"Fenrir" Far East Branch, Branch Director's Office

"The recruit assessment has ended. How is the quality of the recruits this time?"

On the swivel chair behind the desk, a somewhat lazy blond man asked casually.

In front of him was the stern and straight-looking instructor, Tsubaki Amamiya.

"Almost all of them passed the test, and many people completed the second-difficulty crusade mission on the first day."

Amamiya Chun said with a calm expression.

"Although their origins are a bit vague, their combat prowess can be guaranteed"

"Really, that’s good."

The blond man smiled and nodded, seeming very satisfied with this answer.

"With so many outstanding God Eaters, it seems that the branch will usher in a more peaceful time"


Instructor Yujie hesitated and added"480"

"Most of these recruits seem to be fighting for the rewards given by the branch, and do not have a strong desire to protect them."

"Hahahaha...it doesn't matter"

"Instructor Amamiya, you are still too young."

The branch chief let out a hearty laugh and waved his hand without hesitation.

"Since they want payment, just give it to them"

"After all, the more Aragami they defeat, the better and better the branch's financial situation will be."

Hearing this, Amamiya Chun was silent for a moment.

"I see."

She was still thinking about the discussion just now.

Before becoming a new instructor, she was an extremely good God Eater. She always fought with the belief of"defending her homeland".

Later, the new model The divine machine was successfully developed, and she was withdrawn from the front line.

With her excellent performance, she became the legion commander of the"Fenrir" Far East Branch.

At the same time, she was also the instructor of the new God Eater.

Just when Amamiya Tsubaki was thinking about this problem At that time, her body suddenly paused, as if frozen in place.

After a few seconds, she seemed to adapt to her body again, moved a few times awkwardly, and then turned around



Li En's eyes were filled with lavender light.

Under his mechanical control, all the nearby surveillance equipment had become decorations.

That's why he dared to act so blatantly to assimilate Amamiya Chun. Void race.

Without any hesitation, Amamiya Chun said what he could do.

"Assign tasks, organize large-scale crusade activities, review files, and punish prohibited personnel……"

Upon hearing these permissions, Rean's eyes lit up.

This is exactly the purpose of choosing"Amamiya Tsubaki" as the first infiltration target!

Using the authority she has, Rean can gain many"privileges"!

For example, the subjugation missions received through the terminal every day are assigned by Amamiya Tsubaki.

Although the reward comes from the reincarnation space,

Amamiya Tsubaki can perform operations to a certain extent before receiving it!

For example...assigning specific tasks to specific"God Eaters""!

"In this way, you don’t have to compete with other players for tasks every day."

In addition, Amamiya Tsubaki also has the authority to"organize crusade activities."

In short, he can issue some special crusade requirements, and then let the Godslayers complete the crusade according to the rules.

Hearing this, Rean felt already There is a vague plan... a plan to divide the members of the [Ouroboros] Chapter!

However, there is no rush now, haste makes waste

"Starting from tomorrow, leave me a high-level crusade mission every day"

"I will contact you later if necessary for other matters."

Li En glanced at Amamiya Chun and continued.

"You only need to complete what I tell you, everything else remains as usual"

"Yes, master."

Because of the assistance of"Until Death Do Part" and"Ruler",

Amamiya Tsubaki's loyalty and favorability are directly locked at 200% (to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Li En and Don't worry about her leaking out her affairs

"The first step has been completed, and all that remains... is to increase the crusade level first."

With Amamiya Tsubaki's authority, Rean can quickly increase his crusade level.

In this way, the first stage promotion mission can be completed more safely....

As long as he can complete the first stage promotion mission and unlock the upper limit of B-level attributes... then Liu Xusheng will die!

"Ah, you're back?"

Seeing Li En, who left the team with the excuse of"going to the bathroom," rejoined.

Mengmeng and Nana, who were frowning in front of the terminal, finally cheered up a bit.

"What's wrong? Didn't you pick the right room? Rean put a smile on his face again and asked with some confusion.

He remembered that before leaving, they said they were looking for a place to live.

Although the Fenrir branch also provides dormitory services, there are always several people living together. That kind of thing.

Naturally, the two princesses of Debbie Luke couldn’t accept it.

"There is a suitable place, but……"

Mengmeng replied somewhat dejectedly.

"The credits we get from completing the crusade mission are not enough for rent."

"One month's rent starts with at least 50,000 credit points."

So that's the reason.

Li En raised his eyebrows and walked to an empty terminal next to him.

【Your current credit point balance is: 70,000】

"Hmm... If you calculate it like this, Mengmeng and Nana only need 14,000 yuan together. No wonder they can't afford to rent it."

In one afternoon, the three of them completed one level 2 crusade mission and two level 1 crusade missions. Including the rewards for passing the 3.3 recruit assessment, each person only had 7,000 credit points. I don't know what they were looking for. The rent for such a room actually costs 50,000 credits.

But... for Rean, he has 10 times the income.

This little money is not a problem. At worst, if you run out of money, just ask Amamiya Tsubaki to borrow it.

"ah?! Mr. Li En, how come you have so many credits?!"

Seeing the balance number displayed on the screen,

Mengmeng was surprised at first, and then seemed to have an idea.

She clapped her hands cheerfully and suggested

"In this case... Mr. Li En, can you rent this house and let us live in it?"

"When the crusade is completed, we will pay our share of the rent!".

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