
Holding the sleeping girl,

Dawn opens the Nameless Status panel.

I couldn't help but sigh.

"It's only been a long time, and the progress of divine awakening has actually exceeded 50%......"

You must know that Night Night has changed from a "forbidden doll" to a "divine ingenuity",

It took him almost two copies of the cycle.

It's a similar situation in Iruri.

But Nameless has grown far more than he imagined.

Li speculated that there should be two reasons for this.

The first layer is naturally that his strength is no longer what it used to be.

Night after night when he became his follower,

He's just an E-class rookie.

However, now, he is already a C-level reincarnation player with all stats of 200!

If it's Dawn at his peak,

There are no restrictions on basic attributes, elite attributes, and skills.

He is confident that he will fight to the death with "Liu Xusheng" who came to [Hidden Dragon]!

The increase in power has also promoted the progress of the "Divine Awakening".

2nd Floor ...... Li En speculated that it might have something to do with the nameless "bloodline".

507 Night Night and Iruri are both "forbidden dolls" made of glass.

And the nameless is the pro-stripped "Cabanelli" bloodline.

It was transformed into a "forbidden doll".

So, in terms of the phase of power,

Nameless and Dawn's power comes from the same source.

Combined, the efficiency is even faster.

That makes sense.

One more point......

"You've worked hard. "

Li En stroked the girl's smooth back and said lovingly.

"When you become a divine skill, I will give you my bloodline. "

"At that time, even death will not be able to separate us. "

After being mercilessly betrayed to Rien by Mima Tentori.

There is a sense of crisis in being nameless.

For fear of being abandoned by Lane again.

Although it is not usually revealed.

But how could he hide from Ryne's gaze.

So, he also made as much commitment as possible......

By the way, use actions to fill the hole in her heart.

"Hmm. "

The girl who pretended to be asleep snorted softly.

Then he rested his little head on Rien's chest with peace of mind.

Wohoo fell asleep.

This made Lane laugh and pat the nameless head.

"Don't sleep now, it'll be dawn soon. "


The catacombs have three floors and are also the 19th floor.

The density of monsters here is much higher than that of the first two floors.

Because the fourth layer of the tomb is Andariel's lair,

So the third floor of the tomb can almost be said to be the final threshold.

Both in terms of the number of monsters and the quality.

Far more than any other area in the first act!



Somewhere on the third floor of the tomb,

There is a fierce battle going on.

The noise was as if countless bombers were passing through.

There are constantly flames exploding with heat waves and shocks!

Even the dull air is scorched and restless!

"Fire Resistant Aura ......"

"It's already open!"

Asuna preemptively interrupted Riene's instructions,

There seemed to be a wisp of resentment on her pretty face,

Gritting his teeth, he charged at a group of tall, skinny monsters in robes!

She has a 10% increase in Fire Resistance,

Dark Gold Necklace with +50% Fire Resistance.

Foot on [Resistance Flame Aura] (read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even if you don't need other armor,

Fire Resistance is up to 85%!

These mage-type monsters called "Wanderers",

Although you can cast the fire skill "Fireball" at level 12 of the [Witch] class,

(bgbj) But for a paladin girl with outrageously high fire resistance,[]

It's like scratching your boots, and you can't do much damage at all!

Charge!Shield Strike!White Heat!Sacrifice!

As if to vent,

Asuna directly chops a "Wanderer" who tries to fight back into a data stream.

The dark gold saber in his hand is like a meat grinder,

Constantly drawing a terrifying sword light in the air.

"Look...... Who said she didn't care. "

Li En didn't dare to speak, and said silently to Nameless.

The latter also shrunk his neck, his eyes wandering.

"Hoo ......"

After a vent, Asuna breathed a sigh of relief.

Look at the silent teammates.

A kind and gentle smile was revealed.

"Why are people just watching?"

"If you don't have loot worth packing, you can move on and explore. "

"Did you say so...... Team Leader."

Long Xinyue cast a "good for yourself" look at Li En.

You don't have to guess to know what she means.

If you cause problems, you can solve them yourself.

Li En's expression froze, and he could only stand up hard.

"Ahem, Asuna was right. "

"Let's move on. "

In short, the team is in this weird atmosphere,

Run your way to the entrance to the fourth floor.

Although there are several more troublesome monsters on the third floor.

For example, the advanced form of the carrion "Ghoul",

The advanced form of the Crippled Monster "Misery".

But for teams that have been completely crushed by equipment and levels,

There is no challenge at all.

Asuna alone, there are 3 pieces of dark gold equipment!

Dragon Crescent is 1 green set plus 1 Runeword weapon!

Lane and Nameless didn't deliberately accumulate equipment, though.

But it's also a carefully selected piece of rare gold gear.

Provides very high resistance, especially poison resistance.

So it didn't take long,

4 teams that are like a bamboo,

It went straight into a straight and wide passage.


[Full Server Announcement: The team led by the player "Lien" was the first to discover the 20th floor of the "Catacombs 4th Floor"]


But unlike the previous announcements.

This announcement...... There is a follow-up.


[They will be the first players to challenge the final boss of the scene, "Andariel", I wish them victory!]

[Once the scene boss is killed, it will be refreshed after 7 days]

[Killing the scene boss will lift the restriction of some bloodline bonuses!]


As soon as the announcement came out, all the reincarnation players were in an uproar!

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