
This is the combination of Dawn

【Artificial Magic Calculation Field】

【Technique Deconstructor】

【Flash Memory Calculus】

and the "Wizard Herald" class

【Universal Energy】

All of these factors come together.

In the end, he created his own "technique".

It is not a "skill" with a clear price in the reincarnation space.

It's a tactical system developed by Lane using the abilities he holds.

Originally, he imitated, burned, transformed, and transplanted skills.

It is also limited to the "Spell" type.

But after having [Universal Energy].

It's not just "spells".

Skills that use other special energies and special mechanics.

Ryne can now cast them all, too!

For example, the "divine magic" that uses the power of faith to cast!

A "combat skill" that consumes rage and vindictiveness!

Or even ...... A "bloodline skill" that can only be performed with the power of bloodline!


Kalisa suppressed her shock.

After the opponent dodges the attack he is determined to win,

The situation of the battle has already changed on July 13.


Once again, she used the skills of the Assassin profession,

Because the distance is close enough,

So you can directly turn into a shadow and leap behind Riene!

But the moment she landed,

But she felt the breath of the other party actually behind her!

How is this possible!

Even if the opponent has a strange ability to copy skills.

But why is the speed even faster than the one who shot at the same time?!

"It's over. "

Ryne reached out and grabbed Kalisa's neck,

The second module on the mechanical glove activates instantaneously.

- High-frequency blades!

Lee's right hand instantly turned into an incredibly powerful cutting machine!

Directly puree the part of the dark elf above the neck!

To be on the safe side, Lane didn't stay alive.

Although he is very interested in the genetics of the elves.

But in the face of the enemy, when there is no certainty that the other party will be retained.

It is better to eradicate the aftermath of the problem.

Flesh and blood scattered.

The slain Dark Elf Priest evaporated,

The corpse dissipated directly into a faint mist.

Lien's brow furrowed slightly.

He doesn't get a hint of an increase in kill.

The corpse of the other party did not condense into a scarlet treasure chest.

"She is a believer in evil gods, and as long as she sacrifices a certain number of souls, she can have the ability to avoid dying once. "

The elven girl walked over and explained with a complicated expression.

"Hello, mighty human, my name is Ansenas-Moonsong, a nature elf. "

"Ryne, as you can see, is a human. "

"And me!"

Night Night suddenly put his arms around Rien,

It seems that because the elf girl is a perfect face,

It made her feel a little threatened.

So she jumped out on her own initiative.

Stuck between the two like a cat guarding its food.

"I'm Night, Ryne's Doll, Wife, Girlfriend, Wife, Flesh ......"

"Night, you can't talk nonsense to the friends you just met?"

Iruri smiled and put her hand on Yeya's shoulder.

The icy cold air filled the air, and the words that were not finished in the night were instantly frozen in the mouth.

Rien breathed a sigh of relief and gave Iruri a "well done" look.

But then again......

How did Iruri know that the words she was going to say at night were dangerous......

Li En was in a rather delicate mood and did not continue to think deeply.

In the battle just now, he had Iluri hide nearby as an ambush.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually broke away from the battlefield in the form of death.

"Does every dark elf have the ability to avoid death?"

Lane asked, puzzled.

"She's supposed to be an evil god, that's why she has this privilege. "

Ansenas shook her head,

"Anyway, thank you for coming to the rescue, Ryne. "

"If it weren't for you, I would have suffered something even more horrible than death. "

What she was talking about was, of course, the consequence of being assimilated into a dark elf.

"It's just a gesture, I'm just passing by. "

Lane shrugged.

Originally, he just wanted to find the stronghold of the Demon Slayer to pay a bounty.

"Passing by, are you looking for a nearby Ghost Slayer stronghold?"

Who knows, after hearing Lane's words,

Ancenas had a hint of embarrassment on her face.

"Hmm...... yes, what's wrong?"

