"Cyberpunk 2077......?!"

Seeing the copy codename, Li En was stunned.

Because this work is also one of the works that I am familiar with in my previous life.

"On the technology side, virtual technology...... It's really right. "

"Moreover, there are a lot of black technologies in this world!"

Lane reminisced about the information.

I clicked on the copy information.


[Replica Code: Cyberpunk 2077]

+ Difficulty: C+

+ Line Type: Objective Challenge

+ Special mechanic: Legendary prestige

+ Number of homes: 1000

+ This affix: Wasteland, Technology Side, Virtual

+ Affix: Disqualified

+ Room limit: 180 days


"This dungeon actually has a special mechanic for legendary prestige?"

Li En raised his eyebrows, combining the information he knew.

I roughly guessed what the reincarnation space was doing.

He now has 1 legendary reputation from the "Black Bullet" world.

can give him a 10% base opinion bonus,

and faction-related bonus bonuses.

"The Corruption modifier is...... Disqualified?"

"I don't know what the effect is. "

Dawn had doubts in his mind.

However, the effects of Corrupt modifiers can only be understood after the quest has been completed.

So it's useless to guess now.

He clicked on the talent panel and opened the [Role Playing] auxiliary interface.

I found that this time I didn't directly give a role that I could play.

Instead, 3 identity templates are provided –

【Please choose one of the following 3 identities】

[1. Wanderer: Choose any wanderer NPC on the outskirts of Night City to play]

[2. Company employees: select NPCs for middle- and low-level employees of major companies in Night City]

[3. Street Kid: Choose NPCs such as gang members and mercenaries in Night City]

"Tsk, it's quite a restoration of the original game. "

When the original "Cyberpunk 2077" first started,

Players will also need to choose from these 3 identities.

It's just that Lane is "playing" at this time,

It's not about re-establishing a new role.

"Among these three identities, [company employee] is undoubtedly the least difficult start. "

"After all, in Cyberpunk 2077, corporations are the supreme rulers. "

"And the [Wanderer] has the highest degree of freedom, and with the help of the Wanderer's family connections, it is easy to receive various tasks. "

"In comparison...... [Street Kid] is a bit mediocre. "

"But ......"

Lee's eyes flickered, and he recalled some of the plot.

"If I'm not mistaken, he's one of the street kids. "

Thinking of this, Lane clicked on the list of characters of [Street Kid].

After rummaging all the way, I found an extremely familiar avatar......

[Do you want to play "David Martinez"?]

[After confirmation, you will lock the "Street Kid" identity template]

David Martinez!

The male protagonist of the "Cyberpunk 2077" spin-off "Cyberpunk: Edge Walker"!

Compared to the main work, the timeline of his activity is in 2076,

1 year ahead of the game's official plot!

"That's him!"

As memories emerge,

Rien couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness on his face, which hurt his stomach.

Because the ending of "Edge Walker" is very memorable.

Even now, it's still hard to look back on.

But at this moment, Li En is able to play the male protagonist of "Edge Walker", (read the violent novel, and go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

To reverse all the plot lines that were originally powerless to change!

"There are no special advantages to other identities. "

"Then let me make up for the regrets of my previous life......"

The next moment, Lane made sure of his choice!

...... []

[Confirmed to play "David Martinez"]

[Based on the difference in strength between you and the character, you need to pay 10,000 reincarnation points]

[Based on the timeline of this character, you will enter the dungeon world 1 year early]

[Since you are the only player in the current timeline, Ranked Mode and Competitive Mode rewards have been disabled]


Playing as "David Martinez" only requires 10,000 reincarnation points.

This was something Lai expected.

Because the former himself is nothing more than an ordinary teenager in the "Night City".

At best, he has a bit of a talent for the adaptability of mechanical prostheses.

In terms of combat power, it can't be compared to Li En, who is at the peak of the C-rank.......

However, because of playing "David Martinez", it came to a separate timeline,

This came as a surprise to Dawn.

"I'm in a timeline that's a year ahead of the other 999 reincarnation players......"

"And the copy only lasts 180 days, that is, half a year. "

"That means I don't have any contact with other players. "

"It's no wonder that rankings and competitive rewards are directly disabled. "

After all, Lane didn't even have a competitor at all!

Although there were fewer rewards, Rien knew they were nothing.

Because of the biggest benefit of this copy,

A mission that is not from the reincarnation space,

It's all kinds of black technologies that exist in the "Night City"!

For example, the advanced and prosthetic transformation technology that has become proliferated,

There are also various hacking knowledge.

Or even ...... The "Soul Killer" technology related to the main line of "Cyberpunk 2077"!

"In the Arasaka Tower of Night City, there is an interface of [Mikoshi]......"

In the moments before entering the dungeon,

A thought crossed Lane's mind.

"But first, I need to understand the level of virtual technology in Night City. "

The next second, his eyes went black.

The whole person disappeared in place,

When I come back to my senses,

But it has come to a ...... Murder scene?

Dawn instantly became vigilant and looked around.

Several 0.4 police cars with the word "NCPD" parked around were found.

There were several armed men lying in pools of blood on the ground.

The strong smell of blood permeated the streets.

"Is this what I did? Did that kid David start so well......

Lane hasn't come to his senses yet,

There was a fierce gust of wind overhead!

"Target found!"

"Subject is suspected of being cyberpsychotic!"

"Begin a violent crackdown!"

In an instant, several heavily armed black-clad SWAT officers jumped down from the helicopter.

Rushed straight towards Riene!

At the same time, an urgent mission prompt popped up in front of his eyes!

[You have triggered the Exclusive Personal Mission: Dream Reversal]

[Objective: Defeat 3 members of the "Terrorist Task Force"]

[Complete this quest and you will get 1 chance to reverse your fate!].

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