"Where have you been so late?"

When Rean returned to the apartment,

Gloria had just gotten off work.

She was lying on her side on the sofa with a tired look, wearing the classic yellow jacket.

"Extracurricular practice."

Li En replied casually.

"By the way, I've made a few new friends recently, and I might hang out more often."

"friend? That's good... I thought you couldn't play with your peers."

Gloria was a little surprised, but soon became worried.

"But you must remember"

"Don't get involved with those bad guys who are in gangs"

"Your future isn’t in the streets… it’s in the big companies"

"I see."

Rean nodded.

Although Gloria's requirements for him were strict, they were just a mother's worries about her children.

In fact, for"David" in the original work, he was the best The way out is actually to listen to his mother's words, study at Arasaka Academy step by step, graduate and become a lackey of a large company - although he is a"lackey", this is a treatment that many Night City gangsters who hang out on the streets can't even dream of..

Not long after, a steady sound of breathing came from the sofa.

Rean glanced at Gloria who had fallen asleep, and left a"320 Royal Stand" before leaving the apartment quietly.

In the apartment building On the road in front of us, a flamboyant and luxurious"Goodra 66" parked on the side of the road.

The red body was still very conspicuous even in the night.

"Boss, you are here."

After Li En approached, the car door quickly opened, and a young man with a middle-parted comb got out respectfully.

"you drive."

Li En sat in the back seat as a matter of course.

This young man was"Little Tanaka" who had been completely controlled by him!

The status of this rich second generation is not ordinary.

His father"Tanaka" is the director of Arasaka Academy. He also has a certain amount of power in the Arasaka Group.

Therefore, Rean chose to control his son instead of beating him up out of anger.

This factor was also taken into consideration.

After all... a living person"Little Tanaka" can bring him more benefits

"You requested Yui's network intrusion support 3 hours ago"

"What were you doing at that time... Didn't I ask you to get a laboratory space?"

Although he transformed the opponent into a void race through the"power of the true king",

Rean did not follow Oda Zhong's actions throughout the process.

So he was also curious about what Oda Zhong did.

"This... I haven't graduated yet after all."

Odanaka smiled awkwardly while driving.

"So I can't make my father's employees listen to my orders."

"So I just thought of a way……"

"With the help of your AI, when I am dining with my father"

"It directly paralyzed the surrounding cameras for a few seconds."

"Then I transformed my father into a subject under your command!"

"Ah this……"

Hearing this, Rean was simply stunned.

"Really...a father and son with a loving father and a filial son."

Some people shook their heads dumbfounded, and Rean didn't make any comments on Oda Zhong's actions.

After all, the biggest beneficiary of this incident was himself.

Secondly...it's the father and son.

The attribute modification brought by the void race , which is more powerful than the enhancement brought by any technological implant! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Next time without my order, you are prohibited from transforming other people into Void people at will."

Li En thought of this and added casually

(cbce) Originally, only his bloodline talent"True King's Power" as the"Emperor of the Void" could transform non-Void bloodlines into Void ethnic groups.

But during a certain evolution, he acquired a racial talent called [Subspecies Heritage][]

Void races other than him can also undergo bloodline transformation, but the converted race is a"sub-race void race", which is inherently lower than the void race transformed by Rean himself, and cannot enjoy it. Bonus to all racial talents.

Rean originally thought that this talent was useless.

So I never took it to heart.

But today I was reminded by what happened in Odanaka

"This is a way to quickly expand your power."

"But... the risk is a bit high, and it is easy to be boycotted by the indigenous people."

"Before my strength reaches the point where I can fight against a country by myself……"

"Let's keep a low profile for now."

Rean's concerns are not unreasonable.

The transformation of bloodline is very obvious in a world with a strong power system.

In the mysterious side of the copy world, a good human being suddenly becomes an"inhuman" race, and

I am afraid that he will be directly Button"heresy""、"The identity of"evil".

In a technological world like cyberpunk, there is a professional term called...physical examination.

The various physical indicators of native humans are definitely completely different from those of void races.

If Asians appear on a large scale Such a void race will definitely be discovered by major companies and become vigilant.

Rean doesn't want to muddy the water just yet... before he develops something.

"Here we are, this is a technical laboratory owned by my father."

Odanaka stopped his cool"Goodra-66" and opened the door for Rean.

"You can use all the equipment here"

"Yes, Not Bad."

Li En nodded with satisfaction.

"Can I bring someone with me?"

Little Tanaka was stunned for a moment, his eyes flashed with data.

He should be communicating with his father"Tanaka".

After a few seconds, he nodded.

"Just don't blow this place up."

"In addition, the company’s intranet has strict ICE protection."

"However, some outsourced underlying networks still have loopholes to exploit."

Li En glanced around for a week and couldn't help but marveled.

Every piece of equipment here is a high-precision product, and any piece of equipment costs no less than a hundred thousand yuan.

And the last mission of the"Edge Walkers" to wipe out the Sixth Street Gang stronghold, the entire team The commission was only 30,000 yuan.

And behind these 30,000 yuan, there were dozens of bloody lives.

After Xiao Tianzhong left, Li EnOutput one breath.

The next moment, he opened his eyes

"So...start developing the smart brain now!".

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