
【Skill Chip: General Production Standard (Lv1)】


+Request: Intelligence 180, master"Mechanical Design Prototype""、"Industrial~Manufacturing Template" knowledge

+Result: This is a technical chip that records a variety of manufacturing standards. After learning, you can create upgraded and downgraded products of different levels, and there is a chance to break through the level restrictions and create higher-level products.

+Positive: You can make downgraded products that are no higher than the drawing level, and reduce the corresponding attributes and costs. When making equal-level products, there is a (skill level x 0.5)% chance of creating a product that is 1 level higher.


The main effects of universal production specifications are twofold.

One is that high-grade mechanical props can be mass-produced at low cost.

For example, the A+ light power mecha blueprint held by Rean cannot be manufactured because the level is too high and cannot meet the attribute requirements.

After learning the"general production specifications", you can create B-level and C-level"low-end version" mechas.

Although the properties will be reduced, at least I can wear it.

And the materials and costs are much cheaper.

Another effect is to break through the limit of drawing level!

If the"General Production Standards" skill is raised to the full level.

Each time it is produced, there is a 5% chance of producing a product that is one level higher.

If it is an A+ grade"light power mecha""……

There is a chance to create an S-class legendary mecha!

"The attribute requirements are not very high. I also have these two knowledge and skills... I learned them!"

Rean suppressed his excitement.

This skill is definitely a very rare manufacturing skill!

It seems that Adam's Hammer still has some good things.

He directly pulled the"General Production Standard" to LV10.

3 appeared in front of Rean's eyes. breakthrough reward options


【1. High-quality quality control: improve the properties and parameters of downgraded products】

【2. Cost compression: When manufacturing downgraded products, material consumption is reduced by 20%】

【3. In-depth research and development: the probability of producing upgraded products is increased by an additional 3%】


"Hmm...all pretty good."

Li En looked at the breakthrough options in front of him and hesitated.

""High-quality quality control" can narrow the attribute gap between downgraded products and original parts.

It can provide better products at the same cost.

And"cost compression" directly reduces material consumption by 20%.

When scaled up to the assembly line, it can save hundreds of millions of dollars. The cost is tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions!

But in the end, Rean chose"quality research and development".

This breakthrough reward can once again increase the upper limit of"general production specifications"!

The probability of creating high-grade products reaches 8%.

This is already a pretty good chance.

The only thing needed is for Rean to raise his level as soon as possible.

Otherwise, he will not be able to make high-level items.

After cleaning up all the trophies,

Rean looked at Yui's progress..The backdoor program happened to be installed in [Mikyu].

"Things are done, it's time to go."

With a wave of his hand, all the remains of the puppets left on the ground were put into the secondary space. After thinking about it, Rean left a big hole next to the remains of Adam's Hammer.

"V"Word than mark.

Then it was teleported back to Lucy through the [Bloodline Beacon].

She was not allowed to participate in the battle this time because of the convenience of teleportation.

"From [Night City Broadcasting] to [News 52], everyone is talking about the unknown attack on Arasaka Tower."

Lucy glanced at Li En who appeared next to her and said lazily.

"I remember you just said you were going to meet other people."

"Just bad luck."

Li En shrugged and put his arms around Lucy's waist.

"I originally wanted to finish the matter quietly and leave."

"Who knew I met Adam Hammer?"


Lucy was slightly moved. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Adam Hammer can be said to be an iconic character in Night City.

No matter which lane he is in, he knows that there is not much flesh left in his body. cybermaniac

"Then, I guess you had a fight with him"

"Obvious things."

Li En said casually

"People who live in the city that never sleeps will probably only think of this name in bars from now on."

Every"legend" in Night City has a glass of wine of his own.

Rean's meaning is naturally self-evident.

"You...killed Adam Hammer?!"

Lucy opened her mouth slightly and said in disbelief.

Although she knew that Rean's strength was unfathomable.

Even Adam's Hammer was probably no match for him... But she didn't expect that Adam's Hammer would already be the best in just one face-to-face meeting.

Became the"history of Night City""!

"Frankly speaking, his death was ugly and there was nothing to talk about."

Rean is not interested in retelling the battle scene again.

He has overfulfilled his task today.

Therefore, he wants to relax for a long time.

Lucy noticed Rean's movements, and a smile appeared on her pretty face.

"Isn't Adam's Hammer enough to satisfy you?"

"Huh, I bet you can't either."

Hearing Li En's counterattack, Lucy raised her eyebrows and sat directly on Li En's body.

"Then... let's give it a try"


A few days later, Arasaka Tower

"I need an explanation."

Yorinobu Arasaka, who had just returned from the headquarters, looked at the senior executives in the company with an ugly expression.

"Why did I just leave for a week?"

"My security supervisor was killed by a guy named V for no apparent reason?"

"Is the security system in this building a freeloader?!"

The senior executives of Arasaka Company looked at each other, and no one dared to speak out to provoke the angry Arasaka Yorinobu.

After all, even if they no longer want to see the second son of the family, he still has absolute control over the Arasaka Group in Night City.

"Everyone is talking! Why doesn't anyone dare to take responsibility?!"

Arasaka Yorinobu looked at the silent crowd and slapped the table angrily.

But in the end, he sighed and said coldly

"The meeting is over!"

In his mind, these guys are just a group of company lackeys.

Apart from safeguarding their own interests, there is nothing trustworthy about them.

"Chairman, I have something to tell you"


Arasaka Yorinobu frowned and looked at the visitor.

"Director Tanaka...what's the matter with you?"

He thought it was just ordinary company affairs.

Or those boring small reports within the group.

But the other party's low reply made Arasaka Yorinobu instantly stand up cold!

"The person behind me wants the [Soul Killer] chip you just stole back from the headquarters."

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