
【Conquest Complete!】

[A talent ability "Rainbow Eyes" has been promoted to a legendary talent!]


A strange feeling arose.

After the diamond-like progression experience.

Cool air flow down the eyes of the eyes,

Quickly spread to the mind,

Let the body that was still in a cold sweat just now,

It calmed down in an instant.

Li En let out a long sigh of relief,

At the moment of opening your eyes,

He could feel it......

Everything in front of you is different from before!

Grain and wear of wood,

frequency and wavelength of light,

Vibration and trajectory of dust particles......

In his eyes, it was unobstructed.

This is just a by-product of a sudden increase in eyesight.

And the real sense, the essence of the change,

It is a sudden influx of "information".

Information that could not be perceived with the naked eye,

After the "Rainbow Eyes" was promoted to a legendary talent,

A rush passed through Riene's eyes......

"No, I can hear these voices even with my eyes closed. "

Lane frowned,

His mind was now filled with a lot of [noise].

Although it doesn't hurt him, "Four-One-Seven"

But it affects concentration very much.

He opened the talent panel,

Scroll to the updated talent description page.

Check the effect of your newly acquired S-Rank talents.


[Innate ability: unrestrained eyes]

Level +: S (Unique)

+Fruit: Your "sight" is no longer limited to the naked eye, but can directly sense the essence of things, and the intelligent beings around you will not be able to hide their hearts, even inanimate substances will generate emotions because of your gaze

+ Positive: Forever in the state of "unrestrained perception", with you as the center, units within a radius (100% mysterious + knowledge attribute) meters conduct a round of secret confrontation every second, and after the failure of any attribute confrontation, the inner mind will be automatically read, and the success rate of your fraud, persuasion, and illusion skills on the target of the read mind will be increased by 50%


Forever "unrestrained perception"!

Fully automatic mind reading!

"But at what cost?"

Lane flipped over and over the effects of the talent and looked at it several times.

None of the negative states were found similar to "90% reduction in mental limit".

"Doesn't legendary talent have to come at a price?"

Lane raised an eyebrow.

A few prompts popped up in front of me.

[Secret confrontation is underway...... The confrontation is successful!]

[You read the mind of the Demon Slayer Troopers!]

In an instant, a voice of self-talk flooded into his mind.

[I heard from Lord Wormpillar that the Ghost Moon of the Second Quarter was killed by her and another adult!]

[I am worthy of being a "pillar" level powerhouse, when can I be so powerful......]

[If I also have the strength to kill the ghost moon level, can I also become a "pillar"?]

[If it's a "pillar", maybe you can go after the insect pillar-sama......]

followed by some broken thoughts such as going to the pinnacle of life and marrying Bai Fumei.

The corners of Lane's mouth twitched, intending to block out the jumbled thoughts.

Then he found out......

"What the hell? can't be turned off?!"

That's when he realized what the price of this talent was.

It is different from the [Surgical Deconstructor] marked as "Resident".

The additional effect of "unrestrained perception" is "eternal".

In other words, as long as someone steps into the realm of Riene's perception.

It will automatically be read by him.

And this process, even Li En himself can't stop and end!

"Good thing this is in a dungeon world. "

Li En rubbed his braincase, which had a headache,

The world of Demon Slayer is not so densely populated.

Moreover, the headquarters of the Ghost Slayer is also an area where idlers are not allowed to enter and there are few people.

If you go back to the real world......

Within a radius of 100 meters, at least four-digit people's minds are directly read by Lane!

At that time, it won't be like the stand-up comedy like it is now.

It is estimated that the vegetable market is not as messy as Lien's head.

"I have to adapt first. "

Dawn leaves the bedroom,

He was able to perceive the thoughts of Night Night and Iruri,

The former is sleeping heavily,

The latter is thinking about what kind of food to prepare for today's evening.

As well as worrying about whether the glass is doing well now.

"It's really a unique way of thinking. "

A soft smile appeared on Ryne's face,

The higher the progress of the awakening of divinity in the night,

Her habits have been closer to humans lately.

Originally, as a puppet, she didn't need to rest.

As long as you have enough magic, you can move non-stop.

But now, like Lee, he will recover through sleep.

But it doesn't seem to be mandatory,

The characteristics of being an automaton are still there.

It's just one more way to replenish your mana.

"My lord, do you want to go out?"

Iruri heard the movement and hurried up to meet him,

"Hmm. "

Li En nodded, (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Then he said suddenly.

