It seems to be aware of some kind of sight.

Kirito looked around.

But he didn't notice that anyone was watching him.

"What's wrong, Kirito-kun?"

His teammates walked over and asked with concern.

As the main force in the team.

This team called "Black Cats on a Moonlit Night".

Naturally, he cares a lot about Kirito.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about ......"

Kirito smiled reluctantly.

His eyes were fixed on a girl with long flaxen hair.

"It turned out to be other than us. "

"There are so many players who are progressing so fast. "

Originally, he thought that with his "closed beta" experience.

You can quickly open up a big gap with other players.

But what I didn't expect was that

Ayn Grant as a "Game of Death".

with the content of the tests he has experienced,

It can be said that there is a world of difference!

Therefore, he also dispelled the idea of walking alone.

Instead, you form a team with players of the same age you met in the game.

"We actually relied on Kirito-kun to get here. "

An ordinary-looking girl with short black hair whispered.

"If it hadn't been for Kirito-kun who came to the rescue. "

"I'm afraid we're going to die at the hands of monsters at the hands of 16......"

The boy who seemed to be the captain also nodded.

"Luckily, that's right, we have to work hard. "

"You can't drag Kirito-kun back. "

At this time, another teammate noticed the direction Kirito was watching.

"What are Kirito-kun looking at...... Wow, there are so many beautiful girls. "

Naturally, he was referring to Asuna,

3 of Lee's beautiful girl teammates.

"Haha, although Kirito-kun is a master of the game, he is also a normal boy. "

The captain patted Kirito on the back heartily,

There was a "I understand, I understand" expression on his face.

"No, no. "

Kirito looked away with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

hurriedly defended himself.

"I just felt that the wheat-haired girl seemed familiar. "

"Kirito-kun, this kind of pick-up is no longer in vogue. "

The teammates didn't take Kirito's explanation to heart.

Instead, they turned their heads to observe Ryne's team.

An exclamation ensued.

"They have a lot of rare-level gold on them!"

"The level is so high...... That guy who looks like the captain can't even see the rank?!"

"Just kidding, is he already over level 10?"

Kirito had been paying attention to Asuna just now.

After hearing the exclamations of your teammates.

He also looked at Rien in surprise...... And then nothing was available.

All he could see was a series of "???"!

The game mechanics of "Ayn Grant" have not changed.

Therefore, Kirito knew that this was a situation where the level difference was more than 5 levels.

And his level at the moment is Lv6.

In other words...... He observed this player.

Level at least 11!

"This man is a monster, isn'......?!"

Even Kirito, who is quite confident in the "Raiders",

There was also a deep sense of powerlessness in my heart.

Not to mention, when he saw the equipment of all the members of this team.

"Dark Gold Shield, Green Set Armor ......"

"It's definitely the top level of the current strategy team!"

Kirito had planned to try to talk to the girl who gave him a strange sense of familiarity.

But after seeing that the other party is far beyond his level and equipment.

Rather disappointed, this idea was dispelled.

If you go to talk at this time,

It will definitely be regarded as a newcomer who wants to ask for benefits from high-level players.

As an arrogant "Raiders" type player.

Kirito has his own dignity.

So...... After he decided to level up and equipment.

Try to get in touch with that girl again.


"Tsk, there is a backbone, but ...... You're hopeless. "

Rien withdrew his attention from Kirito's thoughts.

A playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Under their own upbringing.

The gap between Asuna and Kirito. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It's only going to get bigger.

The latter will never have a chance to catch up with her.

Moreover, Lane is now only 10 opinion points away.

can directly fill Asuna's favorability.

When the time comes...... But it's useless to do anything. []

Shaking his head, Rien threw the distractions in his mind to the back of his mind.

Lost the bonus of the protagonist's aura.

Kazuto Kiritani is just a high school student who plays a good game.

It's not worth his fanfare.

Other than that......

"[Black Cats on a Moonlit Night], I hope you can protect them this time. "

Rien glanced at the boys and girls who were talking to Kirito.

He remembered, in the original.

All players on this team, except Kirito.

They all perished in a trap room in the labyrinth.

The girl named "Yuki" also died in front of Kirito.

Since this time they also formed a team together.

I don't know if the plot of the original work will be repeated.

However, Lane has no spare time to care about the follow-up development.

Because he still has a lot of things to deal with in front of him.

"I'm going to see what happened to Lacanihu. "

"You use these coins to buy some equipment from other players. "

Riene pulled out a heavy bag of gold coins from his inventory.

Handed it to Asuna.

The vicinity of the teleportation station is not a safe area though.

But there are also many players who have set up stalls on their own.

Used to exchange or sell equipment.

"I'll take care of the shopping!"

Asuna is confident in this kind of thing,

"Any precautions?"

"Prioritize the purchase of equipment with toxin resistance. "

Dawn commanded.

"All that's needed is this. "

Toxin damage in "Dark".

It is the fourth damage independent of physics, elementals, and magic.

It is not subject to any defences,

It will only be offset by toxin resistance.

Even the paladin's defensive aura.

There are also no types that increase toxin resistance.

At most, it reduces the duration of toxin damage.

And the final B110oss of the first act.

"The Demon King of Pain and Suffering" - Andariel.

The most terrifying thing is her poison attack!

Not only is the damage extremely high, but the range is very large!

There is almost no possibility of dodging,

You can only rely on toxin resistance to carry it!

At present, the progress of the first act strategy is almost 60%.

Rien needs to prepare for the killing of "Andariel" now.

After leaving the shopping to the other two.

Rien left the teleportation station with Nameless.

Find a place where no one is around, and directly use the "virtual invasion"

Eliminated its own "appearance" function.

And Nameless went straight into his shadow.

It is even more untraceable and undetectable.

"It's just a perfect dive. "

Lane raised his arm,

He could see his own body.

But for other players.

He's just an unloaded mass of "air maps".

"Okay, then ......"

Dawn opens the dungeon map,

Soon the area where the dark gold boss "Lakanihu" is located was found.

After all, the strange terrain surrounded by five huge stone pillars,

Even in the top view, it's easy to spot.

It's just that maybe it's because I've been delayed too much time before.

Wait for Ryan to arrive at the scene.

All that remains here is the battle that has just ended.

[Server-wide announcement: The team led by the player "Xuanyuan Ji" has won the first kill of the 5th layer of dark gold boss "Lacanihu"!].

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