Seeing the other party's expression, Li En suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"You've come to the night, and so have I. "

The elven girl sighed. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She had intended to be the same as Rien.

It's all after entering the dungeon world,

Find a nearby Ghost Slayer stronghold to see what happens.

I didn't expect to just find a stronghold,

I ran into the dark elves who had finished a slaughter...... []

Battle bounty targets for the human faction,

It is to kill the demons that roam the dungeon world.

And the players of the ghost camp naturally have campaign goals.

Their goal is to destroy the stronghold of the Demon Slayer.

Kill the squad and even the "pillar" level powerhouse!

"That's why you got into a fight with that dark elf?"

"Almost. "

Hear Ansenas's answer.

Lane suddenly had a headache.

Campaign mode without side quest guidance,

There's a real sense of chaos like a fly without a head.

The plot he is familiar with does not have any advantages in this mode.

After all, he didn't even know where he was now.

"I also know the location of a Ghost Slayer stronghold. "

Seeing the tangled expression on Lane's face.

Ansenas said suddenly.

"If you don't mind, we can act together. "

As she spoke, the elven girl waved her hand and summoned a unicorn with pure white hair.

This is not a combat pet, but a simple mount.

"This is the bloodline skill of the nature elves, [Nature Covenant]......"

Seeing the magic array gradually dissipating, Li En thought silently in his heart.......

Unlike humans, the elves seem to be a very mystical race.

"It's fine to move together, but you may need to change mounts. "


Ansenas looked at Rien blankly.

After 5 minutes

An elf girl who has put away the unicorn and sat in the back seat of the SUV.

Curiously looking at the interior of the car.

"A simple machine, without the use of a trace of magical power, can function. "

"And this speed is not inferior to that of ordinary unicorns......"

"What a miraculous creation. "

"Aren't there anything like the elves?"

Lane, who was driving, asked casually.

"Nope. "

Ansenas replied as a matter of course.

"Normally, we'd use space magic to teleport directly. "

"Hmm...... That's really more convenient......"

Rien twitched the corners of his mouth,

The perception of the magic level of the elves has been raised by another notch.

"Don't humans have space teleportation technology?"

"My planet hasn't developed this level of technology yet. "


The elven girl's tone became even more surprised.

"You haven't completed the unification of civilizations and become planetary civilizations?"

From the rhetorical question of the other party full of incredulity.

For the first time, Lane experienced the feeling of a dimensionality reduction blow.

Although the strength of the other party is not as good as their own.

But the level of civilization behind it is so high that it is so high that I don't know where it goes.

Spatial teleportation at every turn, or the unification of civilizations, or some planetary-level civilization......

"Ahem, speaking of which, this dungeon world ......"

Maybe it's sensing Lane's embarrassment,

Ansenas coughed lightly and shifted the subject.

"In the reincarnation network, it is also a copy with a relatively high degree of discussion and popularity. "

"Oh, is this Demon Slayer quest famous?"

This is something that Li En did not expect0.3 love.

Because he has just been promoted to D-level, the reincarnation network has only added a local plate.

"Well, for melee players, this dungeon world's specialty is very valuable. "

The elven girl nodded.

Rien glanced at the elven girl in the rearview mirror.

It's not to admire the other party because of broken armor,

And inadvertently revealed fair skin.

Instead, I looked at her profession through talent.

First Class [Sword Dancer]

Second Class [Wind and Thunder Swordsman]

"Oh...... No wonder they chose to enter this dungeon. "

Li En naturally knew what the other party's dungeon specialty was.

"Demon Slayer Blade" is the most distinctive,

In addition to the blood of "ghosts".

It's the ghost slayer swordsmen of the ghost slayer team,

Breathing methods of various genres are available!


(There are a lot of speculations about the bloodline of the protagonist, so I won't spoil it here, but it's definitely not in Demon Slayer anyway (laughs))

(If there are long-time readers of the author's previous book, you may guess what ()).

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