"Let's have curry tonight. "

"Huh...... Okay. "

Looking at the back of Lane leaving,

Iruri tilted her head a little strangely. []

On his dignified and elegant face, there was a hint of doubt.

"How do you know that I'm thinking about the choice of cuisine for the evening......


Although he killed the Second of the Upper Strings, Rien was not too high-profile.

Instead, he basically gave all the credit to Butterfly Shinobi.

Because of his way of fighting against Tong Mo,

Basically, it can't be replicated on other Winding Ghost Moons.

In other words, the only strong enemy he can kill single-handedly is the unlucky Tong Mo.

After all, this is the middle of the first quarter of the ghost month,

The only one who is not very good at physical arts,

Blood-ghosted enemies that are easy to restrain and restrain them.

If you change to a different winding.

For example, the first of the strings, the "ghost of the sword" Black Death Mou.

Or the winding of the sting, the "ghost of the fight" nest.

I'm afraid the only thing Rien can do is just slip away.

"However, if there are players from the same faction, you may be able to try to challenge the other players. "

Rien remembered Ansenas and Grace in his mind.

Greine can help him fend off attacks from the boss's units,

Ansenas is a powerful outputman,

I don't know if she's familiar with the [Thunder Breath] combat technique now.

In addition to the level, there are also "layers" for exercises.

"Stacks" cannot be directly hard-stacked with skill points.

You can only rely on continuous training to improve the "number of layers".

Each time you increase a tier, you gain an increase in attributes.......

For a certain number of stacks, special skills will also be unlocked!

For example, "Transparent World", "Hedao" and "Marking",

They are all special combat skills that are unlocked after cultivating the breathing method to a high level!


In the Butterfly House, Rien finds Butterfly Shinobi, who is dispensing medicine.

"She's been training with Miri lately. "

Love Pillar - Ganlu Temple Honey Glass,

Although the same as the butterfly ninja,

He is the only two female "pillar" level swordsmen in the Demon Slayer team, and the other one.

However, the character design can be said to be diametrically opposed.

It is different from the butterfly ninja, who ranks first in wrist strength.

Mili is born with extremely large strange powers.

The muscle density is 8 times that of ordinary people,

Once the body is tightened, it can greatly increase the ability to resist blows.

"I remember that the territory that Lianzhu is responsible for is the area of Forging Knife Village, right?"

Lane recalls the setting from the original work.

"Well, there are almost no powerful ghosts around there, and they are more suitable for nameless training. "

Although the information of the Forging Knife Village is a secret of the Ghost Slayer Team.

But in the face of Riene, Butterfly Shinobu has no need to hide it.

"This may not necessarily be ...... [Battle of Forging Knife Village], but it is enough to dispatch two winding ghost moons. "

Rien thought silently.

But now according to the plot,

It's not yet time for the Battle of Forging Knife Village.

So he was relieved as well.

"Is the master going to hunt the Ghost Moon again?"

"It's not really, it's just a visit to an unknown ...... Doctor. "

A day later, inside the bustling Dongjing City.

Iruri looked at Rien with concern.

"Your Excellency, ...... Doesn't it matter to your body?"

"I'm fine. "

Lane sighed, the crowd of people coming and going in front of him,

It's like a walking noise generator.

He had little interest in the minds of these ordinary people.

But they couldn't stop their thoughts from flowing into their minds.

I can only slowly get used to this painful state.

"Li En is so pitiful, come and let Yeye help you check your body, eh, hey, hey......"

Drooling night after night, his little hand went straight to Rien's belt. 3.7

"Stop, you! I'm still driving!"

Hearing this, the puppet girl's eyes lit up.

"Is it okay when you're not driving?"

Li En's eyelids were raised, and he felt a bruise.

"Iruri, take care of her!"

The silver-haired "Snow" girl smiled softly, but there was not the slightest smile on her face.

"Night, don't disturb Lord Rien at this time, do you hear me? "

“...... Damn, I'm looking for Sister Iruri. "

Eventually, the riot ended in the unwilling muttering of the night.

In an off-the-beaten-path alley, Lane parked his car in front of an unremarkable brick wall.

"My lord, there doesn't seem to be anything here. "

Iruri got out of the car, looked around, and asked suspiciously.

"Because the owner doesn't want to be found out where she lives. "

Rien said softly, twitching his nose slightly.

He "smelled" a faint smell of blood, with a peculiar fragrance.

In his sight, this unpretentious wall.

There is a floating "information" structure that is completely different from the surrounding buildings.

[A mysterious confrontation is underway...... The confrontation is successful!]

[You have discovered the hidden residence of the "Pearl World"!].

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