"Eh?!Li En has been selected as a technician in the Ninth School Battle?!"

The table near the window in the tea restaurant let out a burst of exclamation.

Dawn took a sip of his coffee and nodded in agreement.

"That's why Suzuki didn't come to this party......"

"Although I helped her share some of the work, there were some things that needed to be negotiated by herself. "

As a classmate of Deep Snow, Honoka also suddenly responded.

"It's no wonder that I can't see Shenxue-san's figure lately. "

"And it's always about construction vehicles, race attire, expense reimbursement and so on......"

The number of teachers in the school itself is scarce.

In addition, they are all high-ranking magicians,

He is rarely involved in the management of the school.

So except for some of the more critical decisions.

The Student Council has almost all the power to influence the entire campus.

But correspondingly, in the Nine School Battle, which is related to the reputation of the school.

There are also obligations that cannot be shirked.

"Shenxue-san, I guess I'll be able to participate in the competition, it's really hard. "

Mitsuki said with concern and envy.

The nine-school battle is divided into two tracks, which are the "official competition" based on the senior grades.

and the Rookie Competition, which is limited to first-year students.

Whether it's as the only first-year student in the student council.

He is also the second honor student in the magic real skills test in the whole grade.

Deep Snow is eligible to participate in this year's Nine School War Rookie Competition.

"Compared to the rookie game, I think the preparation for the Nine School Fight is a little more difficult. "

Erica's half-joking remarks were retorted by Honoka's shake of her head.

"Don't be careless, among the freshmen of the third middle school, I heard that there are amazing genius newcomers. "

"Two days to be exact, newcomers. "

Shizuku uttered a barrage of information like a treasure.

"A general with the title of [Prince of Blood]. "

"There is also a genius technician known as [Origin George], Kichijoji Shinkoro. "

Hearing these two names, Lane's expression moved slightly.

Obviously, these two people are not idle, enough to leave an impression in his memory.

But this time I may not be able to fight them.

Because there are a total of 8 technicians in the school's nine-school battle team.

Six of them are in charge of the official competition of the seniors.

Lane and another technician were in charge of the rookie game for the freshmen.

And because of the requirements of deep snow.

He will only be responsible for the commissioning of the equipment for the women's project......

In other words, if deliberately avoided.

He probably won't meet these two guys for the whole event.

Unless the other party comes to the door by himself.

"If you can avoid such troubles, you can avoid them...... Anyway, there is no requirement in the conquest mission. "

Rien thought silently.

After the attack, the progress of the quest for conquest, which had not been touched for a long time, finally increased.

"Foiling the Yagikai Conspiracy" is halfway done, and one more stop will complete this goal.

The rest is to help "Yigao" defend the championship in the nine-school battle.

As for the 1 million reincarnation points, Li En is not too panicked now.

The 200,000 points rewarded by the chain event, plus the original 100,000 points.

And these days, Dunfa shares the rewards for his side quests.

In addition, [morning exercise] contributes 10,000 points every day.

At present, he has about 550,000 reincarnation points on him.

He has not yet redeemed the contribution reward of "Attack", and can exchange it for up to 150,000 points.

This adds up to 700,000 reincarnation points.

1,000,000 points away from the goal of conquest,

The difference is just a "measant" 300,000 points.

For other E-level and D-level players,

This may be a difficult source to save even in many quest worlds.

But for Lane, all he needs is time.

What's more, there are also rewards for newly triggered exclusive personal missions as a guarantee.


[Exclusive Personal Mission: Champion Journey!]

+ degree: D (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

+ Description: Help the participating teams of "One High" to achieve excellent results in the Nine School Battle, and the higher the ranking, the more generous the rewards.

+ Target: Help at least one high school achieve the top three results, and the base reward will be doubled for each improvement

+ Reward: 5000 reincarnation points, 5 skill points, 5 attribute points, reputation, related character favorability, credits

+ Note: If you get the first place, you will get an additional personal space template x1!

...... []

Aside from data resources, this exclusive personal task,

The bonus of the Personal Space template is back here!

Although Li En said that the construction of personal space is pure money burning.

But in fact, the role of these special templates is clear to him.

It is a special asset that will never lose money after investment.

Just as Lane was wandering and thinking about something else.

The girls gradually talked about the members of the rookie competition.

"Although the official list has not been announced yet, Shizuku and Honoka are already the right candidates, right?"

"After all, in terms of the results of the magic skills test, both of them are the top students in their grades. "

In the midterm exams that just ended.

Honoka and Shizuku in the "Magic Practical Skills Test" subject

They finished third and fourth, respectively.

Second only to the two siblings of Dawn and Deep Snow,

It can be said that he is the strongest in actual combat besides them.


Hearing Mitsuki's inquiry, Shizuku responded in a low-key manner,

Although the expression is still indifferent, you can also see that you are full of energy.

Shizuku is a big fan of the [Secret Monument Decoding] project. "

Honoka explained with a smile for her friend.

"Every year, she comes to the game. "

"But...... This year we'll be able to stand together on the field, not in the audience. "

"[Decoding the Secret Tablet] I remember that it is an exclusive competition for boys. "

Erica said regretfully.

"If girls can participate, I'll get a qualifier anyway. "

"With your fighting style, [Secret Tablet Decoding] won't be able to play. "

Riene returned from a distraction and shrugged his shoulders when he heard Erica's words.

"This project, while encouraging combat, prohibits the use of physical attacks with direct contact. "

"There are more professional competitions in swordsmanship and martial arts, so don't come to the Nine Schools War to make trouble. "

"Cut, boring ......"

Erica had a bored look on her face.

It wasn't until it was darker that the meeting ended.

Li En also had a rare relaxation, at this time in the past,

After school, he went straight to the basement, (Wang Nuo's) or transplantation and development.

Either it is the knowledge and skills to familiarize yourself with the newly redeemed.

Occasionally, Deep Snow will come to him for a "reward" - albeit in the name of adjusting C.A.D.

A few days later, the rookie game was announced.

Although Lane is not on it, it is not enough for his name to appear in the general list.

"Deep snow, Honoka, Shizuku...... Sure enough, as expected, they were all selected. "

At home, Lane looked at the email sent by the student's terminal, thoughtful.

In this way, all that remains is to wait for the official opening of the Nine School Battle.

Maybe that's the case for other players.

But Rien seemed to be aware of it,

Suddenly looked up at the TV screen in the living room.

Nothing was done though.

The screen that was originally in a black state suddenly turned on automatically.

"Long time no see, Lieutenant Lane madness. "

In the picture, a serious face is revealed.

"Now, I should probably call you Rien-san?"

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