Several clansmen gathered together to talk, looking at Jiang Zhan's sister Jiang Xiaoyu from a distance.

Jiang Xiaoyu and Jiang Zhan are the descendants of the sixth elder's most beloved wife. This wife is not only beautiful, but later died to save the sixth elder.

As a result, the Sixth Elder favored Jiang Xiaoyu and Jiang Zhan very much, and took great care of them.

Jiang Xiaoyu and Jiang Zhan are also very powerful, talented and highly valued. The two brothers and sisters have a very close relationship and are very distant from other brothers and sisters.

For example, Jiang Yun, he and Jiang Zhan are not close. It is said that their family members had fought infightingly at the beginning, and the relationship between the two sides was not close.

Pulling away, his eyes returned to Jiang Xiaoyu's side again.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaoyu was looking at her captain helplessly, and said depressedly, "Captain bald, let's go back, you don't have to wait for my brother here."

"That can't be done. That's your younger brother. You have to take care of him anyway. Sooner or later, he will know about our affairs." The bald-headed captain smiled and looked at Jiang Xiaoyu with admiration.


Jiang Xiaoyu sighed, she didn't want to let her family know about it so early, and she hoped that the bald captain would tell the family after the silver level, which would be more deterrent.

But it's okay to say it now, but the pressure is a little bigger, so she said again.

"You can think about it, then you can only join my family. After all, my family is a Summoner's family."

"It's okay, it's okay, I have nothing to worry about, and I don't exclude being in the family. As long as I have you, I'm willing to go anywhere." The bald captain said solemnly.

"Okay, then meet my brother. By the way, although Jiang Yun is also my brother, but he is the child of Thirteenth Mother, the relationship is relatively unfamiliar." Jiang Xiaoyu thought for a while.

"Okay, I know what to do, it's definitely only the best for younger brother Jiang Zhan." The bald captain assured.

"That's good, eh? They're here."

When Jiang Xiaoyu saw Jiang Zhan and the others in the distance, his eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly waved his little hand and gestured to Jiang Zhan.

"Brother, come here quickly."


Jiang Zhan walked over quickly with everyone and greeted them warmly.

The two sides introduced each other, and the bald captain was even more enthusiastic. He kindly asked everyone to call him the bald captain, which was very good for Jiang Zhan.

When Xiaopang and the others saw such an enthusiastic bald captain, and then looked at Jiang Xiaoyu and the bald captain so close, they vaguely understood something.

When it was confirmed that the bald captain was only twenty-two years old, he had reached the middle rank of bronze, and the clan immediately looked at Jiang Zhan with envy.

Because this age reaches the median of bronze, there is a high chance of reaching the silver level in the future and becoming a big boss.

Although it is the silver level of a spiritual warrior, not the silver level of a summoner, it is still feared and respected, and such a person is likely to become Jiang Zhan's brother-in-law in the future.

So the eyes of the clan's people looking at Jiang Zhan changed again, and they became more and more respectful and flattering to him.

After they came to the small city in the blood sea stronghold, they belonged to the bald team directly.

"Come on, this is your dormitory, two people share one room, you will live here in the future."

The bald captain brought everyone to the barracks and began to arrange everyone.

Since this city is very small, the dormitory is also very small. Two people must live in such a small dormitory, and the summoned beasts are even more crowded.

So Jiang Zhan couldn't accept it: "The dormitory is so small, do you really want to live for two people?"

"They are two people in a room, you must have a room by yourself, don't worry if I'm here." The bald captain smiled.

"Thank you, captain bald, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Jiang Zhan's eyes lit up when he heard these words, and his heart was instantly overjoyed.

Although living alone is a bit cramped, it is better than sharing a room with two people, and Jiang Zhan is very happy with this kind of differential treatment.

When Xiao Pang and the others heard this, they looked at Jiang Zhan enviously, feeling that it was good to have a relationship, and they showed care everywhere.

"Can I also have a room alone? My two-headed ogre is so huge that I really can't squeeze a room with others." Jiang Yun walked out and said.

"There are no more dormitories. Besides, this is a military camp, not at home. The military camp has the rules of a military camp, so you must obey orders, understand?" The bald captain said solemnly.


Jiang Yun was reprimanded and felt very aggrieved, but he couldn't say anything, he could only think about what to do.

"Okay, you rest today. Tomorrow, you will bring your own teams to carry out primary tasks. There is a task hall and a detailed explanation of the merit exchange. I will arrange it when the time comes."

After the bald captain finished speaking, he patted Jiang Zhan's shoulder, turned around and strode away.

After the bald captain left, everyone gathered around Jiang Zhan and flattered.

"Brother Jiang Zhan, I really envy you. It's so nice to have a dormitory of your own."

"Yes, I think the bald captain seems to be interested in your sister. If your sister agrees, maybe the bald captain will join your family and become your brother-in-law."

"The bald captain is the middle rank of bronze. At such a young age, he has such a rank. He has great potential in the future. Maybe he can break through to the silver rank."

"If it really breaks through to the silver level, that's really amazing."


Several clansmen gathered around Jiang Zhan and talked a lot, looking at him enviously, with an increasingly flattering attitude.

Jiang Zhan couldn't help but smile when he heard this. In the lineage of the sixth elders, only the sixth elders were at the silver level, and their fathers were not strong enough.

This also led to a lack of connection in this vein. It would be amazing to add a silver-level

So Jiang Zhan was very happy and felt more and more proud, especially looking at the dormitory in front of him, Jiang Zhan was even happier.

"It's good to have a relationship."

Jiang Zhan was triumphant, and looked at Jiang Yun and the two-headed ogre with his high eyes.

It seems that Jiang Zhan feels that he is different and stands in a higher position.

Also at this time.

The bald captain who just left ran back in a hurry, carrying two quilts from a distance.

"Jiang Zhan, look, the bald captain has given you new quilts, and it's two beds. It's great, we are all old shabby quilts."

Fatty took out a moldy quilt from the dormitory, looking at Jiang Zhan with some helplessness and some envy.

"Haha, the bald captain is so kind to me." Jiang Zhan finally couldn't help laughing, feeling happy from the bottom of his heart.

With this feeling in mind, Jiang Zhan took a step forward and said to the bald captain who came running.

"Captain bald, are you sending me a quilt? In fact, one bed is enough, not two."

"No, not for you."

The bald captain immediately shook his head and looked solemnly at Jiang Yun who was not far away.

"Ah? Wasn't it for me?" Jiang Zhan was stunned, the smile on his face solidified.

"Yes, it's not for you, you get out of the way first, I have something important."

The bald captain looked very solemn, walked quickly to Jiang Yun, and handed Jiang Yun two quilts.

"Jiang Yun, this is the quilt given to you by the logistics officer, one is for you, and the other is for your summoned beast.

By the way, there is a small bag of beef jerky in the quilt. It is said that ogres like to eat meat the most. This beef jerky is a snack for your summoned beast. "


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