In a large house at the Ghost Slayer headquarters.

The nine "pillar" level powerhouses held their breath.

There was a tense and serious atmosphere in the room.

The focus of their gaze.

A young man dressed in a cobweb-patterned robe finally stopped what he was doing.

"Alright, the cursed bloodline in His Excellency's body has been removed. "

Rien gently wiped the sweat from her forehead.

Turning to Butterfly Shinobu said.

"However, I am not a professional doctor. "

"After the bloodline is peeled off, Lord Yaoya will fall into a period of weakness. "

"Until you get back to health, you need to take care of it. "

Butterfly Shinobu is in charge of the Butterfly House, the medical institution of the Demon Slayer Team.

What he is best at is recuperating and recovering from seriously injured ghost slayer soldiers.

A trio of protagonists who often challenge strong enemies to the death.

In the original work, I often go in and out of the hospital room of the butterfly house.

"My lord, how are you feeling now?"

"Love Pillar", who has conspicuous pink hair and ruddy and bloody cheeks, stepped forward and asked with concern.

"Never...... Such a relaxing feeling. "

Yaoyashiki's hands trembled slightly, stroking his face.

A face that was originally disfigured by a bloodline curse.

At this point, it has basically recovered as before.

Although the skin of the skin 16 is still somewhat dull and wrinkled.

But it can be vaguely seen that Yaoya was also a handsome man before he was disfigured.

"And, I can feel ......"

The lord of the Ghost Slayer team whispered in a tone as if he was reminiscing about something.

"A shadow that has been in the blood since birth. "

"The crazy whispers, the negative emotions, and the urge to get new flesh. "

"It's all gone!"

Hearing Yaoya's words, coupled with his complexion, his complexion was obviously much better than before.

The pillars who were overseeing on the sidelines finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then they all bowed to Li En.

"Your Excellency Lane, it is really disrespectful to have doubts about you before!"

Yan Zhu said in a loud voice.

"If you are kind to the lord, you are kind to the entire ghost killing team!"

"Whatever you ask, we'll do our best to accommodate you!"

The rest of the "pillars" did not refute Yan Zhu's words.

Even the most brutal wind pillars,

Looking at Rien's gaze, there was also a bit of respect.

Yaoya is the mentor and master who changed their lives and destinies.

Ryne, who saved Yaozai, will surely gain their respect!

[You have completed a "Bloodline Stripping" assignment]

[You gain 1 copy of "Blood of the Ghost King"]

[You have gained 20,000 Class XP (2x10x earnings)]

【Yaoya Sanyashiki's favorability for you is increased by 90!(10X Income)】

【Yaoya Sanyashiki's relationship with you has been elevated to "best friend"】

["Worm Pillar" Butterfly Ninja's favorability towards you is increased by 70 (10 times the benefit)]

[Butterfly Shinobi's relationship with you is elevated to "intimacy"]

["Flame Pillar" Purgatory Kyojuro's favorability towards you is increased by 70 (10 times the benefit)]

[Purgatory Kyojuro's relationship with you has been elevated to "intimacy"]


Looking at the prompt messages that almost swiped the screen in front of me,

Rien breathed a sigh of relief.

can gain the favor of all the "pillar" level powerhouses of the ghost killing team,

It was something he expected.

What he didn't expect was that in this way.

He can actually get 1 special product of the ghost clan camp as well!

However, this is not a process that can be repeated.

Therefore, you can only get the "Blood of the Ghost King" once from the Sanyashiki family through "Bloodline Stripping".

Most importantly, it hides the hint that the achievement condition is completed.

[Help the "Sanyashiki" family lift the bloodline curse (completed)]


Lane is far from the [Reversal of Fate] achievement,

There is only one condition left to turn "Kamado Beans" into a human being.

However, this condition is much more difficult.

If Rien wants to do it, he needs to rely on some other powers.

After thinking about it, he turned around and said.

"I'm a little tired today, so I'll take my leave. "

"As for my request......"


Just returned to the room that the Demon Slayer had prepared for himself.

