Seeing that the"Shadow Storm" he had worked so hard to cast was directly erased by Li En in an understatement, Liu Xusheng's expression was no longer as relaxed as before.

It was like a bucket of ice water was dumped directly on his head, and a chill suddenly broke out along his spine.

"How is it possible...he was just a D-level waste a few dungeons ago?!"

"How could he grow up so fast?!"

Liu Xusheng finally treated Li En as an enemy of the same level...

He even had the power to kill him!

"Let’s test his physical strength first. If things don’t go well... just run away!"

As a seasoned B+ strongman, Liu Xusheng naturally has many means of escape.

But he really can't swallow this breath of escaping in front of a"quasi-B-level" reincarnation player who has not yet been fully promoted!

Liu Xusheng is He is extremely arrogant and even has a twisted personality.

Otherwise, he would not have used his status as an"executor" to suppress Rean in the first place.

The next moment, his whole body burst out with arrogance, and dark flames burst out with him as the center!

Wait until The dazzling black flames dissipated, and

Liu Xusheng's figure had disappeared, replaced by a giant wolf that seemed to be condensed from"shadows"!

"oh? Have you finally used your blood transformation skill?"

Seeing the huge shadow wave that was several stories high, Li En snorted softly.

"I thought you would just be a coward and use your escape skills to escape."

"just you? You are not qualified to let me retreat without a fight!"

The shadow giant wolf transformed by Liu Xusheng suddenly disappeared in place.

Centered on his chest, a silvery brilliance spread quickly.

In the blink of an eye, his body was covered with a layer of mecha with smooth shapes.!

——Zero generation: Prototype light mecha"Skybreaker"!

After his attributes broke through to B level, Rean was finally able to wear the mecha equipment he made by himself!

This is also the reason why he does not buy other equipment.

Once he puts on the mecha, any protective gear effects will be covered by the mecha.

For mechanics, mechas are the best armor!

The giant shadow wolf that had just disappeared jumped out from the shadows, waving its sharp claws and tearing at Rean fiercely!

But at the moment when his claws full of shadow energy were about to touch the mecha,

Rean teleported directly to the mecha with him and the mecha, and teleported hundreds of meters into the air out of thin air!

——Magic Network: Phase Shift!

The mechas built by Rean himself are different from the ordinary ones circulating in the market.

It contains special modules that only he can produce effects - the spell unit array and the magic network interface!

Being within the scope of the"Virtual Kingdom of God" at this time is equivalent to automatically connecting to the"Magic Network"!

After all, the core of"Magic Network" is Yui!

Pieces of azure"feathers" were suspended on the back of the mecha, emitting a bright blue light.

The energy escaping seemed to be condensed into a pair of blue wings!

These are all special magic units that are carrying the"Magic Network" signal.

They can draw power from the"Virtual Kingdom of God" and continuously replenish themselves!

In other words, as long as it is in the"Virtual Kingdom of God", the energy of this mecha is unlimited!

"Damn...the mechanic who gets into the mecha is so damn flexible!"

The attack failed. Liu Xusheng glanced at the enemy flying high into the sky and cursed secretly.

After developing or purchasing a mecha, mechanic players have the mobility and defense to rival melee players of the same level.

At the same time, they can also Various attacks are carried out based on the weapon system equipped on the mecha.

It can be said to be the most troublesome career in the mid-to-late stage!

Because you can never figure out what functions are equipped on the opponent's mecha!

The only solution... is to directly blow up the durability of the mecha!

Swish, swish, swish - a harsh scream came from the air, and a series of rockets with tail flames fell from a high place, one after another towards Liu Xusheng's body. The location is coming!

"Huh... This makes me want to hit you in my dreams."

Liu Xusheng snorted coldly. The shadow wolf he transformed into using the power of his bloodline has no entity at all.

It can be 100% immune to physical damage and can travel in the shadows. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ordinary guns and bombs would only pass through his body directly without causing any harm!

He fearlessly jumped up to face these rockets, opening his bloody mouth towards Rean's mecha. , actually wanted to swallow the other person directly into his belly!

——A gluttonous movie banquet!

From the mouth of the giant shadow wolf, countless black chains spurted out, stretching out in all directions, covering the sky and the earth!

No matter where you teleport, you can't avoid this overwhelming shadow chain!

"I don’t believe you can [delete] my skills this time!"

After Liu Xusheng performed this skill, the giant wolf's body suddenly shrank, as if it had suddenly changed from an adult body to the size of a young wolf.

He was already prepared, if this"ultimate move" could not suppress the opponent. , he would directly use the teleportation item to leave this dungeon!

Even if he would lose one dungeon opportunity, and would not be able to explain to the other two captains of [Ouroboros].

But if he continued to be entangled like this, Liu Xusheng was really worried that he would fall into the trap. In the hands of Rean!

The violent shadow feast, like ink dizzy in a pool, directly enveloped the sky!

After waiting for a few seconds, Liu Xusheng finally relaxed.

It seems that this time Rean has no means to eliminate the skill! However, before he could be happy for too long, the situation on the battlefield changed again...

A"shooting star" dragging a blue light belt directly tore through the countless chains of the"Taotie Shadow Banquet" and forced it from the dark shadows. Kill them alive!

"How can it be?! Is that the ultimate skill of B+ bloodline?!"

Liu Xusheng looked at the unscathed mecha, and a sense of powerlessness emerged in his heart.

All the means he had could not cause even the slightest obstacle to the enemy!

Looking at the mecha getting closer and closer, Liu Xusheng only had one thought at this time 820...


This kid's growth rate is so terrifying. No wonder he is attracted by [Hidden Dragon]! He can't afford to offend him, so why don't I just run away!

Liu Xusheng's heart crossed and he took out an [Emergency Evacuation Card]!

This is his life-saving method.

After using it, he can directly ignore the main quest restrictions of the current copy and return to reality.

But the price is also extremely heavy. Not only must he directly bear the penalty of failure in the main quest, but the difficulty of the next copy will also suddenly increase!

As the advancement mission approached, Liu Xusheng originally didn't want to use this item.

Because once he used it, it would mean that he wasted at least one or two dungeon cycles... and might even die in a difficult dungeon world.

But if he doesn't use it now, I'm afraid He has to die here now!

In an instant, Liu Xusheng changed directly from the shadow wolf form back to his human form.

Just when he was about to use the [Emergency Evacuation Card], a huge force came directly from behind and knocked him away!

"I've been waiting for this day for a really long time... you guy!"

Every night, he gritted his teeth and watched Liu Xusheng flying out into the air. He directly turned on the"divine ingenuity" mode. His long black hair was instantly dyed white, and his whole body seemed to be enveloped in invisible flames!

In the"True-Vajra Power" With the increase in speed and the power transmitted by Li En through the"Virtual Divine Kingdom",

Ye Ye's speed has broken through the sound barrier, and even when Liu Xusheng was still rolling in mid-air.

The angry clever girl had already arrived on top of his head, fiercely Throw a punch!

"Give me...die!".

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