"Quest Bestiary Auxiliary ......"

"I'll see what new tricks I've come up with. "

With some anticipation and curiosity, Lane clicked on the talent details.


[Accessibility: Quest Illustrated Book]

: Before entering the quest world, you can enter keywords to filter the quest world that meets the requirements

: After entering the dungeon world, you can view the hidden achievements, item output, and enemy drop information of the current dungeon world


"Hmm...... It is worthy of the [Illustrated Book]. "

Lai was thoughtful.

The effect of this accessibility feature is not as simple and crude as the previous accessibility features.

But in terms of practicality, it is not inferior.

Li En directly consumes 50,000 points to unlock the dungeon book.

Then I tried typing in a keyword.

To discover a fixed keyword, you need to consume points.

You can only fix one keyword and don't say it.

There are also high and low points consumed.

For example, the more general "technology side" only needs 1000 points.

For a more detailed "Produce Bloodline", you need 10,000 points!

The results of the screening were also completely unpredictable.

However, it is good to know that these copies contain keyword-related elements.

It's kind of spending money to buy a guarantee.

"You'll be able to use it the next time you enter the dungeon. "

Li En casually turned off the talent interface,

Then look at another newly acquired thing.


[Personal Space Template: Training Ground]

+ Use: 150,000 reincarnation points

+ Fruit: The training ground perfectly simulates the data projection of the enemies you have killed


"Hey, isn't this what it's called a [stake]. "

Li En was slightly stunned.

This stuff is not uncommon in online games.

Generally, the game officially sets up a stake that will not fight back.

Used by the player to test skill damage and effect.

I didn't expect this kind of function to exist in the reincarnation space......

It's a pity it's not free.

Rien glanced at his point balance.

After unlocking the [Quest Illustrated Book], there are only 250,000 points left.

"I won't load this template yet, and I won't need it for the time being. "

Lee, who has always been budget-conscious, finally threw this template in the warehouse.

If the template is not loaded, it can also be sold as an item.

But for Lane, there was no need for that.

"It's time to go back to the real world...... Huh?"

Lai En just wanted to get out of his personal space.

only to find that there is also an [unread] prompt in the prompt message.

[You have obtained a "World Chess"]

[Holding the "World Chess" is considered to be under your control of the dungeon world]

"I see, is this the information that you have to leave the dungeon world to obtain......"

Li En stretched out his hand, and a piece of bronze light condensed out of thin air in the palm of his hand.

There was a power that made him feel familiar.

"Thinking, Technique...... And the breath of magic. "


【World Chess】

Level +: D (Special, Unique)

+ World: "Inferior Students in Magical Colleges"

+ Limited: You can pause and unlock the flow of time in the world of this dungeon


"You can actually pause the flow of time in the dungeon world?!"

After seeing the content of the permission, Li En was first surprised.

Then there was a feeling of joy falling from the sky.

He was worried that after he entered the dungeon world,

What should I do if the world of "Devil's Inferior" doesn't show up for a long time.

As the difficulty and level of the dungeon increases.

The duration of the dungeon world is also getting longer and longer.

For example, the world of "Demon Inferior" has a two-month duration that far exceeds that of the E-class world. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Now he only needs to enter other dungeon worlds before entering the world,

Just stop time in the world of "Devil's Inferior".

That way, you don't have to worry about any surprises happening while he's away.

Putting away the chess pieces of the world, Lane finally returned to the real world.

This time, he was teleported to an inaccessible environment. []

After looking around, he breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, I finally didn't meet any wild mandarin ducks again.


A few days later, silver-plated lilies.

Lane traveled to this tavern for reincarnation players.

found Deng Fa, who had been contacted early, in the private room.

"Yo, Brother Dawn is here. "

Deng Fa didn't talk nonsense and got straight to the point.

"How many knowledge and skills are you going to submit this time?"

"10 pcs. "

Hearing this, Deng Fa's spirits were lifted.

The skills that Li En submitted alone can be compared to the sum of the submissions of four or five players!

And, when he put the knowledge and skills book on the table.

Deng Fa was even more surprised to find that there were several D-level knowledge among them!


"It's equivalent to a total of 3690 contribution points, you can check it in the reincarnation network. "

Li En smiled and nodded, and then opened the reincarnation network.

The main panel of the reincarnation network, similar to the forum, but more concise.

After registration, they will be automatically assigned to the section they belong to based on their current region.

For example, Li En is now in the [Blue Star-Dragon Country-Jishan City Plate]

Because it is only a municipal area, the number of active players is not large.

It's about a few thousand people, less than ten thousand.

Players can also join some open sections on their own to communicate with more players.

However, there are some sections that have barriers to entry, such as restricted levels, class types, and so on.

In some public sections, you can even see reincarnated players of other races!

The reincarnation players on the blue star are just an insignificant group in the vast sea of stars.

This is the impression that Li En had after visiting the reincarnation network.

[Your contribution to the ".Dragon Kingdom Official Edition Area" has increased by 3690 points]

As soon as he opened the reincarnation network, Li En received a reminder of the increase in contribution.

"You can exchange what you want in the official section, and then go to the silver-plated lily to get it. "

Deng Fa put away his knowledge and skills and was in a good mood.

"Huh, Brother Lien...... Is this [Wizard Pioneer] your (Wang Nuozhao's) new profession?"

"Well, I got it when I changed jobs. "

Rien replied as he browsed through the redemption list.

Once a player enters the reincarnation network, they are automatically registered.

The username will be combined using [Title] + [Highest Level Class Name] + Name].

For example, Li En is [Honor Student-Magic Pioneer - Dawn]

And Deng Fa's words are [Dreadnought-Royal Shield Guard-Deng Fa]

Obviously, "The Fearless" is the title of Dunfa.

However, while you can see the name of the profession and title.

But no one else can see the specific attributes.

So Li En is also relieved to show it.

"Sounds like a perfect fit for your fighting style. "

Deng Fa nodded thoughtfully.

Then he looked straight and said solemnly.

"It's not very likely, but I'd like to ask......"

"Brother Lien, do you have any ideas for joining the authorities?".

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