Although the"Essay Competition" schedule will last for several days.

But because of a speech yesterday, relevant reports have been overwhelming, whether it is traditional paper media or Internet media, and a new concept called"Magic Network" has spread rapidly.

"《Magic Network: Is it the idea of ​​a genius or the ravings of a madman?》"

"《Analysis of 10 reasons for the failure of the magic network from the perspective of modern magic system theory》"

"《A well-known magic engineering professor suggested banning folk magicians from participating in academic publishing activities》"

"《The World Magic Research Society suddenly held an emergency meeting. What is the truth behind it?……》"

"As expected of my brother, it took less than a day to alarm the magic world all over the world."

Miyuki read the news headlines on the screen one by one, although she knew that Rean didn't care about the judgment of the outside world.

"There are always some signs before an earthquake comes, right?"

Rean stroked the girl's soft hair and closed his eyes to rest.

In order to build the"Magic Network" these days, he was also a little busy and dizzy.

Fortunately, he has a knowledge that is difficult to match among reincarnation players at the same level. 12 With his knowledge reserve and

Yui's help, he finally developed the 1.0 prototype version of the"Magic Network" before the essay competition.

In short... the"Magic Network" he took out on the field was nothing more than It was a simple demo, with only basic functional architecture models.

Even so, after experiencing the effect of"Magic Network 1.0", until Li En finished his speech, the venue was completely silent.

"Then tomorrow, I will act according to the original plan."

Miyuki squinted her eyes slightly, enjoying her brother's touch.

"The Yotsuba Technology Association was the first to announce the release of the test content of version 1.0 of [Magic Network], and the current head of the Yotsuye family, Yotsuye Maya, served as a technical consultant."

In fact, among so many announcements, the most important point is actually the last one.

【Magic Network] will be open to everyone, including ordinary people.

This is the concept implemented from the beginning to the end of the"Magic Technology" developed by Rean.

The"Magic Network" he created will eventually allow"magic" and"spells" to return to their essence... as"tools"

"It has nothing to do with talent or blood, that’s all"

"This will be what I wrote in [Magic Network] User Registration Instructions, Aunt Maya, how do you feel?"

Miyuki looked up in shock and found that the living room where only the brother and sister should have been.

Suddenly, a graceful and charming figure appeared.

"Have you ever thought about what to do about the pressure from the Magic Association and the authorities?"

Yotsuba Maya looked at Miyuki and Rean with great interest.

The relationship between the siblings seemed to go beyond the scope of"family".

But this was exactly what she wanted to see.

"Magic Association and the official?"

Li En said casually

"As long as the person who raised the problem is solved, won't there be no problem?"

This is the way he has just taught Yui how to deal with things.

It can only be said that like a daughter, like a father.

"Too messy."

Yotsuba Maya sighed, but then smiled and shook her head.

"Forget it, since these are the things I asked you to do, let the Yotsuba family handle this part."

"That couldn't be better."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Li En nodded lightly, and then thought of something

"In that case, what are your trading conditions?……"

"That's what I'm here for."

Yotsuba Maya glanced at Li En,

"Do you think I am someone who will break my promise?"

"It depends."

Yotsuba Maya took a deep breath to calm down.

She stretched out her hand, as if touching a flat glass

"The time is about 1 minute, you decide it yourself."

Rean said nothing and nodded slightly.

His attention had been attracted by the virtual interface that appeared in front of Yotsuba Maya.

At the same time, in the mechanical network that had been deployed around him, he directly called Yui

【Yui, follow up】

【Okay, Dad...ah!】

【Explaining the situation]

Rean rubbed his temples and accepted the information sent by Yui.

"So that’s the case, no wonder [Supreme Throne] can detect global fluctuations of phantoms"

"Tsk, these guys’ research ideas are more wild than the others. 400"

All the flow of information will leave traces on the"wall" of the [Cocoon Room].

Therefore, the"Echelon System" instantly detected the fact that Yui was tracking it based on the flow of information.

【All detection results return empty addresses. Dad, it is consciously avoiding tracking!】

【Keep tracking, at least don't let it idle]

There are only 30 seconds left

"Since technological methods don’t work...then try some mysterious methods!"

Rean immediately made a decision, turned around and said to Yotsuba Maya who was connecting to the [Supreme Throne]

"Search my name through [Supreme Throne], quick!"

"……you sure?"

Yotsuba Maya looked surprised.

"【The query records of the Supreme Throne are public and can be seen by all the Seven Sages."

"Don't worry about it so much, I have my own solution."

Seeing that Rean was so determined, Yotsuba Maya said no more.

Through the virtual screen that appeared in front of him, he made a few operations out of thin air.


Li En made a prompt decision and directly traced the source of the sudden connection!

——Voice of God!

After a moment, a little smile appeared on his face

"finally found you!".

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