Although you can directly know who is coming from the dungeon map.

However, since Erica has said so.

It would be a bit rude not to turn around to greet you.

"Hmm...... It's a strange combination in every sense of the word. "

What caught Dawn's eye were three beauties in civilian clothes, each with their own style.

Wearing a thin strap coat and a short skirt, he wears conservatively on weekdays.

On the contrary, it is more seductive glasses lady.

and combing a high ponytail, walking also reveals an awe-inspiring temperament,

But a more feminine girl swordsman.

In the end, it has a mature demeanor that the other two girls can't match.

Curvaceous female teacher......

"Mitsuki, Sayaka, and Ono-sensei...... To be honest, it was a bit of a surprise that you would be in a group. "

Li En said with genuine emotion.

Together, these people are indeed a magical combination.

But I thought of Major Kazama's instructions that day.

Indeed, he once said that he would trust the relationship to let Sayaka and Ono-sensei help him.

Sayaka's father is a staff member of the official intelligence agency.

Behind Mr. Ono's is the intelligence network of the judiciary.

With these two people following together to participate in the battle of the Nine Schools,

It will definitely be a lot more convenient to deal with things related to the Yagi Society.

"Because I received a notice from above, I made a temporary business trip. "

Ono-sensei looked at Rien with a subtle smile.

"So...... Li En, you should make up for my vacation. "

Because the school will be closed during the Nine Schools War,

Haruka Ono, who was supposed to be a tutor, would also enjoy a week-long vacation.

But who knows, because he has to assist Li En in dealing with the affairs of the Yaqi Society.

She had to run over and work overtime. 16

And OnePlus is a week, which lasts until the end of the Nine-School War.

Then go back to school and work...... Working hours can be said to be seamless.

It's too painful.

Just thinking about it, Rien could feel Ono-sensei's resentment towards him.

"Uh, I'll try not to bother you. "

He scratched his head and made a less credible assurance.

Then, as if changing the subject, Rie looked at Sayaka.

"Senior Sister Mizu, there's no problem with memory recovery, right?"

"Hmm...... I'm starting to remember what used to be. "

Sayaka nodded slightly, her expression a little downcast.

The reason why she spares no effort to fight for the rights of second-degree students.

It's because she once challenged Watanabe Morley in kendo.

However, he was rejected by the other party on the grounds that "you are not qualified to fight me".

Therefore, the seeds of rebellion against the division system were planted in my heart-

It wasn't until Lane used the reproduced [Magic Eye] technique to remove the replaced memory for her.

She remembered that the actual scene was the opposite.

It was Watanabe Mori at that time who was better than Sayaka because he was not confident.

Said the words "I'm not qualified to fight you right now".

Since then, she has regretted what she had done because she had been lured by false memories.

"Mizuyu-san, you are also a victim of the Yagikai, and the real fault is the attackers who have already surrendered to the law. "

Ono-sensei comforted that she had actually been paying attention to Sayaka's affairs.

"Well, I know...... Also, thank you very much, Brother Lane. "

After untying the knot, Shayeka's expression and temperament were obviously much brighter.

The haze that has been accumulating in my heart has also been swept away.

Like a dusty blade, it finally wiped away the dust from the blade.

Re-blooming with a breathtaking charm.

"If you hadn't given me the courage to help me get rid of my hypnotized memories. "

"I'm afraid I'm going to make many unforgivable mistakes in false memories......"

Sayaka stroked the ring on her hand.

This is no longer the original [trial type "Adam's Heart"]

Rather, it has been improved several times [Powerful "Adam's Heart" Ver4.0

With each improvement, the stats it increases slightly.

Now, Sayaka's magical skills,

has been able to not lose to the elite students of the same level!

Even more!

"So, when my father asked me to be a contact person to help Lee's younger brother. "

"I'm actually very happy...... I'm willing to do anything to help you. "

After speaking, Sayaka seemed to realize that she was in front of the other classmates,

actually said something like a confession,

She smiled with a slight flush, but didn't back down.

Instead, he calmly waited for Lane's response.

"Well, I know. "

Lane's answer did not disappoint her.

"The test mission isn't over until I'm satisfied...... You've always been my subject. "

"Would you like to accept such a job?"


Sayaka pursed her lips and controlled her emotions.

"I do. "

"Very well, as an advance to you...... Do you remember Sister Morley?"

Lane put aside the personal quest prompts that didn't understand the atmosphere.

Then he said to Sayaka.

"She's in this hotel. "

"Haven't you always wanted to have a sword skill competition with your senior sister?"

