"Regulus...... The name is familiar. "

After a moment's thought, Li En remembered the origin of this man.

Like him, they are all members of this [Hidden Dragon].

But this guy with a compound surname in his name,

There is another identity - the young master of the reincarnation family "Xuanyuan".

Although Lane has never cared much about other people's affairs.

But at least remember who is in your organization.

"Now that the people of [Hidden Dragon] have finally won the first kill of Lakanixiu. "

"It shows that Amaterasu and Tsukiyomi of Sakurajima Province have either given up or ...... Some kind of deal was struck. "

Rien pondered as he stepped into the battlefield.

Viewed from a distance, these 5 Optimus Stone Pillars are very close.

But when you get up close,

You will find that these stone pillars are separated by hundreds of meters from each other.

The camp at Racanihuan is in the middle of these stone pillars.

Its corpse has dissipated as a stream of data.

The loot is also estimated to have been picked up by nearby players.

A straight, long-haired young man,

He was looking at these stone pillars with his sword, not knowing what he was thinking.

This person has sword eyebrows and starry eyes, and his eyes are like sharp blades out of the sheath.

Even a casual glance.

It also reveals a terrifying edge.


Xuanyuan frowned, looking at a blank area.

Hearing his low drink, the surrounding Dragon Kingdom players also made a vigilant gesture.

"Young Master, could it be that group of guys from Sakurajima Country have repented again?"

A young man about the same age as Regulus,

I couldn't help but say behind him.

"No, there is no hostility towards the comer. "

Xuanyuan pondered for a moment, and casually plunged his sword into the earth.

"The fighting here has ceased, and I have slain the enemy. "

"I wonder what else is going on with Your Excellency?"

"If there is a need for help, you can also do your part. "

Hearing these words, Li En couldn't help but "tsk".

is worthy of being a reincarnation player from a family.

Speaking of scenes, one after another.

He wanted to wait until after the group left,

Then go on the hidden mission on your body.

But...... Since the other party is so perceptive.

After discovering myself, I had no intention of leaving.

Then you can only open the skylight and say something.

"Your Excellency does not dare to take these two words seriously. "

Li En turned on the "Appearance Image Display" function.

The whole person instantly appeared in front of a group of Dragon Kingdom players.

Immediately caused quite a commotion.

"Just call me Lane. "

"Riene, I see......"

Xuanyuan Ji's expression moved slightly,

Obviously, he didn't even remember his "classmate".

The announcement of the whole server that has been continuously swiping the screen in the past few days.

Lane's name also appears several times.

It is impossible not to be impressed.

"What's the matter with Brother Li?"

Because the two of them belong to the same [Hidden Dragon]

So there is no distinction between high and low in terms of identity.

Xuanyuan Ji is obviously not the kind of child of a family who does evil because of his birth.

To Lien, who was walking ahead of all the players,

I'm more interested.

Therefore, the tone of speech is also relatively gentle.

"If you come early, you might be able to show up on the announcement again. "

Lane shook his head and spread his hands.

"I'm not interested in this boss, its stats are quite restrained. "

"My goal is to...... These stone pillars. "

Hearing Li En's words, Xuanyuan Ji was also stunned.

"It turns out that Brother Li also noticed the abnormality of these stone pillars?"

"Oh, what did you find?"

Li En raised his eyebrows,

He didn't expect the other party to be in the absence of a task.

The connection between these stone pillars can still be perceived.

Xuanyuan Ji lifted it casually.

Then he saw that the short sword inserted in the side automatically flew into his hand.

Then he used a sword to write and draw a pattern on the ground.

"Although these stone pillars are not neat, their location is quite mysterious. "

"I have learned a lot about formations since I was a child. "

"So you can judge...... These stone pillars should be part of a certain formation. "

After thinking about it, Xuanyuan Ji added again.

"By the way, according to the background of the worldview, it should be the six-pointed star circle in the West. "

Hearing this, the corners of Lien's mouth twitched.

"Uh...... Brother Xuanyuan, you are also involved in the Western magic array?"

In his impression, a player with a painting style like Xuanyuan Ji.

It should be the route of Xianxia Flow.

"The formation of the world is one, as long as it can be used, the principles are all interoperable. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Unexpectedly, Xuanyuan Ji waved his hand and said disapprerovitically.

"If you want to see it, I can draw you a circle of King Solomon on the spot. "

"No...... No need. "

Lane decisively refused.

He always felt that the image of the "Sword Immortal" in his mind was constantly collapsing. []

"Let's get down to business first. "

Lane takes out the "Anipheus Scroll".

Then he threw it gently in the direction of the center of the stone pillar.

Then I saw the scroll burn up on its own.

A dazzling flash of lightning shot out from the center of the scroll,

Ran straight to one of the stone pillars!

"Stand back!

Xuanyuan Ji saw that the sky was directly gloomy,

As if a harbinger of a thunderstorm is coming,

It's never easy to know right away what's going to happen next!

The surface of the stone pillar shrouded in electric light,

Pieces of magical runes glowing with blue light gradually emerged.

After a stone pillar has completed its "loading".

The lightning leaped out again, running towards another stone pillar.

After all the surrounding stone pillars are "lit up".

The sky in the area of the stone pillar is already full of dark clouds, lightning and thunder!

"Although it is a virtual world, this kind of creation between heaven and earth is also extremely real. "

Xuanyuan couldn't help but sigh.

Suddenly, from the dark clouds,

Suddenly, countless bolts of lightning struck the tops of these stone pillars!

Powerful power instantly descended into the ground along the stone pillar.

The space around it seems to be distorted.

But in the end, this huge energy was deliberately gathered.

A slowly rotating vortex was formed in front of everyone's eyes.

This vortex is similar to the ".portal" that forms after tearing open a teleportation scroll.

But the original blue portal,

At this point, it has been eroded by the scarlet color.

It exudes a strong smell of blood and sulfur.


[Area Announcement: The portal to "Layer 6 - Old Tristram" has been opened!]

[The portal will last for 24 hours, and must be triggered again with quest items after 24 hours]


[Floor Info: Old Tristram]

+ Base Level: 6

+ Modifier: 500% increase in the number of demonic monsters

+ Decoration: Increases the number of elite monsters by 100%

+ Decoration: 50% increase in the number of rare monsters

+ Modifier: The area will be infested with Tormented Spirits - Fury


Hidden 6th floor!

Including Xuanyuan,

The surrounding Dragon Kingdom players are in an uproar!

According to the information they receive,

Behind the 5th floor "Stone Wilderness",

Immediately after (Wang Hao) is the 7th layer of the "underground passage"!

No one has found out where the 6th floor that disappeared has gone!

But now, the portal to this level.

Right in front of their eyes!

Someone wants to try to trigger the portal.

But I received a message.

[This portal has been eroded by the forces of hell]

[Only with the consent of the holder of the "Anifers Scroll" can the portal be used unaffected]

"Oh, what else can quest items be used for?"

Li En was slightly stunned, and he looked at the scroll in his hand.

I thought it was after activating the portal.

"Anipheus Scroll" is just like in the original game,

Directly consumed.

I didn't expect that there would be additional remarks now!


【Anipheus Scroll】

Type +: Quest item

+ Fruit: A rune scroll that contains magical powers and depicts esoteric magical patterns, which can be used to open the portal to "Old Tristram".

+ Note: The magic power contained in the scroll can support up to 50 round-trip teleportations


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