In the dim forest.

Lane sighed helplessly.

Stopped what he was doing.

Despite the eyes that were peeking in the dark just now.

Already shyly and hurried away.

But there's no such thing as atmosphere.

"Master, don't you continue?"

Nameless eyes glow with mist,

The girl's voice ends with a slight seductive trill.

Seems to be expecting something.

"There will be time later. "

Dawn stroked the nameless hair,

"There's no need to be in such a hurry. "

As a forbidden doll that has the potential to become a "divine telekinesis".

Naturally, Li also hopes that Nameless can complete the "divine awakening" earlier.

This way, she can have the bonus effects of "Divine Karakuri" and "Bloodline" at the same time.

It's like Night Night and Iruri.

He chose to summon Nameless to this dungeon.

There are also factors in this.

But...... It seems that it is better to find a space where you can be alone in the future.

Shaking his head, Rien retrieved the metal parts stored in his inventory.

Assemble a few lanterns with your hands,

Return to the teleporter in the Dark Forest.

"W-That, I'm sorry to ...... just now."

As the culprit who ruined the good things of the two,

When Asuna saw Rien's figure,

His cheeks were blushing.

"I didn't mean to ......"

"It's okay, it's business. "

Li En felt Long Xinyue's rather puzzled gaze.

I had to change the subject.

"I've figured out what's going on nearby, and it's a nuisance to deal with next. "

"So, let's go around and count the monsters first, and then move up a level or two. "

The monsters of the Dark Forest are old faces.

But that doesn't mean they haven't grown.

In addition to higher levels and more powerful stats.

Their appearance has also changed – in fact,

Starting from the Dark Forest,

The "advanced body" of monsters has appeared on a large scale.

For example, the advanced form of the "Sinking Demon", the Blade Demon.

The skin has turned completely blue, making it more cunning and cruel.

An advanced form of "Fallen Rog", the Evil Hunter,

Able to work with other friendly units,

Carry out organized tactical raids.

Another example is the advanced form of the "giant beast", the "beast".

Have a stronger physique and strength.

Lane's target is also the dark gold boss of the "Beast".

A special monster called "Tree Head Wooden Fist".

The reason why it is "special" is because its location is very fixed.

Guarding an ancient tree full of magical powers.

It's kind of a half-quest.

The intrinsic affixes are "Extra Fast" and "Extra Strong".

Although there is no "lightning enhancement" that is the most headache for Riene.

But these two affixes combined,

With the dark gold boss itself, it has good attributes.

For current players,

It's still quite a threat!

Extreme strength and extreme speed combined,

The destructive power exerted is definitely the effect of 1+1 2!

And because of the "exceptionally strong" affix,

The health of the Tree Head Wooden Fist must be far beyond that of monsters of the same level,

Even Lane is not guaranteed to end the battle anytime soon.

So, before proceeding to the boss strategy.

Detailed tactical planning is required.

As he pondered, Lane felt a golden glow in his sight.

A pillar of golden light suddenly enveloped him.

The other teammates haven't been upgraded yet,

With a 15x experience increase,

But it has risen to 14!

After all, the basic level of monsters in the Dark Forest is level 8.

Just enough to allow Rien to eat a full amount of experience.

However, after rising to 14,

The experience of ordinary monsters will plummet again.

Even with a 15-fold increase,

It's just a little bit more than the original experience.

"Level 14...... I have now unlocked the Tier 2 skill of the Necromancer class. "

Ryne switches back and forth between the 3 skill trees.

The next battle flow,

It was already clear in his mind.

The other question is......

How to complete the achievements on this Dark Gold Boss. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


【Achievement: Champion Boxer】

+ Condition: Within 5 minutes, control the "Tree Head Wooden Fist" for a total of 60 seconds

+ Rewards: Skill Points x1, Attribute Points x1, Unlock Skills x1 of your choice

+ Note: "Since non-human players are allowed in the ring, the mechanical prosthetic should also be free of modification restrictions"[]


"Control Skill......"

Rien thought with a headache.

He and Nameless have no control skills at all.

A shot is a ruthless move to take out the enemy.

Therefore, this achievement can only be completed by Asuna and Dragon Crescent.

That's where the importance of teammates comes in.

If you miss this achievement.

Li En has 10 less skill points and attribute points!

There's also a chance to unlock skills of your choice!

"This achievement must be won!"

"This way I can directly lock the [Virtual Invasion] skill!"

Half an hour later, two golden rays flashed.

Asuna and Dragon Crescent have also been promoted to level 9.

It's just a profession in the "dark",

Every 6 levels is a watershed for skills.

So it's just a matter of gaining 1 skill point.

Plus some property fixes.

If for the sake of stability,

Li En can actually wait until Dragon Crescent Moon reaches level 10.

Because as a reincarnation player,

After reaching level 10.

Dragon Crescent will unlock your first class.

Merely...... There is no need.

With the existing conditions,

He's come up with a set of tactics to get there.

“....... So, let's fight in this skill order. "

Dawn glanced at himself as he explained the tactical arrangement,

A girl with a somewhat erratic look in her eyes.

"Ahem, Asuna-san, it's okay to get distracted in class. "

"But the next battle will be serious. "

It's a matter of life and death, as well as the success or failure of tactics.

Li En felt that it was still necessary to remind him.

"Ah...... Huh?

Asuna came to her senses in an instant,

He replied in a bit of a panic.

Hearing Rian's preaching,

Hurriedly put on a posture of listening carefully.

It's just what I'm thinking.

It's another story.

The actor is naturally Lane.

And the characters who are in close contact with him......

It was supposed to be nameless,

But involuntarily replaced it with herself.

The girl is pregnant with spring, which is probably the state of Asuna at this time.

The corners of Lane's mouth twitched slightly.

There is no one else around at this time.

He could read Asuna's mind very clearly.

“...... Forget it, I should be the culprit too. "

sighed helplessly,

Rien turned his gaze to an area not far away.

A magical tree that glows brightly,

A few branches and leaves were visible in everyone's field of vision.

And right next to this strange tree called "Enifus".

A group of extremely oppressive muscular beasts,

They are gathering together, like the guards of this tree.

"Execute as planned, and I get their attention first. "

Rien whispered, and at the same time, lightly stomped on the ground.

The surrounding soil seems to have been injected with "life".

Quickly extracted from the ground and purchased in condensation

A "stone man" more than 3 meters tall!

Necromancer Level 6 Summoning Skill, Clay Stone Demon!.

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