Arasaka Tower.

It serves as the headquarters of Arasaka Corporation in Night City.

Arasaka Tower's defense is flawless.

Not only does it have the most basic human security system, but almost the entire building is covered by surveillance equipment.

Once any emergency occurs here, it will be immediately blocked.

Deploy any firepower, including small war mechs, to deal with the invaders.

Even Rean, after arriving at the building that was used as the final battleground in the original work, looked at everything around him in amazement.

Of course, he did not enter as an enemy, but as a distinguished guest of the director of"Yamada"

"Lord Rean, the confidentiality level of this room is very high and there are no monitoring devices."

Yamada, who is somewhat short and fat and has a typical oriental face, said to Li En respectfully.

"I have brought the navigation information you requested.……"

"Of course, I slightly changed a few error parameters based on your instructions."

Although he didn't know what the use of Rean suddenly came to ask for the navigation data in his car.

But since"763" was Rean's request, he had no reason to refuse.

Regardless of being a secondary void race Even if he is not affected by the"Conversion Fanatical" trait,

Yamada will definitely treat Rean as his guest!

Because after the transformation, his physical attributes have been comprehensively improved, and he is even stronger and stronger than when the prosthetic plug-in was implanted. Powerful!

And it is a pure native body with no need to worry about cyberpsychosis!

If Yamada had known that Rean had such an ability, he would have sacrificed all his wealth and begged Rean to assimilate him into a void race!

"Yes, things are done very quickly."

Rean took a data chip and immediately received a notification that the employment mission was completed.

Once he submitted the chip to the middleman Faraday, he would be able to obtain the complete mission reward.

But he was not doing it for this mission reward this time. Come, it’s a rare visit to Arasaka Company, and it’s unreasonable to go back without bringing some souvenirs.

Li En used his mechanical power, patrolled the room, and blocked several extremely secret monitoring equipment. Then he turned his head and looked at Yamada the director asked

"I heard that Arasaka Yorinobu is coming back in the next few days?"

Yorinobu Arasaka, the chairman of the Night City branch of Arasaka Company, is also the heir to the Arasaka family.

He is the youngest and only surviving son of the head of the group, Saburo Saka.

"Yes, he went back to the headquarters a few days ago. According to his itinerary, he should be returning to Night City recently."

Yamada nodded, his heart moved.

He asked tentatively.

"Lord Rean, do you want to contact the boss?"

"Hmm... I do have this idea."

Li En pondered for a moment, and finally nodded in response.

"Can you help?"

Hearing this question, Yamada looked bitter and thought about it for a long time, but finally shook his head helplessly.

"Although Arasaka Yorinobu is the boss of the company, he doesn’t trust anyone"

"Except for the security captain who doesn't have much meat left, all of us can't get close to him."

"Moreover, he has been going against Saburo Arasaka, so the company's direct descendants also dislike him."

Yamada is puzzled, but Rean knows the true nature of Arasaka Yorinobu.

No one would have thought that as the heir to a behemoth like the Arasaka Group,

Arasaka Yorinobu, who is in a high position, can clearly enjoy the wealth of his family. Rich and powerful, behind the scenes, he is a reformer who wants to overthrow all capital groups.

He opposes his father Arasaka Saburo, and actually wants to disintegrate the Arasaka Group from within.

"No problem, I'll find a way to get in touch with him."

Li En ordered

"When he comes back, send me a message"

"Yes, Lord Rean."

Leaving the private meeting room.

Rean breathed a sigh of relief.

If he guessed correctly, when he comes back this time, Arasaka Yorinobu will have the"Soul Killer" chip with him.

And it will also store the soul of"Johnny Silverhand" chip.

This chip has very high technical value to Rean.

After all, this thing is also a key prop throughout the original work.

It would be a pity not to get it.

The only problem is that Arasaka Yorinobu is still returning On the way,

I have to wait a few days for news. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"But... there is another valuable place inside Arasaka Tower."

After getting the data required for the mission from Yamada,

Rean was not in a hurry to leave Arasaka Tower.

As mentioned before. He

's already here, so if he doesn't take the opportunity to open a map and get something back, what kind of reincarnation player would he be?! The place where Rean is willing to risk being discovered by the entire Arasaka Tower security system and go there at all costs is the core server room of Arasaka Tower!

According to the original plot, there is a"god" in the core server room that can directly connect to the headquarters of the Arasaka Group. The interface of"Mikoshi"!

The so-called"Mikoshi" is a"prison" built with special coding.

After creating the technology of"formatted consciousness/soul",

Arasaka Company built the"Mikoshi" using It is used to store digitized consciousness information.

In other words, this is a"soul prison" in the sense of science fiction!

Even if the physical body decays, consciousness can be temporarily stored with the help of the effect of"Mikoshi".

If there is an adapted physical body, It can directly"copy" the consciousness data to the"Soul Killer" chip.

Then kill the original consciousness of the new body and resurrect it!

For rich people, this is simply a miracle leading to"eternal life"!

However, In order to study"Soul Killer" and"Consciousness Encoding",

Arasaka Company secretly conducted countless human experiments.

"The consciousness data in"Mikoshi" are almost all their victims....

Only a small number of rich people can enjoy the privilege of"extending their lives".

For example...Arasaka Saburo.

Of course, Rean's search for the"Mikoshi" interface was definitely not just for fun.

Instead, I wanted to see if I could sneak in and then gradually analyze the related technologies of the"Mikoshi".

After all, the"soul killer" chip alone is not enough.

It must have supporting storage technology to be a complete technical solution.

"Security is getting tighter and tighter, which seems to be the right direction."

Li En quietly passed by several security personnel.

He directly hacked into the electronic prosthetic eyes of the two security guards and eliminated his own optical image, so that he could pass by them unnoticed. Undetected.

As for those automatic turrets and laser traps, they were already scanned by Rean at the first opportunity.

However, if you directly use [Mechanism Prohibition] to stop the functions of these devices, it will alert the snake and trigger the alarm system of Arasaka Tower..

So he chose to bypass the dangerous area.

Although it would waste a lot of time, it would save a lot of trouble.

The last door opened, and a giant data terminal connected to countless pipelines was revealed in front of Rean.

【You discovered Arasaka Tower - Core Server Room]

A simple prompt message popped up.

But Li En wiped the sweat from his forehead with satisfaction.

"It's not in vain that I played hide-and-seek with the security guards for more than an hour."

Although Yui can't spare the computing power to help with the invasion now, not to mention that he now has intelligent brain assistance, the intensity of the invasion is even better than before.

However, just when he walked to the operation panel of the server, a sound of 1.9 came from behind The heavy sound of landing made Li En's nerves suddenly tense!

"Haha, look what I found - a weak little mouse!"

A thick and cold mechanical voice came from the mouth of a tall figure.

His whole body was almost covered with various mechanical prosthetic components.

The flashing red prosthetic eyes scanned Rean, as if keeping a close eye on prey. Beast!

"Although I don’t know how you invaded a place like this……"

"But it would be nice if it could relieve my boredom."

"I'll keep you alive a little longer - until I get tired of it!"

Li En slowly turned around and looked at the figure in front of him, with a sneer appearing on the corner of his mouth.

"Unfortunately, my thoughts are completely opposite to yours……"

"Adam Hammer!"


(I had a day off on New Year's Day, so I didn't post it yesterday. I forgot to mention it...)

(In addition, after beating Adam's Hammer, the copy of 2077 is almost over. After all, it is a copy before the update, so it is very inconvenient to write).

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