
Warm sunlight fell from the window and fell on Li En's face.

The warm feeling made him open his eyes.

There are not many residential areas in Night City that can enjoy the sunshine early in the morning.

Most people at the bottom can only live in prison-like apartments.

The first thing you see every day is cheap artificial light

"Dad, are you awake?"

Detecting that Rean's vital signs were active,

Yui immediately projected herself in front of him, curiously looking at Lucy who was still sleeping.

"Need to call a trauma team for Sister Lucy?"

"No, she asked for it."

Rean helplessly knocked Yui, who knew what he was asking.

With the physical fitness of the Void race, such a level of"exertion" can be recovered after a short rest.

"What's up? [Cyber ​​"610" Apocalypse] Is there any new analysis progress?"

Rean asked while putting on his clothes.

Based on Yui's logic of action, if there is no urgent matter, he will not disturb him.

A progress bar appeared on Yui's head, and then he shook his cute little face , took out a letter.

Of course, it was a virtual letter

"But that’s not what I want to say. Dad, Director Tanaka has sent you a message!"


Li En raised his eyebrows. It turned out to be Tanaka...

So it seems that Arasaka Yorinobu has returned to Arasaka Tower. Unexpectedly, it was the day after he killed Adam Hammer.

If he had come a few days earlier, he would have been there. It’s not that troublesome.

However, Adam Hammer is dead, so it’s useless to say this.

"Show me what he messaged."

He casually took out a rice ball made by Illuri from the space ring.

Rean clicked on the letter sent by Yui.

After browsing it, Rean happened to fill up his own rice ball.

"Hmm... as expected."

According to his arrangement, after Arasaka Yorinobu returned to Night City,

Tanaka contacted him as a director.

He also said that someone behind him wanted to buy the"Soul Killer" chip in his hands. He had just returned from his father's death Arasaka Yorinobu, who had stolen the chip in the laboratory and was still warm, was naturally startled by the sudden words.

However, after thinking about it, he finally agreed to meet with Rean - but he did not say Use the chip in your hand as a bargaining chip.

And it's not a face-to-face meeting in reality.

Instead, use the Arasaka company's network to conduct a virtual meeting.

"Really vigilant."

Seeing a lot of additional conditions, Li En smiled.

He casually sent a message to Tanaka

"Tell Arasaka Yorinobu that I agree to all his conditions."

A few hours later.

In the virtual conference room of Arasaka Company.

Arasaka Yorinobu's virtual projection appeared on the main seat of the conference room.

He looked at the man in front of him with a gloomy face.

Compared to himself who was worried...

The other party looked particularly confident, leisurely, and... indifferent?

It was as if what he was facing was not the person in charge of the Overlord Group of Night City, but an ordinary person who could be seen everywhere on the roadside.

"Before I begin, I have one thing to ask you."

Arasaka Yorinobu thought for a moment, and then said

"How did you know I had the soul killer chip in my hand?"

"Ha... I can't answer you about this alone."

Rean shrugged and said casually.

It can't be said that he came from other worlds.

The entire 2077 universe is just a game on earth...

If you really want to say that, Arasaka Yorinobu will definitely take advantage of him. when cyberpsychosis

"……It seems that you are very insincere in this negotiation."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The look on Arasaka Yorinobu's face became even more gloomy.

Even the virtual conference room was filled with an atmosphere that could freeze the air.

He had already made up his mind to use Arasaka The company's network security system to track down this man's true identity!

"No, I don't need to be sincere."

Li En put his hands on the table and snapped his fingers.

"By the way, my name is Rean"


Arasaka Tower, the private office of the chairman.

Arasaka Yorinobu instantly took off the Mewtwo device on his head.

A cold sweat broke out from behind, and he quickly looked around - the"Hello" just now, he sounded like someone from It came from behind him!

He was so frightened that he quickly exited the virtual meeting and checked the surrounding environment....

Fortunately, there were no intruders

"Was it an illusion just now?"

Arasaka Yorinobu said to himself.

But the next second, his heart was in his throat again

"Sorry, it's not an illusion."

There was a hint of smile in Rean's tone.

It came to Arasaka Yorinobu's mind.

——Voice of God!

The power of the taboo spread instantly, but was immediately controlled by Rean.

This level of application of taboo knowledge is not enough to cause loss of control.

While Arasaka Yorinobu was panicking,

Rean completed the transformation of the void race on him.

The reason why he dared to kill Yoshinobu Arasaka was because he was just an ordinary person after all.

If he were replaced by a leader-level boss like Adam Hammer.

I guess the"noise" I have is not as serious as the backlash from the prosthetic body.

"Master, I understand what you mean."

After a moment, Arasaka Yorinobu opened his eyes.

The background of his eyes was filled with a lavender light that symbolized the void.

"I will ask Tanaka to hand over the soul killer chip to you."

"In addition, information about [Black Wall] will be sent to you as soon as possible"

"very good."

Rean nodded with satisfaction.

In this way, he has completed two of the three goals in the"4.5 Cyberpunk 2077" copy. The first is to obtain the"legacy" of Buttermos, and the second The first is to obtain the technology of"Mikoshi" and"Soul Killer".

The last one left... is the"Black Wall" and things beyond the Black Wall!

Now, the first two goals have basically been achieved

【The resolution of"Cyberapocalypse" is improving day by day.

"Research on"Mikoshi" and"Soul Killer" is also on the agenda

"Finally...I personally went to explore the outside of the [Black Wall], and it was a perfect ending."

After receiving the information from Yorinobu Arasaka,

Rean went straight to work without taking a break.

He wanted to see what... was outside the"black wall".

Let"Cyberpunk 2077" The giant companies here are also afraid of it!.

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