"I'm sorry, but I have no plans to join an organization or force at this time. "

Lane shook his head and declined Deng Fa's invitation.

Since I learned the identity of the other party,

He had a premonition that the official would extend an olive branch to him.

After all, in this operation, Dawn's performance was perfect.

Other reincarnation players join the official.

It may be possible to figure out a resource grant, or a strong backing.

But Rien sits on a whole world of untapped dungeons.

Plus a variety of powerful accessibility features.

He himself is the biggest backing.

"However, if there is a similar cooperation next time, I am willing to cooperate. "

Lane didn't say anything to death.

I don't join the official team, but if it's just a collaboration like this one.

He was more than happy to help out as an outside aid.

After all, the official is generous and does not pay for it.

It's a good party a.

"Okay. "

Deng Fa had expected this answer.

So I just shook my head helplessly, without too much regret.

In fact, he originally planned to absorb Rien into his team.

As a tank-type player, he is the absolute core of the team,

It is also the person who has the highest right to speak.

As long as he nodded, Lane could easily enter the official elite team he led.

It's a pity that Li En has no intention of joining the official, and there is nothing he can do.

"I've already chosen what to redeem. "

Lai En handed the list to Dunfa,

"The rest just needs to wait for the [Silver-Plated Lily] to arrive, right?"

"Yes. "

Deng Fa took Li En's list of exchange items and glanced at it.

"It's all knowledge skills, I thought you'd change some D-rank equipment items. "

For a player like Rie who has just advanced.

The easiest way to immediately increase your combat power is to change all the equipment on your body.

As for skills, you need to accumulate 703 skill points.

Like Li En, who has not yet advanced to the level, he directly fills up the attributes,

Players with all advanced skills are almost non-existent.

"No way, that's what a research career is. "

Lane shrugged his shoulders and brushed the conversation aside.

"Without prior knowledge, you can't even learn advanced skills. "

"That's right. "

Deng Fa nodded, not doubting him.

After leaving the silver-plated lily, Lane turned around and went to the Midnight Market.

He hadn't forgotten that he still had a small shop in the bazaar.

By the way, you can also see if there are any D-level skill books, blueprints, and equipment that can be bought.

There are a lot of cumbersome things after the promotion,

But everything is related to the life and death of the reincarnation player.

After all, after advancing and entering the dungeon world, the difficulty will be directly increased by one level.

Rien can't guarantee that he'll get in every time

Worlds like "Karakuri Girl" or "Devil's Bad" are relatively safe.

After all, he entered both worlds with special props.

More often than not, like "Iron City", which is full of enemies,

Copies of looming crises are a bit more common.

"Sure enough, the bazaar spontaneously formed by players cannot be compared with the official in terms of type and quality. "

After scanning around the bazaar, Lane found only two books of knowledge and skills.


【Composite Applications: Metals (Lv1)】

Level +: D

+Setting: Basic Materials Science (Lv5)

+ Fruit: You can make different kinds of metal materials into alloys, and the alloy will have a probability of inheriting material properties and parameters, and a very small probability of deriving new properties


【Elementary Mechanics Network (Lv1)】

Level +: D

+ Seek: Intelligence 50, with special energy - mechanical power

+ Fruit: Equipped with a local power network, units connected to the power network can use power to perform some skills

+ Positive: The base transmission amount is 50, and the maximum transmission amount is increased by 5 points for each level of improvement


Although these two skills are knowledge skills,

But it also has a corresponding effect, not just knowledge.

[Composite Applications] allows Li En to make alloys from multiple metals.

The alloy inherits the parameters of the material, such as hardness and resistance

There is a chance to inherit special properties of the material, such as element properties

There is also a very small chance of deriving special properties that the material does not have.

For manufacturing, it is a necessary knowledge and skill.

[Beginner Power Network] can be paired with the second class trait of the Wizard Herald, "Heart of the Machine".

Normally, mechanics use pipeline equipment, or wireless transmission,

Connect your machinery to your network.

However, Lane has the "Heart of the Machine" trait,

He is a network hub in his own right.

As long as it is a unit controlled by him, it can be connected to the mechanical network!

"The maximum teleportation is 50, which means that I can make controllable units perform skills that consume no more than 50 power......

Looking at the description of the [Primary Mechanical Network], Li En fell into thought.

In addition to these two skills, he also gained an additional drawing.


[Drawing: Mechanical glove "Beehive"]

Level +: D

+ Setting: Basic Materials Science Lv8, Elementary Mechanical Research Lv5, Mechanical Manipulation Lv5

+ Seek: Intelligence 30, Strength 25, Will 20

+Sex: +10% Max Strength, +5 Strength

+ Blocks: 2x blank modules

+ Effect: This item can store up to 500 mannapower, which can be used as a module to drive energy, and can also supplement the rigper's mannapower


Obviously, this is a special equipment blueprint for the "mechanical school" reincarnation player on the technology side.

