The person knocking on the door was none other than Long Crescent.

Look at the black-haired girl who keeps a safe distance from herself.

Li En felt a little abrupt in his heart,

I roughly understand why the other party came to the door.

"Come in. "

He stepped out of his way and made an "invite" gesture.

"Previously ...... during the fight with Rodament"

After taking a seat, Long Xinyue couldn't wait to get straight to the point.

"Why can you touch me directly without being affected by [the death of all things]?"

This is after she returned to the safe zone,

It's been a problem that I've been struggling with.

I simply came to ask Li En directly.

"Because this world is special. "

Naturally, it was impossible for Li En to tell others that he had special authority.

Even if the person on the other side is your teammate.

"It's a virtual world made up of data. "

"And I happen to be a mechanic who is proficient in virtual technology......"

"So, in a way, I can interfere with some of the rules of this world. "

"I told you the specific principle, you probably won't understand. "

"In short, you should be the only thing I can do in this world. "

This ambiguous-sounding answer,

Let Long Crescent Moon show a few traces of loss.

It was like the sharp knife of reality piercing the hope that had just sprung up in her heart.

"Yes, it turns out that it is because of the particularity of the virtual world......"

Although he is not a reincarnation player on the technology side,

But Long Xinyue could hear that Eun was not deceiving herself.

Nor is there any need for him to deceive,

At most, there is something to hide from the key technical parts.

It's a matter of personal privacy.

So Long Crescent did not force it.

It's just that she originally thought,

Rien has a way to completely solve the negative effects of "everything is dead".

But now it seems...... It's just a coincidence in a particular environment.

"That is, once you leave this copy ......"

Long Xinyue muttered a little distractedly.

"You can't get as close to me as you used to?"

Rien was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"That's right. "

A faint sigh came.

The black-haired girl suddenly smiled faintly,

stretched out his white and delicate jade hand to Li En.

"At least...... In this world, you can think of me as an ordinary person'. "

Li En was slightly stunned, and also chuckled.

He stretched out his hand and shook it tightly with Long Crescent's hand.

"Of course. "


Strange ceilings.

But this is the second time that Lane has awakened from the virtual world.

After logging out of "Ayn Grant",

His consciousness ascended to the ontological body.

"Hmm...... Isn't Rinko there? "

Rien looked around.

As if in an intensive care unit,

In a room with various precision instruments.

There was no sign of anyone else.

"Forget it, I've already found the address anyway, so it's safer to run by myself. "

Riene took the device off his head,

Moved his limbs,

I feel the power of my heyday for a long time.

After detaching from the virtual world.

The equipment that exploded in the "game" is gone.

Rien guessed that there must be some special restrictions on the equipment.

Otherwise, some of the equipment in the "Dark" is extremely unheavenly,

I'm afraid I won't be able to bring out this copy easily.

Instead, the Hradic cube is safely placed in the spatial ring.

It should be "unique".

Items with "uniqueness" have a high priority.

Able to override the rules of most dungeon worlds.

Even its own existence is independent of the dungeon world.

"Speaking of which, it seems like the first time I've stepped out of this room. "

Rien pushed the door open and laughed self-deprecatingly.

It's been more than a week since I came to this dungeon world.

The range of movement of his body does not even exceed 20 meters.

Harsh sunlight poured in from the glass windows of the apartment.

Li En squinted his eyes slightly,

From the upper floor of a high-end apartment with more than ten floors, (read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Looking out at the city.

Bustling, hustle and bustle, peaceful, tranquil.

"The long-lost peace...... That's good. "

Li En sighed,

Then take out a pair of headphones and put them on. []

"Yui, where is the location? "

He whispered.

In the black technology glasses specially made by Bai En,

A holographic map immediately appeared,

It is marked with a striking red mark,

Mark a location.

"Dad, the physical address of the IP you sent me is here!"

In the headphones, Yui's energetic and pleasant voice was heard.

"Very good, a great help. "


Originally, Yui was just an emotion monitoring AI.

However, after Dawn gave her more advanced permissions.

Yui has now become a "ghost" in cyberspace.

She is everywhere and everywhere.

Of course, the reason behind this is

It is the powerful performance of the "Ain Grant" server.

After leaving this dungeon world.

Rien will have to figure out how to get some equipment on his own.

As for directly grabbing ready-made ......

Lane didn't think it would be after all of Ayn Grant's "crashes".

These servers can also survive the fusion of the two worlds.

"Here it is. "

Following Yui's guidance,

Lane came to a remote residential area on the outskirts.

Most of the houses here are detached houses built along the river.

There is no public administration like the apartment.

So basically no one will bother.

Even if the head of the household dies quietly in his own house,

I'm afraid I'll have to wait a year and a half before anyone finds out.

However, Lane was not looking for a corpse this time.

But...... The essence of a reincarnated player in the virtual world!

Just close to the target location,

Dawn noticed that in the house in front of him,

It is filled with extremely rich energy.

The surrounding environment has even been activated...... Is this the life magic of the elves?"

looked at the weeds around the house that had risen to the height of more than a person,

Rien held out his finger and swiped it lightly in the air.

The weeds in front of me are like they have been harvested by a sickle,

The brush is cut off!

"If Xuanyuan Ji sees that I use his sword skills to weed, I'm afraid he won't want to scold me. "

Lane smiled and shook his head,

Then he walked into the house.

An amazing scene unfolded behind the door,

I saw the walls, the floor, and even the ceiling of the room,

All of them are covered with extremely thick green (thanks to Zhao) vines!

It feels like you've stepped into the root system of a giant tree!

Dawn looked around in amazement,

But it didn't stop.

Eventually, he was in the deepest part of this house,

I found the real purpose of my trip——

A blonde elf who seems to have fallen into a long sleep,

She is the essence of ...... "Eudora".

Lane wasn't too surprised,

He himself followed Yudora's IP in the virtual world to find the door.

Then he stepped forward,

pressed on the other person's headset device.

In an instant, countless messages interact between the virtual and real worlds.

The next moment...... The blonde elf with a stunning face opened her eyes!

"Welcome to the real world still. "

Rien said to her with a smile.

However, after an initial trance.

After consciousness returns to its original form and regains its heyday of power.

Yudola's pretty face suddenly turned cold,

Launched a direct attack on Rien!.

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