Pushing open the door, a figure flew like a bullet.

A helpless smile appeared on Rie's face,

Opened his arms to catch this heavy and sweet "puppet cannonball".

"Rien is finally back!"

Night and night, he buried his head in Ryne's chest, rubbing it around.

"The relationship between adults and night is still so enviable. "

Iruri, who seemed to be cleaning up the room just now, came over,

Looking at the two with a gentle smile.

"Sister Iruri can also come~"

Ye Ye raised his head and moved out of the way without thinking.

"Only Sister Iruri can, even if it's a bed at night, you can ...... together"

"Night, night!"

Iruri, who was ashamed and angry, shouted involuntarily,

Then she noticed Lee's smiling gaze.

The puppet girl's face suddenly flushed.

Let Li En have to sigh, worthy of being the top doll produced by Hualiuzhai. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even without awakening divine ingenuity,

It is also comparable to real life in all aspects, and it is very realistic.

Well...... Realistic in every sense of the word.

"That's right, nameless. "

Li En just wanted to tell Nameless about the future arrangement. []

"I found ...... for you"

"Knock, knock, knock. "

There was a knock at the door.

Iruri got up to greet him,

Then he brought back another shadow.

Insect Pillar - Butterfly Ninja.

Compared with the seriousness and seriousness of the pillar meeting.

At this time, the butterfly's temperament and expression should be more easy-going.

And with a little urgency and incomprehension.

Seeing this, Li En roughly understood why the other party came to the door.

"It seems that the request I just made made her realize something. "

"Excuse me, Lord Lane. "

Butterfly Shinobu said to Rien with a smile on her face.

"Is the matter over for Yotsuya-sama?"

Rien asked casually.

After he finished the operation of "blood stripping".

It should be Butterfly Shinobu who is in charge of the aftermath.

"The lord's body is no longer in serious trouble, but it is a simple loss of qi and blood. "

"I've asked the children of the Butterfly House to help take care of the lord, and I have Amane-sama by the lord's side to take care of him. "

Speaking of Yaoyashiki's matter, Butterfly Shinobu couldn't help but be a little curious when he looked at Rien's gaze.

It was so easy to lift the curse related to Onimai Tsuji's miserable......

What is the origin of this man?

"Speaking of which, this is the person you want us to help train?"

Nameless blinked,

Until Lane nodded,

Only then did she realize that the person Butterfly Shinobu was talking about was herself.

"What's going on, master?"

Nameless asked Lane in a whisper.

"I know you've been worried about your strength. "

Lane smiled and touched Nameless's head.

"So, I found the strongest 9,803 powerhouses of the Ghost Slayer Team for you to train you. "

"If you can stick with it, it's going to be a big growth. "

Nameless was silent for a moment.

Then he nodded neatly and agreed.

"Good. "

"I'm going to stick with it. "

To catch up with you......

Even if it's just a weapon or a tool.

At least it won't be abandoned or forgotten by you.

Nameless thought silently.

"If you really get the recognition of 9 columns. "

Rien reached out and lifted the nameless face,

Bring her to her own gaze.

"I will never be stingy with rewards for obedient and well-behaved children. "


Nameless replied softly, and then, like a kitten, quickly fled the scene.

"Ah, shy. "

Night and night, a word broke the truth about the girl's departure.

"Ahem, then, Miss Shinobi. "

Rien turned to look at Butterfly Shinobi.

"This kind of time to visit...... Is there something going on?"

"Lord Lane, your second request to the Ghost Slayer. "

Butterfly hesitated for a moment,

He asked with a complicated expression.

"Why do you need information about the [Cult of Bliss]?"

"Yes...... Do you want to deal with someone?"

"Nope. "

Contrary to Butterfly Shinobi's expectations, Rien shook his head.

Rejected her claims.

This made her breathe a sigh of relief, and at the same time a little inexplicably lost.

"It's not about dealing with people. "

Rien added in a flat tone.

"It's just going to kill a demon. "

"You should know the name of that demon very well......"

"Tong Mo. "

"Or rather, the second of the winding. "。

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