Earn big!

An item from a trophies box in Tong Mo.

A C+ copy of [Ghost King's Essence Blood].

The effect is stronger than the normal [Blood of the Ghost King]!

And after using [Ghost King's Blood] 10 times.

It still works!

Ordinary [Ghost King's Blood] can already be sold for 10,000 copies.

It is not a problem to double the price of [Ghost King's Essence Blood]!

However, the points are of little use to Li Enlai~ said.

He thought about it and decided to keep this prop,

It is used to exchange drawings or skill books of equal value.

The remaining two pieces of equipment,

It is a set of the [Elysium] series......

That's right, the suit!


【Crown of Bliss】

Level +: C+

+ Seek: Intelligence 150, Mystic 100

+ Sex: +30% Max Mental Power, Mystic +20

+ Effect: Increases ice damage dealt by the wearer by 25%

+ Effect: Reduces the cost of ice skills by 25%

+ Effect: When you cast an ice skill, restore 1 mental power and lose 1 health per second

+ Effect: When equipped with the "Fan of Elysium", all bonuses are doubled

+ Note: "The crown that only the master of the Cult of Elysium is qualified to wear, contains the power of the Ice Ghost"


【Elysium Fan】

Level +: C+

+ Seek: Intelligence 150, Mystic 100

+ Sex: Cold damage added to attacks and spells (100% intelligence).

+ Effect: Increases ice damage dealt by the wearer by 25%

+ Effect: When an ice skill hits, apply 1 stack of "Piercing Chill", stacking up to 10 stacks

+ Effect: When dealing damage through an ice skill, restore 1% of your health and lose the same amount of mental power

+ Effect: When equipped with "Crown of Bliss," gain 1 "Echo" for your Ice Skills

+ Note: "The weapon used by the Sect Master of Elysium, the fan bone made of pure gold exudes an extremely cold aura"


After seeing the attributes of these two pieces of equipment.

Lane had a thought in his head......

Why isn't this TM the equipment of the players on the technology side?!

"Forget it, after all, Demon Slayer Blade is not a copy world on the technology side. "

It took several minutes of depression for Lane to recover.

But there are still some entanglements.

These two C+-level pieces of equipment are luxurious!

It's not hard to see from the attributes required for the equipment.

This is the ultimate set for the Mystic Ice Caster!

When two pieces of equipment are in use,

Provides a total of 75% ice damage bonus!

There is also a 50% Ice Skill Cost Reduction and 1 Skill Echo Effect!

and additional Cold Damage for Attack Spells!

It also provides a great recovery effect!

As long as the timing of the skill release is right,

It can even achieve the transformation of mental power and health value like a perpetual motion machine!

Dawn can already conceive,

The player with these two pieces of equipment becomes a humanoid spell turret,

The scene that enveloped the entire battlefield with a series of ice spells.

It's a pity that he didn't use it.

Because of the C-level attribute limitations.

Even if he wanted to equip it, he wouldn't meet the needs.

And before the bloodline problem was solved, Li En didn't have the idea of advancing to the ranks.

So if you force yourself to use it.

The [Eternal Bliss] two-piece set still has to be pressed in his hand for several copy cycles.

Even Iruri doesn't meet such a high demand for attributes.

Therefore, he plans to directly conquer the equipment and trade it out.

"The value of these two pieces of equipment is in the eyes of players who specialize in ice spells. "

"Not even inferior to two B-tier pieces of equipment!"

"After the conquest, it has genuine B+ attributes and special effects!"

Rien thought silently.

"If you want to exchange it, you must also exchange it for the same level of technology side equipment or skills. "

"Preferably high-level knowledge skills!"

Put away the excitement,

Rien packed all the loot into the Spatial Ring.

Then the dashboard opened. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He can't use equipment.

But the talent drawn from Tong Mo,

But it takes effect immediately.

Because I have seen Tong Mo's talent through the [Technique Deconstructor] before.

So Li En vaguely remembered the information about the talent he had extracted. []

But he still held his breath,

Browse through the effect descriptions of talents.


[Innate ability: Rainbow Eyes]

Level +: A

+ Fruit: Your own charm is greatly improved, making it easier to gain the favor and convincing of others, and enhance the effect of your illusion skills

+Positive: Character base opinion +30, double the success rate of persuasion, deception, and illusion skills


This is the special talent that Tong Mo was born with.

so that he may do nothing,

can firmly sit on the position of the leader of the Sect of Bliss for all eternities.

Innate charisma,

so that he can easily gain the favor and trust of the believers,

And casually say a few comforting words,

It's enough to make people feel comfortable and convinced.

"If Tong Mo knows how to do illusions...... Well, it doesn't seem to be that way. "

Dawn thought for a moment.

Even if Tong Mo can use illusions, he is enhanced by [Rainbow Eyes].

The [Formula Deconstructor] you own can also crack it.

At most, it will take some time.

"However, this is not the final form. "

Li En directly opened the talent page,

Conquer the newly acquired [Rainbow Eyes]!

[Are you sure to conquer "A Talent Ability - Rainbow Eyes"?]

[Spend 100,000 points, and after conquest, this skill will become the only skill after strengthening!]

[Note: After being conquered by A skill, it will be upgraded to an S-level legendary talent, and the effect will be irreversibly mutated!]

"B-level [Excess Thoughts] only needs 50,000 points, and A directly doubles it......"

Rien looked at the prompt in front of him, a little hesitant.

Reaching S rank means that the talent is more powerful.

But at the same time, there is a great deal of uncertainty.

Because he himself has an S-class talent [Technique Deconstructor].

Although the effect is extremely powerful,

But the negative effect is also very terrifying, directly cutting off 90% of Lien's upper limit of mechanical power!

If it weren't for the additional damage gained through [Magnetic Storm Crown].

This effect is pure negativity.

What Li En was worried about was that after [Rainbow Eyes] was upgraded to an S-rank talent.

There will also be such negative effects, and you can't avoid them.

After thinking for a moment, Rien burst out laughing.

"This kind of risk, no one else is qualified to try it. "

"I'm still hesitating here. "

He shook his head and made a decision.

"Pay 100,000 points to conquer [Rainbow Eyes]!"

In the moments after the decision is made.

Lee's eyes suddenly seemed to be filled with chili pepper water

Suddenly it's hot!

Intense pain spreads all the way down the nerves!

It's like pulling out his eyes and brutally crushing them!


Even with Riene's will, he couldn't help but scream.

But soon he gritted his teeth,

Because he could feel that his eyes were coming back together.

Beads of sweat the size of beans continued to flow down his forehead and cheeks.

I don't know how long later,

A reassuring hint finally appeared in front of his eyes.

【Conquest Complete!】

[A talent ability "Rainbow Eyes" has been promoted to a legendary talent!

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