This is Lane almost scraping the ground, and the premium is about 50%,

A D-class drawing that I bought from a reluctant seller.

And the seller's profession is similar to that of Lane, a gunsmith.

If it weren't for the real lack of points, it is estimated that he would not have shot this drawing.

Although it's a D-class drawing. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, the pre-knowledge and skills, as well as attribute requirements, are very low.

The basic attributes that come with it are not very good,

However, there is a lot of room for modification.

Lai En is interested in the two blank modules that come with the glove.

This is also the most valuable point of the glove. []

For example, the blueprint of the floating cannon that Rien bought earlier.

It also comes with 1 function slot.

It has already been modified by him to create flowers. (bgdj)

Therefore, Li En is still quite satisfied with the drawings of this glove that he can buy.

The only pity is that he only bought this one drawing.

The mainstream player levels in the Midnight Bazaar are Grade E and D.

Most of the goods are no longer enough to meet Lane's needs.

"Forget it, go back. "

Shaking his head, Rien returned home.

First, the two knowledge and skills are directly filled.

Then learn the drawings and return to the Karakuri workshop in Kotetsu Castle to make them.

"Lee, you're finally back~"

As soon as he returned to his personal space, a petite figure rushed towards him.

Straight into Ryne's arms.

"Night, night, long time no see. "

Dawn took the delicate body of the doll girl in his arms,

Let her continue to be coquettish.

Night after night pear blossom with rain raised its head,

Tears continue to condense into pearl-like magic crystals.

"Two months......! Do you know how I've been here for the past two months!"

Could it be that you are playing with the blue moon every day...... Cough.

Dawn coughed lightly, sipping the jumbled thoughts out of his mind.

"Even Glass is starting to hate me for hanging out in front of her all day!"

"No matter what, I'm going to go with you in the next world!"

"Or I'll drain you!"

Hiss...... What a horrible statement.

Rien barely spit out a mouthful of old blood.

The dark path is really still that undisciplined character.

"Okay, okay, let's take you to the next world. "

Unlike followers.

Night and night in the reincarnation space is judged to be a "weapon", or "prop".

So even if Lane chooses to play before entering the dungeon.

It can also bring Night Night into the dungeon world.

"Hehe~I knew Lane wouldn't leave me~"

The face of the night turned cloudy and sunny in an instant,

Even the atmosphere in the carriage brightened.

Taking advantage of the good mood of the night, Rien asked her to take herself to Glass's residence.

"Oh? "

Facing the window, elegant beautiful woman swallowing clouds and spitting mist,

After seeing Li En's figure, a rare look appeared on his face.

"No wonder the boy didn't notice it beforehand. "

"Would you like something to drink, boy?"

Glass's face was covered with healthy blood.

In addition to the aroma of gardenias, there is also a faint aroma of wine.

It seems that she often drinks by herself.

"This is the wine I brought from other worlds, Miss Glass. "

Riene pulled out several hardcover bottles from the ring.

Although the mouth of the bottle is sealed.

But only the smell of the wine escaped.

You know that this is definitely a rare wine.

This is the good wine that Lane specially brought from the world of "Demon Inferior".

He knew that Hua Liuzhai Glass was an alcoholic.

So, she will definitely not refuse herself......

"Tell me, what's the matter. "

Glass casually removed the wine stopper, and the rich aroma of wine immediately filled the room.

But the one-eyed beauty's face did not indulge in it at all.

Instead, he looked at Rien with interest.

It's as if he's the most delicious appetizer.

"I want to learn how to make dolls from Miss Glass. "

Li En said calmly.

"Oh, it's not a technique to use dolls to fight. "

"It's not like you're trying to get the most powerful doll from me. "

"Do you want to learn the techniques that make dolls come into being?"

A hint of astonishment flashed on Glass's face full of maturity and intellectuality.

Then she burst out laughing, so much so that Iruri, who was guarding the house, was alarmed.

"What's wrong, Miss Glass?"

"No, it's okay...... Haha......"

Glass waved his hand, indicating that he was fine.

"I didn't expect that in the end, it was you, the little ghost, who best suited my heart. "

Being called a "little ghost", Lane doesn't mind.

Because in terms of the age of Hanayanagi Glass...... This title still exalts him.

After all, the other party is the first in this world,

It is also the only remaining "divine ingenuity".

"Okay, I agreed to this request. "

Glass suddenly retracted the smile on his face,

The tone returned to the melodious and tactful voice of the royal sister.

"From today onwards, you can come to me every day for an hour to learn. "

"It's okay to miss class, it doesn't matter if you're late, you can set the time. "

"Finally, in terms of tuition, let me think about ......"

Eventually, Glass's gaze rested on Ryne's face.

"How about paying it back with your body?"

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