Although"Mengmeng" is in the original work, the most impressive label may be the attribute of"sister-in-law" who tries every means to provide benefits to the male protagonist.

But in fact, she is also a character with extremely high talent and technical ability.

For example, she and Nana can directly summon creatures from a botanical garden/zoological park on a planet far away in the galaxy through equipment.

This"secondary space application technology" has only been mastered by Rean recently.

Not to mention that she has developed a virtual world game that is popular in the galaxy.

I am afraid that Kayaba Akihiko would have to respectfully call him"teacher" in front of him.

Therefore, when Mengmeng recognized Yui's identity, although Rean had some experience, it was expected.

Li En smiled and answered calmly.

"It's's the first time I've seen such a complete virtual life."

Mengmeng stared at the battlefield in the distance with some envy.

"You must have invested a lot of resources and energy in her, right?"

"Well... indeed."

Li En pondered for a moment, and suddenly realized that after he was promoted to C level, his technical route gradually moved closer to Yui.

First, he got a lot of virtual knowledge from the fragments of"Dark God Realm", and then the"2077""Cyber ​​Apocalypse", coupled with the unexpected"divinity".

Only then did"Yui" become a living and lifelike little girl who is almost the same as a real human girl."

"However, Yui did help me a lot."

Li En couldn't help but smile knowingly, feeling as if he was assigning homework to his daughter.

Seeing the soft smile on his face, Mengmeng blinked.

She felt that the atmosphere at this time had a very warm feeling..This feeling...she doesn't hate it, she even likes it a little bit

"So, is Mr. Li En a technician proficient in virtual technology?"

Through the exchange just now, Her Royal Highness the Third Princess of Debi Luke easily came to the conclusion

"Rather than being proficient in virtual technology, I'm more like the type who knows a little bit about everything."

Li En shrugged and replied very humbly.

"However, so far, the work I am most proud of is still Yui...and the [Magic Network] she is using】"

"Magic network?"

When it came to technical issues, Mengmeng suddenly became interested again.

She subconsciously moved closer to where Li En was sitting, and asked with curious eyes and tone.

"Is it the technology Yui is using? feels a bit similar to the virtual ecological park I created."

"oh? Perhaps we have adopted some common ideas on the underlying architecture.……"


"Um...your name is Yui, right?"

"Nana, who had returned from"hunting", asked the little black-haired girl next to her with some uncertainty.

"The answer is correct, this is the name my father gave me!"

Yui floated in the air, her hands on her hips proudly.

"So I have a question for you."

Nana pointed at Mengmeng and Li En, who were sitting on the petals and chatting happily, almost touching each other.

"Why did their relationship become so good in just ten minutes?!"

For the two people who were eagerly discussing technical topics, she even had a tragic feeling that she couldn't fit in and it wouldn't matter even without her.

"I don’t know, maybe dad is very popular with girls?"

Yui tilted her little head and said without thinking.

"Dad has always found it easy to win the favor of his sisters."

Although what Yui didn't know was that this was the influence of Rean's 10 times income support.

But when it fell into Nana's ears, it had another meaning.……

"W-what?! That guy must be a stinky man with a romantic nature, we can't let Mengmeng be deceived by him!"

Nana suddenly became alert and kept looking at Li En.

Well... according to the standards of humans in the universe, he is indeed handsome.

This must be what he relied on to deceive girls' feelings!

Looking at Na who suddenly ignited fighting spirit for some reason Na,

Yui showed a pure and innocent cute expression on her face. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But in her heart, she was constantly recording some inexplicable information in today's system log.

"The sister over there, called Mengmeng, feels smarter... Sister Nana looks silly."

"As for Sister Nana... I hope she can work hard!"

Mengmeng, who didn't know that she had been appointed as the"parent" by Yui, was suddenly interrupted by Nana when she was chatting with Li En.

"Hey, Nana, have you completed the capture?"

Looking at her sister with a dissatisfied expression, Mengmeng asked with some confusion.

"Or is it a failure?"

"Not really, thanks to the help of the little sister named Yui……"

Hearing Nana talk about Yui, Mengmeng immediately started learning and selling it.

"Hehe, you're surprised, right? I didn’t expect that Mr. Rean’s interests would be so extensive. By the way, the gasterozoa you just mentioned……"


Nana interrupted the topic cautiously, then took her sister's arm with one hand and pulled her away from Li En.

"It’s time for us to go back and hand in the mission, Mengmeng."

"Don’t forget that you haven’t found a place to stay tonight yet."

"ah? But Mr. Lean……"

"Will it be automatically transferred back when the countdown ends? Then don't worry about him."

Looking at the two sisters drifting away,

Li En raised his eyebrows.

He always felt that Nana suddenly started to target him.

There must be something weird in this.

Soon, he locked the suspect.

"Yui, when you went to help, did you say anything strange?"

"ah? No, Yui doesn’t know anything."

The little girl had a pure expression on her face and shook Li En's arm coquettishly.

"Dad, let’s hack into this world’s network system, okay?"

Li En glanced at Yui suspiciously, then nodded.


His expression gradually became cold.

Although it was indeed surprising to meet the two princesses of Debi Luke in this dungeon.

But he still did not forget his main mission in coming to this dungeon.

Kill Liu Xusheng and fight with him at all costs. means

"The first you"

"Amamiya Tsubaki"


(Updates are usually quite late, so it is recommended to save them or wait until the morning to read them again).

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