"Yui, how is the situation near the competition venue?"

"Several possible conflicts detected"


The formal venue for the essay competition in Magic High School, the preparation room.

Rean glanced at the college students who were making speeches on stage.

Then he continued to contact Yui.

"How do you deal with them?"

"Of course, follow dad's instructions and kill all the conflicting parties, so there will be no conflict!"

"Well done, keep up the good work."

Although this idea of ​​"solving the people who caused the problem will solve the problem" is a bit extreme.

But Rean knew that if he did not use force to give certain forces lurking in the dark a little shock to the reincarnation players.

Then, this essay competition must have been forcibly interrupted by various accidents.

After all, even in the original work, the"essay competition" is just a background.

The real plot is reflected in the commotion outside the competition...

But Rean The difference is that this time he is really here to engage in academic activities.

Therefore... all the lawless"400" who hinder his academic lecture activities will be eliminated by Yui with thunderous means.

Including but not limited to being tacitly Infected by a recording virus, turned into a lump of humanoid crystals, and was infected by his own C.A.D.Killed by explosion, killed by car control system failure while driving, etc.

Anyway, as long as it doesn’t affect the essay competition, Yui can do whatever she likes.

"Sorry to bother you."

Li En raised his hand and walked towards the competition committee staff who were passing by.

"How long until it's my turn?"

"Ah," the staff member glanced at Li En's name badge, then compared it with the appearance roster in his hand, and replied with a strange expression.

"Sorry, this classmate, because you are a participant who joined later, you can only appear last."

"That's it……"

Rean thought for a moment, and that was true.

After all, when I handed the paper to Mayumi, the registration time for the paper competition was almost over.

"It's not bad to be the last one to appear, as it saves the embarrassment of other players behind."

However, what Li En didn't know was that the contestants at the lower end of the order were basically"connected households" who could participate in the essay contest through connections.

In order to have a passable performance in the competition, it is good to have a resume Adding another achievement.

That's why the staff member had such a weird expression just now.

He must have regarded Li En as the kind of playboy who came in through the back door.

Competition venue, judges' seat.

Because today's competition is coming to an end.

So a few The judges were a little relaxed.

After all, the contestants behind them were just here to make up the numbers.

"Huh, that's how college essay competitions can be fooled."

A professor-level magic technician from the National University of Magic snorted.

"What these guys posted is more childish than my grandson’s summer homework."

"It doesn't have to be so harsh."

A middle-aged man wearing a suit and glasses said with a smile.

He was holding a very thick book in his hand.

This is the"Encyclopedia of World Magic" compiled by the world's most authoritative magic institution.

It is obvious. , this magician who looks like an ordinary office worker represents the World Magic Research Society!

"If the world was filled with spells designed for efficiency, it would be too boring."

The middle-aged man said while turning the pages of the"Encyclopedia"

"Therefore, sometimes it is interesting to see some non-utilitarian research results."

"I cannot agree with this."

The person who refuted him was the only woman in the jury box.

"Since it is a competition, we must strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the competition, aim at breakthrough innovation, and publish results with research significance and practical value."

In response to such a rebuttal, the middle-aged man in a suit didn't care at all, but smiled gently.

"After all,"Encyclopedia" and the authoritative academic magazine"Supernatural" are not following the same route, so the threshold on your side is naturally higher."

"The last one."

The professor-level magic technician from before knocked on the table impatiently.

"I really hope that tomorrow’s competition can filter out these lengthy and useless results."

"You're here, so why not listen... Huh?"

When the judges of the World Magic Research Society saw the figure on the podium, they couldn't help but be stunned.

"This person...why does it feel like I've seen him before somewhere?"


Rean looked away from several judges.

If he remembered correctly, the one in the middle seemed to have been here during the Nine Schools Battle.

While discussing the matter of"Dynamic Aerial Mines", researchers sent from the World Magic Research Society

"I see, is the editor of"Encyclopedia of Magic" here too?……"

Rean felt like laughing when he thought about the research results he was going to publish next. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I hope he doesn't blame me for losing his job later."

Buzz - the buzz of the microphone resounded throughout the venue, silencing the somewhat noisy venue as the competition was coming to an end.

Everyone turned their attention to the young man on the podium.

"Ladies and gentlemen, before I begin my speech, please allow me to ask a question."

Li En put his hands behind his back and walked calmly on the podium.

"If you try your best, how many different kinds of magic can you master at the same time?"

There was a discussion under the podium.

Before anyone could answer, Li En asked and answered himself.

"The answer is based on the C it holds.A.D.Depends on model"

"Even the most widely used general-purpose machine can only store up to 99 startup patterns."

"And specialized type C.A.D.Only 9 startup methods of the same system can be stored"

"As for fixed magic machines that are specialized in certain performance, they are not under discussion."

"This is the limit of the magic that modern magicians can master after the emergence of magic auxiliary calculation devices...."


Chu Mu snapped his fingers, and Yui changed the background of the screen behind him in time.

A black letter on a white background and a huge number appeared in everyone's sight.

"As for me, the number of spells I currently master is... 23,461."

There was silence for a moment in the venue.

The first person to question was the magic engineering professor at the judges' table.

"This is impossible!"

The professor's beard was brimming with anger.

"No Dharma machine can carry so many magical codes……"

"This old gentleman, I don’t seem to have said that...my spells are cast by magic machines."

Li En smiled softly and snapped his fingers again.

In an instant, everyone in the venue was surprised to find that the auditorium they were in had turned into a snowfield covered with ice and snow!

Thick goose feather snow covered the ground. After falling, it was almost impossible to see other people a few meters away!

Even the limbs and skin were gradually penetrated by the cold air,

"Illusion... spiritual magic?!"

Some people exclaimed.

But the next moment, they woke up from the illusion again.

They saw a microphone flying at high speed in Rean's hand.


Li En said lightly.


The microphone suddenly fell to the ground in full view of everyone.

It seemed as if a huge force was exerted on it, directly smashing a huge hole in the floor!

Wood chips were flying, and the scattered debris seemed to be alive, gathering from all directions to Li. in the palm of grace


Then the next moment, these small balls made of sawdust burned out of thin air, like a spherical flame.


In the following time, the judges on the stage and the audience below the stage watched Li En's"performance" in stunned silence.

The latter, in front of them, without the assistance of a magic machine, used modern magic to All 8 categories of system-non-system magic have been used!

"This, this is impossible... Even ancient magic requires chanting and casting tools to cast spells!"

The Professor of Magic Engineering opened his mouth and wanted to raise a question.

But he couldn't find any argument!

"【Magic Network], this is the name I gave to this method of magic."

Li En stretched out his hand, and the microphone that had just been sunk into the floor appeared out of thin air in his hand.

——space transfer

"As long as you are within the range of [Magic Network], you can use all the spells recorded in [Magic Network]"

"And there is no need to record the activation of any spells yourself, all you have to pay... is just some ideas."

Then, Rean snapped his fingers for the third time.

"Just now, I gave you a small gift"

"If you are interested in [Magic Network]... you might as well experience the feeling of being connected to [Magic Network]"

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