Night City, Westbrook District. This is the safest area in the entire Night City, except the city center , and it is also the commercial center. Therefore, it is the most suitable place to live. But if you don’t have enough money ~ maintain a decent life. They may be kicked out of their homes and thrown into the streets. Because of the existence of NCPD, there is not much crime here. Only a criminal gang called the"Tiger Claw Gang" hangs out near Neon Street, but they only dare to hang out in dark corners where the police and company guards cannot see. By the way, there are some lessons for those who cannot afford the high rent and daily expenses. Although this is the most livable and enjoyable area in Night City. However, if you don’t have enough financial resources... you may be the one others use for pleasure.

"Lucy, did you go out with that boy last night?"

Dorio brought a tray from the bar.

She placed a cocktail on Lucy, who was leaning on her arms and holding her cheeks, and kept the remaining ice-cold sparkling water for herself.

"I can't tell, but you're pretty quick to strike."

"No wonder I haven't seen you having fun before"

"So you like young people like this?"

The tone was somewhat teasing.

Lucy didn't refute, her eyes seemed to be staring into the distance. She silently savored the excitement of the wine sliding down her tongue.

"No tasks today?"

Qiwei took a goblet from the tray and looked at Dolio - when Mann was away,

Dolio, the oldest and had a good relationship with Mann, took his place.

"Mann went to talk to Faraday, and there will be news tonight."

Faraday is also a middleman in Night City.

Although he cannot compare with middlemen of the"Priest" level in terms of status and reputation, he is already a big patron for the"Edgewalker" team.

"Where are Pyrrha and Rebekah?"

"It shouldn't be up yet. They, brother and sister, are always late professionals."

After briefly chatting with Dolio,

Qiwei sat next to Lucy who was in a daze.

"What's wrong with you? You seem to be distracted."

"fine. Lucy responded lightly.

She was still thinking about"Butmos" over and over again in her mind.

Until now, she felt that yesterday's experience was like a dream.

But the strangeness coming from the neural network reminded Lucy.

This is not an empty dream... because the strange AI little girl who calls Li En"Dad" is monitoring her every word and deed without leakage at this moment.

Preventing her from telling what she saw yesterday night.

Qiwei She raised her eyebrows.

Even she was a little curious at the moment.

What could make Lucy so entangled?

So she cast a curious look at Dorio.

The strong female warrior shrugged, said with a smile

"Maybe she's thinking about whether she should be responsible for the little boy she just got a piece with."

"After all, Li En is quite handsome."

Qiwei looked at Lucy in surprise, and the latter rolled her eyes helplessly.

"I didn't get together with him"

"Besides, why am I responsible for him?"

Dorio and Qiwei looked at each other and laughed out loud in unison.

Hearing the happy voice coming from beside them,

Lucy sighed softly and looked aside helplessly.

She closed the senses of the outside world and sent out signals through the nervous system. Communication.

Soon, a figure that only she could see popped out.

"Do you have something to tell dad?"

Yui sat on the bar and tilted her head curiously.

"Yes, tell him……"

Lucy hesitated for a moment, then said in her mind

"I agree to cooperate with him"

"However, I have a condition……"


Although it is a working day.

But Rean didn't go to class.

The person who takes his place in class is a"royal double". (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"This thing is quite useful"

"It would be nice if I had this thing when I was in school"

"Go to class as a substitute, and you can still gain the knowledge you learned after coming back and merging."

"It's the perfect tool to skip class."

Li En couldn't help but think[]

Although he took a break, he still did not put down the research at hand.

——Intelligent brain.

This is the device Rean uses to replace the neural network system implant.

Both"network access cabin""、"neural chip"、""Brain-Computer Interface" and other functions.

At the same time, it is also an auxiliary computing device developed by Rean for himself.

Although his own computing power has reached an extremely high level with the addition of vast knowledge and skills, he only has one after all. People...

Even if you add the"Dolphin Star", they can only be used by two people at most.

And Rean has too many technological directions that need to be researched urgently, such as conventional laser technology, mechanical research and development, equipment replacement... Please give me flowers and him Unique void technology, taboo knowledge, etc.

Even if the [Void Technology Research Institute] headed by Yingman Chunxia shared part of the tasks, it only allocated research tasks related to life technology.

Of course, there are also people with superior IQs Xia Shi inherited his mantle. However, Rean did not intend to teach her such troublesome things as"forbidden knowledge". Therefore, creating a high-power auxiliary calculation system is what Rean urgently needs to solve. Things have happened. In fact, reincarnation players on the technology side will face this problem after they reach intermediate and advanced levels. The usual solution is... to directly purchase ready-made equipment or blueprints. After all, there are so many reincarnation players on the technology side, and they have already formed Several mature and reliable solutions were found. But after careful consideration, Rean still decided to develop it himself. Now he is no longer the novice who needed to buy everything. With the accumulation of countless knowledge and skills, especially the last copy The world has acquired so much"virtual" knowledge. He is fully capable of developing an auxiliary calculation system unique to"Rean" directly from scratch! The biggest advantage of doing this is that he can modify it and add functions at will! Moreover, it can also be linked based on a powerful AI like"Yui"

"The progress is almost at the stage of initial application.……"

Li En wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The consumption of mental work is no less than that of physical work.

"I don’t know what the upper limit of the intelligent brain I created can be."

At this moment, he received the message from Yui

"Dad, Sister Lucy wants me to tell you something!"


Li En was slightly startled,

"It seems like she agreed to my cooperation."

"Although Zhinao is about to be put into use."

He doesn't have the habit of putting eggs in one basket.

So while asking Lucy to cooperate, he is also trying to develop an"intelligent brain" to be compatible with the brain-computer chips of this world.

However, Lucy agreed to cooperate......This is a good thing.

After all, Rean still lacks an"experimental sample""

"Did she agree?"

Li En asked Yui

"Yes, but she has one more request."

Yui's energetic voice sounded in Li En's ears.

"250,000, this is the remuneration proposed by Miss Lucy."

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