"I'll help you make that wish come true. "


[Personal Mission: She has been waiting for the blade for a long time]

+ Seeking: Sayaka Mibu has a 90 favorability

+ degrees: E

+ Target: Persuade Watanabe Morry to have a formal sword skill competition with Sayaka Mibu (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

+ Li: 3000 reincarnation points, follower - Sayaka Mibu


After returning to his room,

Rien had time to check out Sayaka's personal quest content.

This task is not difficult, so the rewards are basically only points and followers. []

This should be in addition to deep snow.

Lee's first follower character in the world of Demon Bad.

But not the last.

In his planning, each follower has a decisive role.

After all, his ultimate goal is to complete the quest of conquest for this dungeon!

And after the conquest, it must produce a reasonable return on resources,

in order to recover the huge cost of 1 million reincarnation points invested before!

"It is obviously not possible to burn and loot directly. "

Lane writes and draws in his notes, imagining the rudiments of a vast network of influence.

"The main stage of the dungeon world of "Devil's Inferior" is a civilized society at the end of the 21st century. "

"So use the methods of civilized people. "

"First of all...... Network. "

Full of calculations, the connections that Lane now has can be said to be very terrifying.

In the [Ten Divisions], he and Shenxue are one of the two strongest "Ten Divisions".

A direct member of the four-leaf family.,And deep snow is also the designated next head of the family.。

The other strongest of the Ten Divisions...... It's the Seven Grass Family.

That's right, it's Mayumi's family.

Although she has two older brothers on top of Mayumi, she is not the first in line to succeed.

But the direct members also have an extremely strong voice.

Although Erica's family background is not as good as that of the Ten Masters,

But it is also the Chiba family, which is quite famous among the "hundred schools".

The Chiba family is a family known for specializing in magical melee combat techniques such as "swordsmanship".

Not only is this family good at combat, but they also have their own system of training melee mages.

For example, Watanabe Morry, who is also from a hundred families, is a disciple of the Chiba family.

Because of this, the Chiba family has a pivotal position in the military.

It can be said that among the active magicians of the military and police,

Half of them have been taught by the Chiba family directly or indirectly.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the world is full of peaches and plums.

If you just look at the connections in the military, the face of the Chiba family may be more useful than that of the Ten Divisions.

In addition, Dawn himself is also known as the world-renowned genius magician "Silver".

Although this identity has always been bound to "Four Leaves Technology", it cannot be easily exposed.

But as long as he wants, he can poach all the core researchers of the entire Third Research Laboratory at any time.

But...... It's too much trouble to do.

"It's better to directly let [Four Leaves Technology] change its president. "

A hint of coldness flashed in Lane's heart.

In his plan, [Four Leaves Technology] is an industry that must be mastered.

As long as you can control the [Four Leaves Technology].

He is constantly acquiring the wealth of this world.

and then transformed into various resources,

For example, a large number of metals, parts, equipment, etc., which are required to make machinery.

Ryne's current resource consumption is only a small fight.

When he has his own 657 production workshop and assembly line,

After mastering the skills related to mass production.

The resources required will have a very terrifying increase!

An official reincarnation player like Deng Fa has his own state apparatus behind him.

However, Rien did not want to be bound by the organization and forces.

You can only find a way out on your own......

For example, conquer the world of "Devil's Inferior" and transform it into your own resource world!

With [Four Leaves Technology] as the core,

Cooperate with the connections of the Seven Grass Family and the Four Leaves Family.

and the Chiba family's relationship in the military.

A steady stream of the world's regular resources.

Although it may not be possible to directly obtain reincarnation points, skill points, and attribute points in this world.

But it can provide a huge amount of basic materials that Li En needs to build machinery, which can be converted into his combat power!

In this way, he will not need to be like this when he fights in the future,

Even the cost of a few hundred rounds of special bullets is painful.

After the Battle of the Nine Schools, Lane will leave this dungeon world.

But his property in the dungeon must be taken care of.

Therefore, Dawn does not intend to take followers such as Miyuki away from this world.

Instead, it was decided that they would make a difference where they were best suited.

Their "identity" in this world itself has a very strong added value.

If it's just for possession, these beautiful girls are locked up in the Iron City.。

That's too tyrannical.

Not to mention, after completing the task of conquest.

The "Demon Inferior" dungeon will no longer be available to other reincarnation players.

In other words, the entire dungeon world is Lane's personal belongings.

He wasn't worried that other reincarnation players would come in and wreak havoc.

"Hmm...... That's pretty much it. "

Rubbing his temples, Lane breathed a long sigh of relief.

Then crumple the notes that fill the entire sheet of paper into a ball and destroy them directly.

"The plan has been decided. "

"Next ......"

Lane opened the map and looked at the names that were moving around the hotel.

"It's to raid them all and take them as followers. "。

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