"Ah? For me and my summoned beast? The logistics officer?"

Jiang Yun was dumbfounded when he heard this. He didn't understand why, let alone who the logistics officer was.

"Don't you know the logistics officer? He is a silver-level man from the Alchemy Guild. He is a very powerful figure in the army." The bald captain said solemnly.

"I don't know. It's the first time I heard about the logistics officer."

Jiang Yun was at a loss and couldn't figure out what was going on. He felt that the logistics officer was too considerate, and even prepared beef jerky for the ogre, as if he was taking care of the ogre.

"Strange, really strange."

The bald captain didn't think Jiang Yun was lying, and felt very strange.

Not long after he left this place, he met the logistics officer, who repeatedly told him to take good care of Jiang Yun and the ogre, and not allow any omissions.

This kind of advice is very strange, and it also makes the bald captain unable to understand, especially when dealing with ogres very well, which is even more strange.

Because of this, the bald captain felt that there was something going on here, and the ogre might be involved.

"Captain bald, can't you really give me a separate dormitory? My ogre doesn't like to be crowded with others." Jiang Yun said in a panic again.

"This... OK, you can have a dormitory by yourself." The bald captain changed his tune after thinking of the logistics officer's advice.

"But, didn't you just say that there are no extra rooms?" Jiang Yun hesitated.

"It's okay, you live in Jiang Zhan's dormitory and let him squeeze with others first." The bald captain deprived Jiang Zhan of that dormitory.

"Captain bald, I..."

Jiang Zhan was not happy anymore. How could it be possible for two people to live in such a small room? His dragon mighty beast was three meters tall, half a meter taller than an ogre.

"Jiang Zhan, I'll tell you later, I'll arrange Jiang Yun first."

The bald captain immediately signaled and carefully arranged Jiang Yun before leaving with Jiang Zhan.

When they got to a place where no one was there, the bald captain told Jiang Zhan about the logistics officer just now, and then asked.

"Jiang Zhan, does your brother Jiang Yun have a special identity?"

"No, he is very ordinary. He has been very ordinary for so many years. There is nothing special about him." Jiang Zhan was also puzzled.

"Oh? Did anything unreasonable happen recently, and when did it start?" The bald captain continued to ask.

"Yes, there is one thing that is very unreasonable. Director Zhang of the Jihad Store actually hired a spirit power carriage for Jiang Yun. That carriage is not cheap." Jiang Zhan continued to explain.

"Oh? There is such a thing?" The bald captain was surprised.

"Yes, I'm also very puzzled. I can't figure out why. By the way, on the day of the contract summoning beast, my dragon mighty beast was very afraid of Jiang Yun's ogres. Could it be related to ogres?" Jiang Zhan immediately road.

"Dragon mighty beasts are afraid of ogres? Is there such a thing? Something is wrong, very wrong, this ogre is very wrong."

The bald captain's eyes flickered, thinking of the logistics officer's instructions to take care of the ogres, and the bald captain faintly discovered something.

"My grandfather also suspected that ogres were extraordinary before, and also specially identified ogres, and finally found out that they were just ordinary ogres.

Later, the timidity of Longwei beast was attributed to the psychological shadow of Longwei beast. "Jiang Zhan continued to explain.

"There is such a possibility. If it was in the past, I might think so too, but the logistics officers are all involved. This ogre is definitely not easy."

The bald captain knows very well how shrewd and extraordinary the logistics officer is. Even if such a person is involved, it must prove that something is going on.

"Looks like it's time to investigate carefully. Originally, I was thinking of letting you guys lead the team on primary missions, but now it doesn't seem appropriate.

I should do the task under my eyelids so that I can observe better. "The bald captain muttered, preparing to test the ogres secretly.

"Jiang Zhan, go back and observe Jiang Yun a lot. I'll take you two to participate in intermediate and high-level missions tomorrow." The bald captain said.

"Okay, then I'll go back first."

"Well, let's go."


After Jiang Zhan left, the bald captain left with deep doubts, thinking about what secrets it contained.

the other side.

Inside the dormitory.

Li Xuan occupied the bed alone, leaned back and took out a book to watch, while Jiang Yun beside him could only play the floor in a depressed mood.

"Is there a military merit exchange system? Not bad, not bad."

Li Xuan looked at the book in his hand with joy in his heart.

This book is a detailed explanation of the exchange of military exploits. It describes in detail the things that can be exchanged for the consumption of military exploits.

Among them, there is one thing that caught Li Xuan's attention, that is the essence.

Yes, the essence appears on the exchange catalogue, as long as there is war merit, the essence can be exchanged.

"It's a pleasant surprise, if I get it, then..."

Li Xuan continued to read the book, preparing to exchange the essence of battle to improve his strength.

"Huh? There are even soul crystals, good good, although the quantity is very small and the price is very expensive, but it is also an absolute good thing, you can't miss it."

Li Xuan was amazed, he was even more eager for military exploits, and looked forward to obtaining a lot of military exploits in the future.

In such anticipation, Li Xuan closed his eyes and began to rest.

It's just that a loud snoring sound came from the head next to it, which made Li Xuan very annoyed, and he couldn't sleep because of the noise.

Li Xuan, who was in a bad mood, slapped it with a slap, and the world immediately became quiet, and Li Xuan continued to sleep.

"It really hurts."

Mo Er touched his head aggrievedly, feeling very depressed, but he didn't dare to lose his temper, so he could only look at Li Xuan aggrievedly before closing his eyes again.

In the early morning of the next day, the sun shines on the earth, bringing vitality to all things.

Li Xuan got up early, picked up the sleeping Jiang Yun directly to wake up, and brought the confused Jiang Yun to the mission hall ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ at this moment.

A lot of people came densely in the mission hall. A famous summoner took their respective spiritual warriors to accept the mission, then set off and walked towards the mission location.

Li Xuan looked at the quest plaques above the quest hall and the low-level quest rewards above, frowning.

"Low-level missions only give 100 battle credits? This is too little. It will take a long time for this battle merit to be exchanged for the essence and soul crystal." Li Xuan frowned, feeling a little troublesome.

"Intermediate quest rewards are not low, at least 1,000 military exploits, but why must there be a bronze-level master?"

Li Xuan frowned more and more tightly, feeling that the task was too demanding.

However, he also understands that the reason for the bronze-level requirement must be to prevent weak people from taking tasks and causing damage.

"Jiang Yun, it turns out that you are working here, and you got up too early." The bald captain was a little speechless, feeling that the young people today got up too early.

"Captain bald, I just came to see." Jiang Yun explained immediately.

In fact, he was forcibly woken up by the ogre, and he brought him here, just to see the mission situation in the mission center.

"You are right here, come with me. Today, you and Jiang Zhan will follow me and complete the intermediate tasks together." The bald captain said.

"Intermediate mission? Minimum 1,000 military exploits?" Li Xuan's eyes lit up.

"That's right, if the task is exceeded, there will be more rewards." The bald captain explained.

"Okay, let's go." Li Xuan picked up Jiang Yun and left, without any hesitation.


The bald captain looked at the summoned beast carrying the summoner, it felt very strange, there was an indescribable sense of disobedience, it seemed that such a scene should not occur.

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