here?" The general said seriously.

"Yes! It started a few days ago..."

The patrol began to tell the story, telling all the information it knew, including the bald team.

After figuring out everything, the general began to send people to investigate the information about the bald head and find out where he was.

When someone reported that the bald-headed team went to the fifth district a few days ago, the general immediately set off with the army and headed straight for the fifth district.

"I want to see what a powerful existence it is to solve the blood beasts in District 6. This is a thorny problem that even the gold level doesn't want to participate in."

The general murmured and led the crowd to the fifth district quickly.

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