
Unparalleled rage.

Eudora realized that she had returned to her original body,

After regaining the form of the peak.

Immediately decided to kill the human beings in front of you!

As for the previous "deal"?

She had no intention of fulfilling her promise!

As the little princess of the Solar family.

How could she have been insulted to such an extent?!

"Human ...... Your biggest mistake was to dare to resist me!"

The surging magic instantly filled the entire house,

Fairies that shine with colorful colors,

Instantly descended into a small space,

Even with a wave of wings,

can deal devastating spell attacks!

Eudora's first class is "Elemental Messenger",

Second class "Faerie"!

You can make contracts with all kinds of powerful fairies,

Not only can the body get an extremely terrifying amplification,

You can also summon fairies and help you in battle!

The power of the fairy is extremely powerful,

As the price of the calling,

It is some time after the battle ends.

Unable to gain a bonus to fairy power.

Even so, Yudora has to fight to risk losing her strength temporarily,

wants to wipe out Lane directly,

It is enough to show the anger 007 and hatred in her heart at this time!


Li En sighed rather regretfully.

"I don't really want to be a bad person. "

The next moment, there was an extra "key" in his hand.

This key takes on the starlight color of the void,

It's a "Void Weapon"!

When you see this key,

A strong chill suddenly surged in Yu Dora's heart,

It made her instinctively aware of ......

This key is a matter of life and death for her!

The fairy's movements stopped instantly, and she immediately shouted loudly.


Li En crushed the "key" directly with an expressionless face.

Seeing the key that escapes into a little starlight,

Eudora's whole body suddenly shuddered.

She was horrified to find that she was rapidly losing control of her body!

"What's going on?!"

The lilac crystals quickly climbed to her waist,

Then go all the way up and drown her directly!

"This is the last time. "

Rien walked over to Eudora, who had solidified into a humanoid void crystal.

He said in a soft tone.

"If there is any more attack on me......"

"You'll just stay that way forever. "

Subsequently, from the [Crown of Sin],

Took out a replica of Eudora's "Void Armament",

Lifted the void crystals that were eroding flesh and blood on her body—

If left unchecked, she will completely turn into a complete "Void Crystal".

Although it only lasted for a brief moment,

But Eudora's expression was extremely distorted and painful,

She lost control of her body.

Even the brain began to go numb, but the consciousness was very clear.

The clearer it is, the more painful it is.

Because she can only feel that she is stepping into "death".

In the space where only "consciousness" exists,

Without the concept of time, you can't feel the flow of time.

Even if it's just for a moment, it's like going through thousands of days and nights.

This state of affairs will continue for a few more minutes.

I'm afraid I don't need to make a move from Lane,

Eudora herself will go crazy first!

So, after Lane let her go for the second time.

Eudora gasped,

Finally bowed his noble head to Lane.

She said through gritted teeth.

"Human, what the hell can I do to let me go?!"

"Leave you alone......?"

Lane sneered.

"I was going to do it if you were honest this time. "

"I'll find a way to remove the [distortion] left on you. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"But now it seems...... You'd better be a. "

Eudora was shocked,

Memories of humiliation in the virtual world come back to life.

"Wait, human, I'll give you whatever you want!"

"I am the youngest daughter of the Elven Grand Duke of Sunshine!"

"Legendary Equipment, Divine Beast Companion, Aether Essentia ......"

"Even if you want to have a piece of pure land of your own, I can give it to you!"

"(BGCE) If you don't believe me, you can notarize it to the reincarnation space and sign a life and death contract!"

One rare item after another,

There's even something Lane hasn't heard of,

Jumping out of Eudora's mouth one after another,

With great temptation and attraction.

But Lane just looked at the arrogant "little princess" with pity.

"Very nice proposal. "

"But...... You're going to give me these things even if you don't trade, aren't you?"

Hearing his answer, Yudola's face changed suddenly.

Because she knew exactly what Lane meant.


The whispers of the "gods" are like a great hammer,

Will her mind that has been stabilized with great difficulty,

Shake it up again!

The screams of the elves stopped abruptly,

Her eyes suddenly lost their brightness.

After a few seconds, she finally regained consciousness.

"Mr. Rien, what did I—What did I just do?!"

Eudora panicked at Rien's feet, begging for mercy.

"I want to attack you...... I'm so low!"

"Punish me!

"Please, don't leave me! I'll be obedient in the future!"

Rien lifted his foot,

Looking at the elf girl who can't get rid of it,

"If you knew this was the case, why bother in the first place. "

Shaking his head, Lane let her follow him.

This time, he won't relent.


"According to the intelligence I have gathered. "

"The vast majority of players are trapped in a game of death. "

"Their bodies in the real world are all sent to several hospitals. "

"But there are still a few players whose whereabouts are unknown, and their bodies cannot be found. "

Rinko Kamiyo reported with a serious face.

This is the task that Dawn gave her before,

Find out what happens to players in the real world.

"Hmm...... It seems that the ontology of the aboriginal players should be officially centralized. "

Rien nodded, thoughtful.

"As for the part that I didn't find, it should be the reincarnation player. "

After all, even if you lose consciousness.

Reincarnated players are not without threat.

The Dragon Crescent is a prime example of this.

Even unconsciously.

Her talent also works automatically.

Any life that comes near her will gradually "wither".

Judging by recent news reports......

Her true form should not have been discovered.

Especially the two "gods" of Sakurajima country,

Rien wondered how powerful their ontology really was.

"Those who are missing, with the help of Yui's power, can be traced back to the address. "

Rinko Kamiyo continued.

"Senior, do you need me to search by the list one by one?"

"No, just leave it to me. "

Rien shook his head and said in a serious tone.

"There's no room for error in this task. "

"So, it's safest for me to do it myself. "

After all...... What he's going to do next.

It can be said that you are almost the enemy of all the reincarnation players in the dungeon!.

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