The next day, the organizer of the event sent staff,

I sent the standard C.A.D. equipment for the competition.

According to the rules of the competition, participants from all schools are not allowed to use personal devices to compete.

It is necessary to use this model with a unified system and parameters.

However, while there are strict limitations on the hardware.

Correspondingly, the techniques loaded in the machine are at your disposal.

After all, the development and adjustment of the technique is also a part of the strength of the participating teams.

So, how to the extent that the hardware allows,

Prepare the technique suitable for the player and adjust the technique to the best condition.

It's the task of Lane and every member of the technical team.

In this kind of competitive magic sports, there may be millisecond delays, stuttering,

It will affect the final victory or defeat.

"So, Li En, I've given me a lot of advice these days~"

Three first-year girls who competed in the Rookie event,

Brought his own equipment to Rien's room.

"Well, in order to personalize it, give me the magic machine you usually use. "

Lane is responsible for the maintenance of all the girls in the rookie event.

This is the result of Shenxue's efforts - so that she can enjoy her brother's services in the name of it.

"Hey, doesn't Shenxue-san need to maintain the equipment?"

Honoka and Shizuku each handed their magic machines to Rien.

But I was surprised to find that the deep snow did not make any movement.

"Because of the deep snow, I'm usually adjusting. "

Rien casually explained.

"Let me check the ...... of each event that everyone is participating in."

"Deep Snow, you're [Fantasy Star Picking] and [Icicle Attack and Defense], right?"

"Yes, brother. "

A smile appeared on Fumiyuki's face,

It seems to recall the events of a certain night and feel happy.

Rien saw her expression,

The deep snow that came to mind without oil came to mind wearing [Dance of the Elves],

Scene from participating in the Fantasy Spot Star-Picking.

Shaking his head, Rien continued to read.

"Honoka-san's words...... [Wave Board Competition] and [Fantasy Star Picking]. "

"Ah, yes, that's right!"

Honoka subconsciously straightened up, as if she was called by the teacher to answer the question.

"Don't be nervous, these two competitions are more focused on the type of technique'~. "

"I'll help you get the best spell machine you can use for the game. "

Because the success or failure of the promotion mission is at stake, Lane must ensure victory.

[Fantasy Picking Stars] because of the deep snow to participate,

Plus the "secret weapon" that Lane has prepared.

So he's not worried about the results of this event.

And the remaining two need to be focused on.

"Okay, okay. "

Although he was comforted by Li En for a few words.

But Honoka became even more nervous.

She belongs to the kind of personality that the more present she is, the more she feels suffocated.

Lane sighed.

"Don't worry, Honoka-san, I'll promise you. "

"As long as you have the courage to stand on the field. "

"I'll take care of the rest. "

Although with a look of half-belief.

Honoka finally breathed a sigh of relief, and her tense nerves relaxed.

And then there'...... Shizuku Kitayama-san. "

"Just like Miyuki-san, it's okay to call me Shizuku, brother-san. "

In the three-person group, the silver-haired girl with the most petite figure complained expressionlessly.

It seems that on weekdays, there is no less "brother" who is nagging by deep snow.

That's why I ridiculed it back at such a time.

Although it looks like a three-nil girl.

But after getting acquainted, he was unexpectedly very talkative.

"So, Shizuku-chan, the events you participated in were [Icicle Attack and Defense], and [Precision Shooting]. "

"Correct. "

Although Shizuku is an avid fan of [Secret Monument Decoding].

But because this event is a boys-only competition.

So it is not possible to participate.

Correspondingly, the girls-only event is [Fantasy Stars].

The graceful posture full of youth is matched with the delicate and cute [Dance of the Elves] uniform.

Dance gracefully on a stage that shines with a magical aura.

It can be said that it is the most spectacular event that the Nine School War has always had, and there is no one.

If you replace the girl's body with a boy full of muscles......

I'm afraid that it will be complained and reported by the audience who come here.

"Okay, that's the end of the registration. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lane sorted everyone's equipment into categories.

Then he turned around and said.

"There's plenty of time for the rookie fight, which doesn't take place until a few days after the start of the official game. "

"From tomorrow onwards, everyone will take turns to come to me to test the adjustment of the competition machine. "

"Hmm...... It's in the order of deep snow, Honoka, and Shizuku. "[]

"Are there any other questions about the above?"

Looking at the serious Rien, Honoka suddenly laughed.

Then he hurriedly waved his hand and said.

"No, no, I just think that Li En is really professional. "

"It's like a technician in a C.A.D. store, and there's a very convincing aura. "

Shizuku rarely didn't complain about his friend's metaphor, but nodded approvingly.

"My brother is the most professional magician, isn't he?"

Shenxue knows Li En's identity in [Four Leaves Technology],

So at this time, he just smiled and looked at Riene.

"If there are no other problems, we can disband—I remember that the hot spring will be open tomorrow evening. "

"It's too late to be late. "

Hearing Lien's reminder, several girls remembered the top priority they had booked today.

"Oops, I'm going to have a hot spring with Erica and Mitsuki, and I'm going to get better together......"

"Then we'll take our leave first, and I'll leave the equipment to you, Lane-san!"

"Li En-san is not allowed to come and peek!"

"If you peek, as long as it's my brother'......"

"Brother can't do it either! Deep snow! This is a matter of principle!"

After the girls left, the room returned to calm.

"Hoo ......"

Rien rubbed his forehead, just about to start debugging the equipment.

There are 3 more abrupt approaches to the red dot in the dungeon map.

This indicates that there are hostile Aboriginal units nearby.

And...... The direction in which they are moving is the hotel where the members of the "One High School" contestants are located.

"Heh, I finally can't help but do it. "

A silver glint flashed in Lane's eyes,

Activated a technique that was burned in the [Flash Memory Algorithm] sequence.

I saw that his body seemed to be free from the shackles of gravity.

It floated out of thin air.

And you can move freely as your mind moves!

Under the cover of night, he leapt out of the window.

It fluttered into the green belt outside the hotel.

"The target is 3 people. "

"They were carrying firearms, as well as small bombs...... Gee. "

He was carrying this murder weapon.

The purpose is self-evident. (Zhao Qian's)

Apparently trying to cause damage to the hotel.

This in turn interferes with the state of the contestants.

Just when Lane wanted to take action to get rid of these uninvited guests.

He raised his eyebrows and stopped the [clouds dissipated] that almost came out of his hand.

In the quest map, there is another player who also notices these enemies.


Dawn can now see the name of each unit on the quest map.

So it was easy to identify this "friendly soldier".

However, in the next moment, a terrifying coercion came from Deng Fa's direction.

There seemed to be a thunderous roar in his ears, and it suddenly exploded!

Even Li En was caught off guard and staggered back a few steps by this momentum!

A few hints floated up in front of you.

[You are affected by "Dragon Power"!Forced to enter the "Shock" state for 1 second!]

[Affected by the effect of "Mental Toughness", the negative status of this round is reduced by 20% duration!]

[Confrontation of wills is underway...... The confrontation is successful!]

[You're exempt from the subsequent "Shock" effect!]

Long Wei ?!。

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