"Remove the restriction on bloodline bonuses?!"

As soon as the game announcement came out.

All the reincarnation players immediately became excited.

Obviously, this is a benefit set up specifically for reincarnation players~.

The bonus of the bloodline is extremely powerful for reincarnation players!

If you can regain bloodline-power in this dungeon world.

I'm afraid that my own combat power and survivability can be directly increased by 1 grade!

Although only partial bonuses are unlocked.

But it still has a very strong appeal......

However, some people soon reacted.

If Lane and the others succeed in their challenge.

The second challenger will also have to wait at least 7 days later,

to see "Andariel" again!

According to the speed at which the level "collapses......

I'm afraid that by the time the 20th layer is also erased.

There won't be many reincarnation players who have successfully challenged Andariel.

Obviously, this is the same as the "hidden floor".

It is also a benefit that only a small number of players can enjoy.

Level 14, Outer Cloister, Elven Camp.

An elven girl with a tired look.

Look up in the direction of the depths of the cathedral.

"Dawn...... Have you come this far......"

Ansenas thought with a complicated expression.

"Anyway, I hope you're safe. "

Suddenly, there was an excited trilling voice from the side.

Accompanied by a coquettish voice that makes the heart tremble "Ah~Mr. Lane~".

The daughter of the Duke of the Elf Clan, who was still maintaining a dignified posture just now,

He was already trembling and curled up on the ground.

His face was filled with a complex expression of loss and emptiness.

Ansenas sighed,

Such a scene has been in the past week,

It's happened countless times.

"Your Highness Eudora, please be reserved. "


16th floor, interior of the cathedral.

The Dark Gold Boss "Ashes" that has been refreshed

With a scream, health goes to zero,

Blooms two nova spells with massive damage.

Poison Nova! Frost Nova!

But at the moment when this blue, green, and two level 20 terrifying spells broke out,

Two voices, one male and one female, came out almost simultaneously.

Then I saw that the speed of the "new star" that was about to explode suddenly slowed down.

It seems that the flow of time on them has been greatly reduced.

This is followed by a sharp shrinkage, scaling in proportion to the surrounding space.

In the end, it turned into a "firework" that was not threatening,

Bloom in front of the reincarnation players around you.

"Whew...... Fortunately, there are Amaterasu and Tsukiyomi. "

Players in Sakurajima Country breathed a sigh of relief.

began to elated anticipation of the loot of the ashes.

And the two gods looked at each other with solemn expressions,

It seems to be communicating silently.

"Killing the final boss of the scene can unlock some bloodline bonuses......"

"It seems that this trip we have to get ahead of the other reincarnation players. "

"That's right, Amaterasu-san...... As long as you can restore [Divine Body] and [Divine Soul]"

"There is nothing difficult in this world before us!"

"When the time comes...... Hehe. "

Through some kind of secret means of communication.

Amaterasu and Tsukiyomi seem to have reached some sort of unanimous conclusion.

They all looked to the deepest part of the cathedral.

The area of the catacombs where "Andariel" is located!


The 18th floor, the second floor of the catacombs.

"Found the teleportation station, safe around. "

Thor's team rushed into the empty teleporter.

Break through two floors in a row,

It's still a bit of a burden for them.

"Everyone, camp and rest in place, and the rest will be talked about tomorrow. "

One of the team members couldn't help but ask Thor.

"Boss, it's so early today, don't we need to rush the progress?"

Thor angrily poked the other man with his arm.

"The progress of grabbing a p, don't you see that people are already fighting the final boss?" (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu novel network!)

"They can beat it, even if we get to the 20th floor, we will have to wait for 7 days before there will be a boss refresh. "

"If you can't beat it...... Even those guys can't beat it, and I don't think we can beat Andariel. "

"Those guys" in Thor's mouth.

Apparently it was Lane's team.

A member of the [Freedom Alliance] who had just joined the team couldn't help but ask. []

"Thor, that Dragon Nation player named Dawn, is it really that strong?"

Thor hesitated, then shook his head.

"It's not a question of whether he's strong or not, it's ...... How to say it. "

"To describe it in the words of the Dragon Kingdom, it is to give people a sense of transcendence. "

"He seems to be on a completely different level from our pursuit. "

"I've never seen him deliberately brush those sin souls that reward points, skill points, and attribute points. "

"I don't know what this guy wants to do in this dungeon......"

"But there is no doubt that he is really strong. "

"If both I and he are at the peak of not being sealed......"

"Maybe, even I'm no match for him. "

Hearing this, the players of the White Eagle Federation suddenly showed a look of surprise in disbelief.

You know, even in the Freedom League.

Thor's combat power is also an extremely strong existence among mid-level members!

even has a C-level identity to challenge a certain B-level reincarnation player,

The result of the victory!

"So let's rest for today. "

Thor said lightly.

In fact, there is a faint expectation in his heart.

Looking forward to the outcome of this unprecedented "Final Boss Battle".


On the 20th floor, the catacombs are forty percent.

Between the thrones of the demon king "Andariel".

The thick wooden door slowly opened.

A rotunda the size of a square,

Appears in the field of view of the "Challenger".

"Wow, it's pretty magnificent. "

Lane stepped onto the ornate carpet in front of the throne that stretched from the doorway to hundreds of meters away.

The moment he entered this "hall",

There was a chill, accompanied by a pervasive sense of oppression.

Instantly befell him!

This feeling...... Lane is no stranger.

"It's ...... Domination of the realm!"

Lai's pupils shrank suddenly,

But there weren't too many surprises.

Because before the challenge to "Andariel".

He had guesses.

The final boss of the scene as the "Demon King".

It can't be the same as a normal dark gold boss.

Just a "Boss" level unit.

Sure enough, in the next moment, in front of all the team members.

A relevant prompt message appeared.


[You have stepped into the domination realm of Andariel, the Demon King who rules torture and pain!]

In this area, you gain the following effects:

[1. Endless Torment: Increases the duration of all debuffs taken by 100%]

[2.Misery of Misery: When affected by a negative status, movement speed, cast speed, and damage are reduced by 50%]


"How dare a tiny human challenge me, the Demon Lord of Pain!"

The next moment, it was as if even the entire catacombs were trembling with a scream.

Resounding throughout the hall!

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