"【Tail】Battlefield... We are the only team here?"

After Liu Xusheng and three teammates were teleported to the battlefield, they immediately opened the battle group panel of [Ouroboros] and were shocked to find that all other teams were in the other two battlefields!

"Brother Liu, our luck is too bad, this dungeon has always been like this."

The teammate who was following Liu Xusheng curled his lips and complained.

However, his words shocked Liu Xusheng.

"No...it's not bad luck!"

Recalling all the bad experiences before this copy,

Liu Xusheng finally noticed something strange and abnormal.

"Someone is messing with us!"

By the time he realized this, it was too late.

Because a bright light had already bloomed hundreds of meters in the sky!


【The construction of the virtual kingdom of heaven has been completed, and the space parameters are being uploaded]

Yui lowered her eyes, her small face was calm and picturesque, no longer as lively and lively as before.

Because she knew that this was an extremely important moment for Rean.

【Large-scale secondary space teleportation is ready for"820" and troops are being assembled】

【""War" has passed the permission review and is allowed to be executed.——】

Rean raised his head, and dozens of light beams fell from the sky.

Wherever each"light beam" fell, a"basic combat formation" would walk out within a few seconds.

Dozens of well-equipped mechanical soldiers formed a legion of several hundred, and launched a brazen attack on the assembled groups of Aragami!

For a moment, like a scene from a science fiction movie, technologically advanced mechanical warriors used equipment made from various cutting-edge technologies to engage in a brutal fight with wild and ferocious behemoths!

Although the single combat power of Aragami is better than that of the legion arms, the cooperation between the arms is enough to achieve a level of 1+1 that is far greater than 2!

What's more, they are also enhanced by Rean's attributes and skills at this time.

The"Red Wing Array" alone can increase the total damage by 200%!

Coupled with the fact that the"Virtual Divine Kingdom" is constantly suppressing the power of the Aragami, the mechanical army is like a sharp knife, invincible!

"Whose mechanical creation is that? When did the dungeon have such a powerful mechanic?"

Liu Xusheng frowned. After realizing that something was wrong, he stayed put and did not join the battlefield.

At the same time, he kept searching in his memory for strong men he might have offended...

But after thinking for a long time, he did not remember that he had offended anyone. Which powerful mechanic did he get?

After all, the strong men in this profession are usually the core talents of some large forces.

How could he go back to provoke the other party before he could even try to curry favor with him?

Just when he was puzzled, a A calm male voice suddenly sounded deep in his heart.

"It seems that Mr. Liu is really a noble man who forgets things."


Liu Xusheng looked solemn and quickly glanced around.

Then, a familiar figure came into his sight.

Li En had returned to his original face at this time, standing proudly in the air, calmly watching Liu Xusheng's figure.

He originally thought At times like this, he would feel raging in his heart, and no matter how bad things were, he would also feel the excitement and excitement of revenge.

But when it really came to this time, he became extremely calm.

"I remember...it's you, kid."

Liu Xusheng dug up that shameful night from his memory, and his face suddenly turned ugly.

The incident of being stepped on by Yan Tianyi's high heels was still vivid in his mind!

"Haha, I just upgraded from D level to C level. Do you really think you have become more capable?"

Liu Xusheng looked at Li En's level using his investigative skills and said disdainfully.

"In the reincarnation space, the strong are always respected. Back then, I could beat you to pieces...and it's the same now!"

He has absolute confidence and confidence to say this, because he is a B+ peak expert who is about to be promoted to A level and break through the extraordinary!

Facing a reincarnation player who is at most C level, even if the opponent has joined [Hidden Dragon]

Qin Guangxia, who was a big difference in rank, was definitely no match for him!

Li En stared at Liu Xusheng coldly, and the atmosphere suddenly became solemn and silent.

