The moment the battle is triggered, it enters a white-hot state.

As the "Demon King", Andariel sits on a throne made of white bones.

With a cold and cruel gaze, he stared at the slaughter in the hall.

As if the audience was outside the gladiatorial arena,

Whoever the blood is always brings her joy.

Andariel is not the only one in this hall,

There are also low-level demons who serve this "demon king".

For example, the advanced form of the "Sinking Demon" - the Dark Demon,

and the corresponding Dark Wizard.

After hearing the screams of his master,

Like a tidal wave, it rushed from the secret compartments.

"Quickly take out these miscellaneous soldiers, pay attention to my tips. "

Dawn whispered,

He then commanded the summon to fend off the incoming demons.

Dealing with this fragile trash fish monster,

Someone is more professional than he is.

A ball of orange-red fireball that exudes a terrifying temperature,

fell straight into the "three, four, three" gathered dark demons,

Exploded in an instant!

- Fireball!

This is the iconic fire spell of the [Witch] class!

Compared to the "Fire Charge" that can be mastered at level 1

It's more lethal and has a wider range!

can create a terrifying explosion at the drop point,

This results in an area of effect kill!

The dragon crescent moon holding the word of runes "leaves",

Possess a terrifying amplification of +3 for all flame skills!

In the face of her spells,

These Dark Demons with no resistance are mobile experience packs!

But the danger that Dawn mentions,

Not from these miscellaneous soldiers who started panicking because of the death of their companions.

But...... Sky!

Andariel doesn't just sit on the throne and watch the show.

She prefers to intervene unexpectedly to unleash a wave of skills!

"It's a gas bomb, pay attention to the location of the landing point!"

At the moment when Andariel casts the spell,

Dawn had already observed the flow of data.

Thus reminding loudly.

Sure enough, after 1 second,

A giant toxin missile that looks like it's about to drip water,

directly across a distance of hundreds of meters,

Fell on the position that Long Crescent Moon was in just now!


The green poisonous mist spread out in an instant,

Even if it is not directly hit.

But the escaped toxins still put everyone in a slight state of poisoning!

Because all of them are equipped with equipment that increases poison resistance,

So this level of poison is quite acceptable,

However, under the effect of the "dominating field",

Everyone, including Riene, felt their limbs suddenly feel heavy,

Movement Speed and Cast Speed are reduced by 50%, and Damage is reduced by 50%!

"Use the antidote, don't hesitate!"

Lane wiped directly on his belt,

Take out a bottle of antidote that has been prepared and take it.

The damage of the toxin is small, but the negative effect attached to the "Misery of Misery" is very large!

Movement speed is reduced by 50% if Andariel has a follow-up attack.

There is a good chance that it will not be possible to dodge and thus fall into a more serious situation!

Whether it's Dragon Crescent, or Asuna.

We all know this very well!

Boom! Boom!

Several fireballs in a row once again emptied a large area of the dark demon.

Suddenly there were only a few wizards left in the hall who were trying to resurrect,

Still doing futile work.

Then he was directly manipulated by Dawn to cut down the skeleton warrior to the ground.

At this moment, Andariel, who was on the throne of the skeletons, finally couldn't hold it back.

The tall demon king's body stood up directly,

With a roar of rage,

Even the entire catacombs began to tremble!


Gravel and dust were falling overhead.

This also means that the battle has entered the most dangerous stage - face "Andariel" head-on!

"Humble ants, I will torment your souls for eternity!"

Andariel's scarlet hair stood high on end,

It vividly interprets what it means to be "angry and rush to the crown"!

She wore a very revealing Victorian dress and accessories.

There are spider-like chelicerae and sharp spines on the back!(Read violent novels, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

If we put aside these inhuman characteristics,

She can also be called a busty girl who conforms to human aesthetics,

But the hideous look and bloodthirsty fangs,

Her true nature has been exposed!

...... []

【Andariel - The Demon King of Pain and Suffering】

Level +: 24

+Life: 50000/50000

+ Sex: Constitution 50, Strength 50, Agility 35, Willpower 30, Mystic 50, Intelligence 25

+Properties: Cold/Fire/Lightning Resistance 50%, Toxin Resistance 100%

+Strength - Demon King's Body: +50% Elemental Resistance, provides 1000 health per CON point

+ Force-Toxin Domination: Immune to toxin damage, attacks deal 100% toxin damage

+ Force - Toxic Nova: Unleashes a massive toxin blast that is difficult to dodge

+Force-Poison Cloud Missile: Unleashes a missile that can explode into a poison cloud at the drop point

+Force-Supreme Contempt: Has 10 stacks of "Contempt", which reduces the damage taken by the caster while "Contempt" is present


"It's worthy of the Demon King, what a tough panel!"

Even if you have a premonition in your heart,

But when you really see the message of "Andariel",

Li En still can't help but feel numb in his scalp!

Up to 50,000 health,

Outrageously high resistance,

3 powerful toxin-based abilities,

Combined with the effect of the "dominating field",

Enough to make her a nightmare for all players at this stage!

The most important thing is...... She also has an extremely headache in her body!



[Contempt: Each stack of "Contempt" provides 5% damage reduction, when the self is controlled by the skill, consumes 1 stack of "Contempt" to negate the control, and "Contempt" will be refreshed after leaving the battle]


Andariel has 10 layers of contempt,

This means that her harm to any source,

All have 50% direct damage reduction!

"If you want to break the effect of Contempt, you must first counteract it with a Control Skill......"

Ryne's mind raced through the skill information of the members of the team.......

Then he gritted his teeth and whispered.

"Nameless, join the fight early...... I need your help now. "

These 10 layers of contempt must be eliminated as soon as possible!

Otherwise, once the battle is dragged out too long,

The antidote on Li En and the others will be exhausted!

When the time comes...... It's hard to say who will die and who wins.

For this reason, even the nameless who originally planned to appear again at the last time "Execution",

Lane also had to get her into the fight early.

For the control skills of the [Assassin] 2.1 class!

A shadow leaped out of the shadow behind Rien,

Obey his call and show your form.

"Hammer of the Mind!"

"Hammer of the Mind!"

Rien and Nameless cast their gazes towards Andariel at the same time,

In an instant, two identical skills were displayed!

- Data Fabrication - Hammer of the Heart!

Andariel's figure slammed suddenly,

didn't take much damage,

Continue to stride towards the tiny human in front of you!

However, the "contempt" on her body fell directly 2 floors!

"Good, seems to work......"

Lane's frowning brow relaxed slightly.

Instructions are then issued.

"All members, use the Control Skill on Andariel!"


(There is another chapter, sent at night)

(The glasses are broken, and now they are in a situation where they can't tell Liu Zi and Lai Zi 10 meters away...... Go for glasses first).

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