Adam - Hammer.

This is the name of the man standing in front of Rean.

In other words, he can no longer be described as"human" at this time.

More than 90% of the body has been transformed into prosthetics.

The native body is almost completely replaced by machinery.

As a"legend" in Night City, his evil reputation can be said to be unknown to everyone.

Brutal, bloodthirsty, and extremely cruel.

Before his whole body was modified, he was an extremely vicious thug.

After the transformation, even the remaining humanity was gone.

Became a complete"robot".

Although his words were full of arrogant emotions, his red eyes stared at Li En indifferently.

There is no trace of human emotion in it

"……You want to kill me?"

Seeing Rean turn around, Adam gave a heavy sneer.

It was like he heard some incredible joke.

"Just because you are such a weak little meat man?"

He didn't think that the weird intruder in front of him had the power to defeat him.

Except for another legendary lone wolf in Night City-Morgan Blackhand.

Adam Hammer thought that no one was his opponent!

Therefore, he Only then did I have the time to chat with Rean here.

Just like a hunter who is confident of victory, he will leisurely play with his inevitable prey.

"Your body is the product of countless technologies, but……"

Li En shook his head calmly, and even sighed lightly.

"Your brain seems to be still original."

"No wonder the knowledge is so shallow."

After being ridiculed like this, Adam Zhongmai's face instantly darkened.

Although he didn't have any expression at all, it was easy to tell from the sudden surge of red light in his eyes.

He must be in a very bad mood at this time.

"Very good... Since you want to die quickly, I will make it happen for you!"

The next moment, his figure disappeared on the spot!

Such a huge and heavy mechanical body can actually move faster and more sensitively than a sports car!

——Sean Westan!

As the gold medal fighter of Arasaka Company, it is impossible for Adam Hammer to not have a prosthetic plug-in with the specifications of Sean Westan.

His whole body is full of killing weapons, it is simply a humanoid self-propelled war weapon!

However, the moment Adam Hammer disappeared.

Rean also activated the"Subjective Slow Time" simultaneously."……

His speed at this moment is faster than Adam's Hammer!

I even had the time to click on the reminder message that appeared.


【Boss battle: Adam-Hammer】

【Description: No matter how you provoke this violent mechanical beast, there is only one result of this battle, that is, one side will be completely dismantled into parts. Of course, if you can become the final winner and defeat this night monster in front of you, The city's long-established"legend", you will receive extremely high rewards!】

【Grade: B+

【Durability: 1.75 million】

【Resistance: electromagnetic 25%, corrosion 55%, physical 75%, freezing 60%】

【Attributes: Strength 285, Constitution 255, Agility 260, Will 151】

【Modules: small nuclear-powered biological reactor, nano-alloy skeleton bracket, built-in heavy-duty cannon, external micro-rocket launcher, gravity controller……】

【Reward: 50,000 Night City reputation, 500,000 reincarnation points, 50 skill points, 50 attribute points】


As the first boss-level boss encountered in the copy of"Cyberpunk 2077".

The attributes of Adam's Hammer have a feeling of"unpretentious power".

All of his blood volume has been converted into the"durability" that only a mechanical body can have.

The three basic attributes have also reached the B+ level!

Paired with a variety of prosthetic devices, it has high resistance.

It is simply the best interpretation of"humanoid weapons"!

It's a pity... He met Rean, who is proficient in the two schools of"virtual" and"real weapons"

"Military-grade Sianwistan is nothing more than that.

After entering the"Subjective Time Slow" state, Rean instantly found Adam's Hammer, which was moving in an arc towards his position.

The opponent's figure showed a strange slow motion in his sight.

This was due to the different perception of time between the two parties. performance.

Facing the B+ leader and powerful enemy, Rean did not underestimate the opponent, and directly chose to liberate the"Guilty Crown" and activate the"Void Kingship""……

Face Adam Hammer with your strongest attitude!


Two sets of hexagonal prisms appeared out of thin air behind Rean.

They were the"high-energy laser prisms" that replaced the"floating cannon".

As soon as they appeared, dozens of lasers burst out, instantly hitting Adam Hammer. A series of sparks exploded!

The accompanying"magnetic storm crown" effect even shook Adam's body with a heavy hammer!

"Tsk, what a tough insect!"

Adam Heavy Hammer didn't take it seriously.

This level of damage was insignificant to him.

But Rean's counterattack made him furious. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The soles of his feet instantly erupted with scorching heat. The airflow and flames surged in speed again, rushing straight towards Rean!

"Want to get closer?"

Rean curled his lips.

Adam Hammer clearly had a long-range attack module, but he wanted to get close to him.

He obviously wanted to use tyrannical power to directly kill him!

Only this kind of bloody and cruel killing method could allow him to get away from it. Get a sense of pleasure.

Rean will definitely not fulfill his wish.


He stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and the space around Rean suddenly became abnormally distorted.

This is the abnormal manifestation of"gravity" in this space!

——The artificial technique-gravity cage-changed!

The original gravity cage applied excessive gravity to enemy units, thereby using gravity itself to restrain the enemy.

Although practical, the control is not very strong.

After improvements, Rean can now directly modify the gravity constant in a space!

Directly use the most basic means to cause the opponent's gravity to be abnormal!

Not only can it be"heightened", but it can also be"too light""!

【warn! The gravity control module is wrong and the environmental parameters are abnormal!】


Adam Heavy Hammer only felt that his foot was in the air, and a large number of warning prompts came from the combat system.

He had no time to pay attention to the various data emerging in his sight.

He only felt that his body was floating uncontrollably, as if on the surface of the moon.

A light and fluttery feeling of losing gravity!

Bang -

The soaring speed and the out-of-control gravity directly caused Adam's hammer to hit the ceiling of the server room, making a huge noise!

​​In this gap, several lightning bolts exploded on his body again. flower!

——Triple magnetic storm crown!

Rean has taken the opportunity to summon the"Dolphin Star", which together with the domain control effect of"Void Kingship",

763 can cause the additional damage of"Magnetic Storm Crown" three times per second!

This is enough to threaten Adam Hammer's life!

Even if he has 25% electromagnetic resistance, he can't last more than a few minutes under repeated blows!


Adam Heavy Hammer cursed a few times, but instead of continuing to hold on, he directly called for reinforcements through the security system!

Within a few seconds, groups of gun-toting security guards wearing Arasaka Company uniforms rushed in.

"Shaking people, right... It's just as shameless as in the game."

Rean snorted, not too surprised.

After all, in the original"2077", the boss battle of Adam Hammer also had a group of boys helping to fight.

But... there were more people than him, so he had never been afraid of anyone!

Night City, Bad Land.

In a large garbage dump that no one cares about.

Under the optical mask layer, countless"node" multifunctional engineering robots are busy.

After several days of hard work, they have expanded. A large"tribe" with thousands of engineering robots!

Suddenly, all the robots seemed to have received some kind of instructions.

They all stopped working in unison.

【Receive a war order and enter a state of war!】

【Starting secondary space teleportation……】

【Free all"Sword Dancers""、"Ranger" and"Sorcerer" level automatic puppets!】

【Advanced authority is taking over all war nodes]

Then, Yui appeared on a display screen waving her little fist.

The energetic little girl with long hair shouted excitedly at all the machines

"For dad's sake, go for it!".

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