Pale cyan fluid is oozing from the wound.

This is the blood of an elf that contains the power of the wind element.

Despite being covered in scars, the fine leather armor engraved with magical runes was in tatters.

Ansenas pursed her slightly pale lips.

The thin sword in his hand was still unyieldingly pointed at the enemy in front of him.

"Still unwilling to give in?"

The dark elf, whose skin was lilac, let out a sneer.

In her hand she held a long whip stained with cyan blood.

There are several silent and powerful ~ male dark elves guarding him.

"That's fine, I'm going to personally train you to be our clan-human ......"

"Take her, my minions!"

Sworn enemies, or feuds.

With either of these two words,

It is not an exaggeration to describe the relationship between the nature elves and the dark elves.

Even in the reincarnation space, the relationship between the two races is endless.

Not to mention, the camps assigned to both sides this time,

It is also the opposite hostile camp.

"I can handle these elven warriors, but the problem is ......"

Ansenas swiped the blade of her hand lightly,

A few sword marks flashing with thunder,

Knock back several male dark elves as they approach,

But then, a sticky black mist like silt enveloped her.

"Damn! it's the magic of that false god!"

Ansenas suddenly fell into a state of loss of all five senses.

Although nothing can be heard.

She could still make up the sarcastic laughter of the dark elf priest.

It is different from the natural spirits who worship nature.

The Fallen Dark Elves believe in many powerful and evil gods.

Each god has a corresponding priest class,

As long as you become a priest who believes in the god,

You can get different magic skills!

[Decree: Sensory Deprivation]

This is the magic skill that the dark elves have just cast.

Although it can only have a five-sense shielding effect of less than 10 seconds.

But in battle, 10 seconds is enough to decide the life and death of one side!

The nature elves who were in the darkness and did not feel anything felt a little desperate for a moment.

But what made her even more desperate was that the other party didn't kill her directly......

Instead, he wanted to capture her, a pure-blooded nature elf.

Then use the special means of the dark elves to degenerate themselves into their kindred!

This makes her more desperate than killing her!

However, after 10 seconds have passed.

Ansenas was released from her sensory shielding.

There was an instant flood of light in his eyes.

They were busy checking their status.

It was found that there was no control state such as "bondage", "suppression", "sealing", etc.


That's when she realized.

On the battlefield where only she was supposed to exist with the dark elf.

Suddenly, there are more third-party forces.

"Human ...... player?"

Carissa looked at the figure that suddenly appeared with an unkind face,

She had no intention of communicating, and waved the long whip directly,

Drive several Dark Elf warriors to deal with this uninvited guest.

"Be careful!"

Ansenas didn't know the identity of the human player, though.

But since it's on her side, it's not an enemy.

"Those dark elf warriors are very good at melee combat!"

She saw that the other party didn't even have light armor on his body.

Subconsciously judge that the opponent is a spellcaster, or an intellectual class.

"Thanks for the reminder. "

Rien nodded to her.

But I didn't take it to heart.

Because these dark elf warriors ...... Unable to break through the defenses of the night.

The puppet girl galloped out from his side,

The body burns with emerald flames,

The [Blowing] battle mode has been activated, and the speed has skyrocketed!

And at this moment, three more pillars of light descended from her.

- [Mechanical Charge]!

- [Mechanical Combustion]!

- [Mechanical Enhancement]!

The night that broke into the battlefield was like a shooting star,

Directly crush the dark elf warrior at the front to pieces!

As a unit controlled by the Red Wing Array.

Night Night can also trigger Rien's [Magnetic Storm Crown]!

If this punch continues, this dark elf warrior will owe her several lives!


On Calisa's beprising face, her eyes widened, and she exclaimed in disbelief.

Although the dark elf warriors who were enslaved by her,

It's definitely not comparable to a reincarnation player of the same level.

But it's also a serious D-class combat power!

How can it be directly given seconds by a follower of a player of the same level?!

Unbeknownst to her, Ye Ye is not a follower of Lien, but a puppet.

"The problem must be with the human player hiding behind!"

Kalisa immediately became serious,

She could feel that the other party was a strong enemy,

It's worth her to use all her strength. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"The Order—"

Dawn snapped his fingers,

In his sight,

The prototype of the magic that has just been condensed,

Under the effect of [Disintegration], []

Directly collapsed into an ineffective spell aura.

"Tsk. "

Kalisa frowned,

The opponent has an ability similar to "Spell Counter",

It was no surprise to her.

It's just that the longer the battle drags on, the more disadvantageous she becomes.

Because the dark elf warriors who are still resisting the night attack ahead,

There is not much left.

She didn't feel sorry for the loss of these samurai.

These D-class slaves are worth a few thousand points.

It's not even worth as much as a piece of D-rank equipment.

The status of male elves is so low in the dark elf race.

"If the spell doesn't work...... Looks like we have to change our tactics!"

Kalisa quickly decided,

She has a lot of combat experience,

Otherwise, in the living environment of the dark elves, they will definitely not survive.

In the next second, her figure suddenly spread out, changing into several clones.

Then, these clones all turned into wisps of shadow and flew towards Riehn!

"Shadow Incarnate...... A bit of a troublesome skill. "

Lane raised an eyebrow.

This dark elf named Kalisa has a very strange class combination.

The first profession was an assassin.

The second profession is grace pastor.

But the skills she uses now,

But it's not the skills of these two professions.

It's a bloodline skill unique to the Dark Elves.

It's like a player with dragon blood can cast [Dragon Power].


Night Night slammed the last of the Dark Elf warriors into pieces of flesh with a single punch.

Then he looked back in Rien's direction.

"Don't worry about me. "

Rien shook his head.

However, the shadows had already fallen rapidly near him.

Capture the thief and capture the king first!

That's what Kalisa was going to do!

She tried to directly implement the decapitation tactic.

As long as you can kill Rien,

That powerful and amazing follower (Night) will disappear with it!

In theory, her tactics weren't wrong.

It's a pity that she ran into Lane.

A total of 6 shadows distorted and transformed into Kalisa's figure the moment they landed.

These shadow avatars are extremely delicate and realistic,

The naked eye alone will never be able to tell the difference.

Even the movements are exactly the same.

All "Kalisa" are armed with daggers and are speeding towards Rien!

"Hmm...... I see, I probably understand. "

In the face of an impending attack,

But Li En seemed to have just come to his senses,

There was no nervousness at all.

"Oh, arrogant human ...... Die!"

Carissa confidently handed over the blade in her hand,

She wasn't afraid to be spotted in the Shadow Avatar.

Because she can switch between all of these shadow avatars at any time!

In other words.

Each Shadow Avatar can be a "real person"!

However, when she stabbed the dagger into Riene's body,

The mistaken feeling of the weapon falling into the air startled her.

But what surprised her even more was the "Lien" who was hit by her,

Suddenly, it seemed to melt, turning into a cloud of dark shadows and quickly scattering in all directions!

It's like ......


Carrissa exclaimed in surprise at about the same time as Ansenas.

"How could a human be a Dark Elf's bloodline skill?!"

The shadow of Dawn's incarnation fell to the ground, recondensing into a human form.

"It's just a trivial reference. "

"I call it ......"

- [Pseudo-Fabrication: Shadow Incarnation] II!.

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