Knowledge and skills gained from the previous dungeon,

Rien was still slowly digesting.

However, the knowledge of "secondary space applied science",

It is currently a relatively high priority research project.

After all, virtual knowledge can't run,

I really want to create a virtual world like "Ayn Grant".

But it's a big project that accumulates over time.

Lane alone would definitely not be able to keep himself busy.

I simply put the progress on hold first~ first.

To develop more practical knowledge and skills - applied technology.

And the "secondary space applied science" can directly improve the combat effectiveness of Lien!

It is also possible to change the way he fights!

The "cross-border communication" that has just been realized,

It is to make use of the knowledge of "secondary space application science".

Coupled with the "Void" attribute that Dawn has.

Because of the energetic nature of the "void",

It doesn't lose as the distance travels!

Therefore, Li En combines Void technology with secondary space technology,

A special item called the "Void Beacon" was crafted.

can be used as a relay station for signals,

Connect two, and even more world-to-world networks!

The rest of the break was calm.

Because of the fusion copy turmoil that I just experienced.

[Hidden Dragon] has no more missions scheduled for the time being.

Li En is also immersed in the study of knowledge and skills with peace of mind.

This is how most of the time players on the tech side spend.

It's like a caster spends a considerable amount of time meditating.

are all important ways to improve their own strength.


"Hmm...... The research data collection is almost complete. "

In the laboratory building of [Hidden Dragon],

Instructor Bai En handed Li En the mental protective glasses that he had just finished extracting the data.

"The device is already very functional. "

"Even I couldn't have done more groundbreaking transformations. "

"Next, it's up to you to deal with the negative effects of innate abilities. "

Lane put his glasses back on and replied sincerely.

"Thank you, instructor. "

If it weren't for the special mental protective equipment that Bai En made for him,

His experience with the previous few copies would never have been so comfortable.

Although there is a research collaboration between the two.

But with Dawn's strength, at most, he acts as a guinea pig for collecting data.

He knew that this cooperation was actually Bai En's care for him.

"Don't thank me, this is a decision I made after observing your knowledge. "

Bai En looked at Rien with satisfaction.

He saw the progress of the latter.

When I first came to [Hidden Dragon],

Lane is just a newcomer with a special natural ability.

But after just a few replica cycles.

The research skills he has shown are already terrifying!

Especially during this period of working as an assistant,

As a C-level reincarnation player,

The way of thinking can actually keep up with myself as a "star picker"!

This made Bai En extremely surprised-

At the same time, I am also glad that I invested in Li En in the first place.

"By the way, Instructor Baien, I have a question for you. "

While the instructor now has time,

Lane laid out a few questions one by one.

This was one of the perks of his role as Baien's assistant.

You can personally receive the guidance of an extraordinary scientific research powerhouse!

"Oh, you're worried about the invasion of the modified mechanical organs?"

Hearing Lien's question, the instructor smiled slightly.

"This is also an enduring topic in the player base on the technology side. "

"However, for you and me, this question is actually not difficult ......"

"Because most of the time, it's us who invade people. "

Lane nodded slightly, what he said was true.

Still, he said with some concern.

"If it's a peer civil war. "

"Let's say the other party's virtual technology is stronger than mine......"

"Then the mechanical transformation part of my body may become the biggest breakthrough. "

"I was worried about that, so I didn't mechanize. "

Hearing this, Bai En thought for a moment and nodded in response. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Your concerns are valid, but ...... In my opinion, this is redundant. "

Bring sand to the beach?

Li En was slightly stunned and looked at the instructor with some puzzlement.

"With your skills, it's impossible for a virtual genre mechanic of the same level to breach your firewall. "

Bai En glanced up at Rien. []

"Even if you are one level higher, even if you are a B-level mid-to-high-level mechanic, you may not be able to win against you in the confrontation. "

"So...... What kind of enemy is your imaginary enemy?"

"If it's A, it's even a legendary-level powerhouse. "

"In my case, there is no need to bother to invade your mods. "

"There are dozens of easier ways to kill you. "

The corners of Lane's mouth twitched slightly.

Although there is a feeling of sudden enlightenment......

But instructor, can you give a face?

"Don't overthink it. "

Bai En patted him on the shoulder.

Said in an encouraging tone.

"Among the players of the same level, even if they are elite players from all countries......"

"You can also stand at the top. "

"When you grow into a higher-level powerhouse. "

"The problems you are worried about now will be solved. "

"Before that, I and all the instructors of [Hidden Dragon] were your most solid backing. "

Lane nodded silently.

Although he is used to being alone.

But he can also feel that the resources that [Hidden Dragon] poured into him are extremely terrifying!

If nothing else, it is just "secondary space application science" worth 100,000 contribution points.

If he is still a lone wolf player who has not joined any organization.

If you want to acquire this extremely rare knowledge and skill,

It takes at least two replica cycles or more,

It doesn't always work out.

"One last question. "

Rien organized the language for a moment, then spoke.

"If I gain a lot of knowledge at once, how can I absorb it faster?"

Bai En cast a surprised look at him.

Everyone else acquires knowledge and skills on the basis of "individuality".

I didn't expect Li En to omit the number here,

Directly use "a lot" to describe it.

"If you are an ordinary person, it is naturally the safest to be down-to-earth. "

Smiling, Bai En said as a matter of course.

"But for us reincarnation players......"

"Actual combat is the only criterion for testing the truth. "

"Actual combat......

Back to personal abode,

Li En thoughtfully opened the talent panel.

After completing "Ayn Grant",

He unlocked a new plugin -

The "Dungeon Book" has added a maximum of 1 modifiers!

In other words, he can now add two custom affixes!

Count in the fixed affix "land reclamation".

This time, he can have 3 modifiers!

"The first affix is definitely [technology side]. "

"The second word ......"

Lane recalled Instructor Bai's words.

"[Virtual Technology]!"

[Copies will be matched with the keywords "technology side" and "virtual technology"]

Are you sure?】

A hint immediately popped up in Lane's eyes.


【Quest matching ...... in progress】

In the eyes with a little expectation.

A new copy message is flushed......

【Match complete!】

[A C-level copy of the technology side with "virtual technology" has been matched!]

[Replica Codename: Cyberpunk 2077!2].

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