Until several prompt messages appeared in front of Li En's eyes


【You have completed the advancement mission goal, and the next stage advancement goal is now open!】

【You have temporarily unlocked a new attribute limit, and the full attribute limit has been increased to 300!】

【If the advancement mission fails, the upper limit of attributes will be locked again.】


Seeing these prompts, Rean did not hesitate and directly maxed out all attributes!

300 points for all attributes! Directly from the C+ peak to the B+ peak!

Turbulent power continued to surge from all parts of his body, and Rean's aura surged instantly!

His current attributes are already the strongest among the extraordinary!

The interaction between the six attributes brings about extremely amazing improvements!

Feeling the surging coercion erupting from Li En, Liu Xusheng frowned.

As an experienced player, he instantly realized what happened to him.……

"Damn it... He actually completed the promotion task at this time and temporarily unlocked the upper limit of B-level attributes?!"

"It seems that he has planned it for a long time...give them all to me!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Liu Xusheng roared and called on several teammates around him to attack Li En.

He wanted to see what the opponent had to rely on so that he could dare to challenge his B+ level self!

"The boss is just a guy who has just been promoted. I can handle it all by myself!"

A [Ouroboros] swordsman player eagerly pulled out his weapon.

His body was instantly covered with a series of buffs, and his speed suddenly increased!

The team members who could follow Liu Xusheng were naturally B-level players. Among the veterans, except for one auxiliary team member, the other two are all elites among ordinary B-level players!

I saw the swordsman player charging with his sword, his body shape was almost impossible to capture with the naked eye, and his agility attribute seemed to be close to The limit value of 300 points - but the response he received was just Rean's indifferent glance....


This is the sound of a beating heart.

Plop... like the sound of blood pumping, it suddenly exploded in everyone's ears!

【Ouroboros] The support player in the team felt itchy on his cheek. He subconsciously wiped it with his hand, but was shocked to find that his hand was covered with scarlet blood!

When I looked up, I saw blood raining from the sky!

And the swordsman player who had just spoken out his heroic words had melted into the rain of blood and was shattered into pieces!


Li En's voice sounded calmly in the hearts of the [Ouroboros] members headed by Liu Xusheng.

"the second."

The next moment, the expression of another team member also changed suddenly, and he covered his heart in fear - bang.

Rean stretched out his hand and crushed the most fragile and fatal part of the human body.

——Magic Network: Kill the Heart!

But this reincarnation player obviously had some kind of life-saving props.

The moment his body fell to the ground, a pale and transparent soul hurriedly escaped from the body!

"It’s an instant death skill! This guy knows the demon clan’s talent for instant death!"

The next second, the soul was directly evaporated by a laser, and was completely killed!

Hearing his teammate's"last words", Liu Xusheng breathed a sigh of relief.

He had an accessory on his body that was immune to the instant death effect, so he was not afraid of Li En.""Heart-killing" killer move!

"If this is all his trump card...then it may not be too underestimated for experienced players!"

Liu Xusheng was confident, and without hesitation, he directly transformed into several shadow clones and launched an attack on Rean in the air! 3.7

And as soon as he took action, it was the ultimate skill of the 4th profession"Shadow King" - Shadow Storm!

The raging Shadows rise from the ground around each clone, forming tornado-like shadow storms, all of which sweep towards Rean!

Like four crazily rotating millstones, they want to crush Rean into powder.!

Even Liu Xusheng himself did not dare to approach easily after releasing this skill!

Facing the approaching dark storm, Li En's expression finally fluctuated a little.

But it was not surprise or nervousness, but... sarcasm.

"Ha...I agree with what you said."

Li En stretched out his hand and gently touched it in front of him.

"In the reincarnation space,."

The next moment, the surrounding shadow storm disappeared directly out of thin air, leaving no trace!

It was as if it had been"deleted" without a trace!

Feeling the control that seemed to be integrated with the"Virtual Kingdom of God" Feeling,

Li En turned his attention to the astonished Liu Xusheng.

"Now...I have awakened"

"it's your turn"

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