"What did you say?!"

Hearing Lee's inquiry,

The "Pillar of Wind" almost rushed in front of Rien,

He stared viciously at Riene, who was uttering wild words.

seems to be thinking about waiting for the meeting to end,

It's better to start with that part first.

"Ha, it's the first time I've seen a guy who can't speak more than Yiyong. "

The "sound pillar" wearing an ornate hair ornament sneered.

"What does it have to do with me?"

"Water Column" Tomioka Yoshiyoshi responded with an indifferent expression,

However, he did not take any position on Lane's words.

"Amitabha, I hope Your Excellency will not speak. "

The "rock pillars" dressed as monks clasped their hands,

Two lines of tears flowed from his eyes, who were also blind.

"Slow ......"

Yaoyashiki's voice rang out, interrupting the mockery of the pillars.

Compared to just now, his voice at this time sounded more neutral.

"Hey, the state of the lord...... It seems that the "seven-four-zero" has suddenly improved?"

Butterfly Ren looked at the lord in front of him in surprise,

She is the only one of the nine pillars who is proficient in medicine and medicine.

Naturally, Yaoya's physical condition can be distinguished.

"Your Excellency, do you really have a way to solve the curse of my clan?"

Yaoyashiki's own feelings are the most important factor.

Just now, at the same time as Lane said those words.

And he felt the curse on his body,

The influence from the "Ghost King" Onimai Tsuji was suddenly weakened slightly.

It was very difficult for him to breathe all year round, but he was finally able to take a few breaths.

Yaoya is not afraid of death.

But he was still afraid to wait for the day when he died,

The curse of the family will still make their children repeat the same mistakes.

From a young age, he began to be frail and sickly.

It gets weaker and weaker as you get older.

Even if you try all kinds of methods, you won't live to be 30 years old.

If only this problem could be solved in his generation......

Then the descendants of the Sanyashiki clan will be freed from the haze of the bloodline curse!

"The reason why the Sanyashiki clan is cursed is because you are related to Kimai Tsuji. "

Lane said unhurriedly.

"A thousand years ago, after Wu Miao became the ancestor of the ghosts, you were cursed. "

"This curse is really just a bloodline connection and influence. "

"So, if you want to solve the problem of the curse, there are two solutions. "

"The most direct one is to kill Onimai Tsujino miserably. "

Hearing this, a wry smile appeared on the corner of Yaoyashiki's mouth.

It's so easy to kill without misery.

Then his family will not bear the curse of a thousand years.

"Second ......"

Rien glanced at Yaoya.

"I can directly strip the demon blood from your body. "

"In this way, you will no longer have a blood connection with Wu Miao. "

"Naturally, I don't have to bear the curse anymore. "

"But ......"

Butterfly Shinobu frowned subconsciously.

"Can you really do such a thing? "

She is also well-versed in medicine, so she is more aware of the difficulties of this method.

"He could. "

Yaoya Shiki answered this question for Rien,

As a party, he has the most right to speak.

"My lord, I trust your judgment, but I can't trust a stranger. "

Suddenly, a very hearty voice came.

The young man with flame-like hair said with his eyes in his eyes.

"Even though he slew the Ghost Moon, his identity is still suspicious. "

"Until I fully understand the details of this Excellency, I am against him contacting the lord!"

Yanzhu - Purgatory Kyojuro.

A young man with a full momentum and a cheerful personality,

But because of this, he is very strict with himself and others.

"Besides, Lord Lane, why do you suddenly want to help the Lord solve the curse?"

"What is your purpose?"

Faced with a series of undisguised questions, Li En shrugged slightly.

is worthy of being a pillar of fire, and he can see through the essence of things at a glance.

In fact, the reason why he proposed to help Yaoya Yashiki treat the "curse".

Not on a whim.

It's from seeing a hidden achievement in the illustrated book, (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Start thinking about things.

It's just that he wasn't completely sure before.

Until yesterday, when he used 1 [Blood of the Ghost King] to explore.

Gained an unexpected knowledge and skill.

...... []

【Bloodline Stripping Lv10】

Level +: B (Advanced)

+ Fruit: Onimai Tsuji is free to bestow and strip the power of the oni's bloodline, and when you have enough knowledge of a certain bloodline, you can do the same


This knowledge and skill contains information on how to strip the power of the bloodline!

You must know that once the reincarnation player chooses to accommodate a certain bloodline,

It's even harder to change it.

But with this knowledge,

Li En has the theoretical conditions for the bloodline stripping technique!

What's more, it would accomplish something that seemed almost impossible to him.......


[Hidden Achievement: Reversal of Fate]

+ Pieces: Help "Kamado Beans" Become Human (Unfinished)

+ Pieces: Help the "Sanyashiki" family lift the bloodline curse (unfinished)

+ Reward: 100,000 reincarnation points, 100,000 career experience, specialty skill - Fate Reversal Lv1

+ "Do not let those who rebel against others perish in their fate"


There aren't many conditions for this hidden achievement, but each of them is very difficult to complete.

But the rewards are huge!

With the blessing of 10 times the resource income,

That's a full 1 million reincarnation points!

And 2 million more career experience!

Because of the blessing of the title of "Honor Student",

Lane doesn't gain 10 times more professional experience.

It's 20 times more!

For Lane, who has just changed jobs and is shy in his pocket,

It's just as timely as sending charcoal in the snow!

What's more, there's a specialty skill as well!

For the time being, you can't see the effect of your specialty skills.

However, as long as it is a specialty skill, the effect is generally not too bad.

So, this hidden mission, Li En is determined to succeed!

The condition to help "stove door beans" become human,

With his and Tanjiro's current favorability,

The other party should agree to strip the blood of your beans by themselves.

Well, that's all that's left ......

"Kyojuro, I understand your kindness. "

Yaoya said in a soft tone.

"My position isn't that important, though. "

"The people who support the ghost killing team are the soldiers who killed with the ghosts, and you who are the pillars. "5.7

"With my weak body, I can't even swing my sword 10 times a day......"

"If the curse of the family can be lifted and your health improves, it will also make you less worried. "

"This time, it was a decision I made on my own initiative, and you don't have to be held accountable for it. "

Including the Pillar of Flame and the Pillar of Wind, in the face of such a resolute lord, they all fell silent.

They have great respect for Yaoya, so they ...... It is not possible to refuse such a request.

"My lord, in that case, I also have a request!"

Suddenly, Wind Pillar said.

"We're going to see for ourselves what this guy does to you. "

"If he has any bad intentions, we can take him down on the spot!"

Rien shrugged his shoulders.

"No problem. "

"If you want to watch, feel free. "

"But if nothing happens......"

"You are not allowed to refuse any of my subsequent requests. "。

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