"Bad luck, I wasted so much time, and I didn't get it done. "

After leaving the elf's station.

Lane sighed and glanced at the copy announcement.

Thor's team,

The progress has surpassed Sakurajima's "Amaterasu" and "Tsukiyo".

Arrived at the 7th floor "Underground Passage" ahead of schedule.

After all, they have a player on their team with the A-Exploration talent.

If it's just a search for a target.

The efficiency is not much slower than that of Lane.


"The Stone Wilderness is the 5th layer. "

"The underground passage is the 7th floor. "

"It seems...... This area is divided into separate floors. "

"And it's a hidden floor!"

Dawn knew that the other players must be wondering right now.

Why did someone teleport directly from layer 5 to layer 6......

I guess Thor himself was puzzled.

Because the monster level of the 7th layer has been directly increased by two levels!

Elite monsters and rare monsters can reach level 8 and 9!

Players don't level up fast.

It's nice to have a level 5 or 6.

Only Lane can reach a double-digit level with a 10x return.

So, in the face of high-level monsters,

The speed of advancement slowed down.

Moreover, as the number of floors increases, the area advances.

There are more and more types of monsters!

Dawn remembered that in the "underground passage",

There is already a monster with 16 evil hearts, such as the "Crippled Monster".

This monster is capable of spitting out lightning bolts with extremely high damage to attack.

And the movement is quite flexible, and it has good melee ability.

If a few more haves

Elite monsters with the "Cold Enhanced", "Extra Strong", "Extra Fast" modifiers......

Even Lane has a headache.

If you are not careful.

Even if it's a team of reincarnated players,

There will inevitably be casualties!

Because fire damage has a "scorch"

Cold damage has "Freeze",

And lightning damage will cause "paralysis"!

If you're not careful, you'll be numbed in place and become a live target!

That's all you need to pay attention to. "

"Any other questions?"

At the entrance of the underground cavern, Asuna glanced at the team.

Then he cautiously raised his hand.

"Captain, the ...... Where's Miss Ansenas?"

"She left the team for something. "

Li En said lightly.

Then he reached out and pulled out a petite figure from behind him.

"As an addition to the team members, this is the new unnamed classmate. "

"She is an assassin by profession and a melee player. "

Asuna nodded incredulously.

"Why does the captain always find beautiful girls to be teammates?"

"Indeed, Asuna is also beautiful. "

Rien said with a smile.

In fact, there was also a 5th "teammate" present.

It was Yui who had been floating beside him.

However, at this time, Yui is still just a "dormant" AI.

The ghostly girl is also invisible to the other players.

So I don't take it into account for the time being.

Being teased by Riene, Asuna immediately blushed.

"You weren't looking for me just for this reason, right?"

"No, you've proven yourself. "

The simple Asuna was unaware of the other information.

But Long Xinyue glanced at Li En keenly.

She had a hunch that the reason for Ansenas's departure would not be so simple.

But...... Since Lane is reluctant to say more.

Then she naturally wouldn't ask.

But "nameless" attracted her attention more.

Because she could see that this should be Lane's followers.

Rien clapped his hands, focusing the others' attention.

"There are no dark gold bosses in the underground passages, so we just need to hurry. “

"Fight the monsters you encounter on the road as soon as you can, and get more experience. "

For now, with the exception of Lane.

Asuna and Dragon Crescent have both reached level 7.

Nameless who has just joined the team is only level 3.

However, the first few levels require very little experience.

Just mix with the team for a while.

to pull up the level.

After entering the [Underground Passage].

Ryan gets 1 more chance to unlock it randomly.

The objective of the main quest has also been updated to "Find the Exit to the Dark Forest"

This time, Lane chose to unlock the skill.

"I hope to unlock [Virtual Invasion]. "

With a glimmer of hope, Lane settled on the unlock type.


【Random Drawing to unlock skill ......】

[You have unlocked "Perfect-Intermediate Mechanical Sense"!]


"Oh, I didn't draw [Virtual Invasion]"

"But this one doesn't seem to be bad, either!"

Riene's eyes lit up and he opened the skills panel. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Perfect-Intermediate Mechanic" reduces the cost of mechanics by 20%!

And it gives you a 50% bonus XP!

The most important thing is this 50% bonus experience bonus......

With 10x income assistance,

Ryan now has 15x XP gain efficiency![]

And the monster level of the [Underground Passage].

Just enough to avoid experience penalties.

So along the way, Lien's experience is like riding a rocket,

Rising at a speed visible to the naked eye!

When you find the "Underground Passage Exit".

I've reached level 13 with more than half of my experience.

It's more than two levels higher!

"The exit ahead. "

"Judging by the fact that there are no announcements yet...... This time we were the first players to reach the 8th floor. "

Rien thought for a moment and added.

"The 8th layer is the [Dark Forest]. "

"Monsters are old friends, you'll know when you see them. "

"But...... There is one caveat. "

"That's why [Dark Forest] is called that. "

"It's because it's really dark. "


[Serverwide Announcement: The team led by player "Lien" was the first to discover "Layer 8: Dark Forest"]


In the underground passage, a group of white players looked up in amazement.

Look at the exit of the passage in front of you.

"It's Rien again...... But they were the first to reach the 8th floor. "

"And where does this passage exit in front of us lead?!"

Unconvinced, Thor stepped into the waypoint.

[You have discovered "Underground Passage - Level 2"]


An unwilling curse rang out on the second floor of the underground passage.

[Full Server Announcement: Player "Thor" was the first to discover the "Underground Passage - Layer 2"]

Riene, who was far away in the dark forest, shrugged his shoulders.

Who made him know from the beginning......

The Underground Passage has two exits.

A gateway to the real next area, the Dark Forest.

The other leads to a deeper cavern.

"But I remember there's a golden chest on the second floor of the tunnel. "

"They're not a loss. "

It's just that the dark gold boss of the dark forest belongs to it.

They would no longer be able to compete with Lane and the others.

"Let's take a break near the teleportation station and I'll make some lighting tools. "

Rien glanced around,

Tall trees shade the sky,

Keep sunlight out.

The space under the foliage is full of darkness,

The light is 1000 minutes dim.

In this kind of environment, Nameless is quite enjoyable.

Because of this area full of shadows.

Best for her play.

For others, though.

It's hard to fight without a light source.

Citing the need to collect materials, Lane left the group.

Suddenly, near a makeshift campfire set up next to the teleporter.

Only Asuna and Long Crescent were left......

"Huh, what's Nameless?"

Asuna looked around suspiciously.

There was no sign of the new girl joining the group.

She ...... There shouldn't be any need for us to worry about. "

Long Xinyue said lightly.

She knew that Nameless was a follower of Lane.

So they don't need to worry about this kind of thing.

"Well, it's so dark around, it's going to be a lot of trouble if she gets lost. "

"I'll look for her nearby. "

Asuna volunteered to leave the campfire.

Long Xinyue opened her mouth, but finally said nothing.

I had to stay alone near the campfire, poking the charcoal with a branch.

"It's really dark...... If only the Holy Light Bullet could be used for lighting. "

Asuna carefully observed her surroundings,

She is also now used to the "game of death".

It's a lot bolder than it was at the beginning.

Suddenly, she spotted a slight light in the direction Dawn had left.

"Is it there?"

However, when she got closer.

But I couldn't help but stop,

A look of shock gradually appeared on her pretty face.

In the dim forest,

The two figures are embracing each other intimately,

A movement that made the pure girl blush.

"Original, original...... Is this the relationship between Dawn and Nameless?"


(There is something to do today, 3 more for the time being).

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