To be honest, Lane is worried about the reincarnation space

Come up with a title like "three good students".

Fortunately, the reincarnation space is not so tricky in terms of rewards.


【Title:Honor Student】

Level +: C

+ Description: Knowledge is power!

+Fruit: +100% professional experience gain and +20 teacher's base friendship

+ Note: This title can be displayed in the Reincarnation Network for 2 quest cycles


"It's okay, Brother Lien, if you can make the cut, it will help a lot. "

"But the C rating is a bit inflated. "

After seeing the title attribute shared by Li En from the friend's chat channel.

Deng Fa gave a pertinent assessment.

Although this title is good, the scope of application is actually very narrow.

"As long as it works. "

Lane shrugged.

In fact, this 100% increase in professional experience,

With a 10x increase in earnings, it's a terrifying 1000% class experience gain efficiency!

Although the title can only last for two quest cycles.

But it's enough for him to gain a lot of professional experience!

It's just that he doesn't explain it to anyone else.

As for the "Teacher Character Base Opinion +20" in the back......

Purely a side effect of a giveaway-like effect.

It's the point in the remarks that "it can be displayed in the reincarnation network",

Let Rien care a lot.

This is not the first time he has seen the term "reincarnation network".

At the beginning of the promotion mission, he also saw the relevant prompts.

After the reincarnation player is promoted to the D rank,

You will be able to have access to the reincarnation network.

But what exactly is this "reincarnation network"......

I happen to have a ready-made D-class player nearby.

"Reincarnation network. "

16 Deng Fa gave Lane a meaningful expression.

"Because of the limitations of the reincarnation space, I can't say more. "

"The only thing that can be described is...... The real world is much wider than what you see. "

After a few words of greeting, Deng Fa, who learned of the results, said goodbye and left.

After all, in Lane and a group of girls,

He looked like some kind of spherical object that glowed and heated.

"I didn't expect Li En's grades to be so good!"

Erica put her hand on Riene's shoulder and complimented.

"The first in the grade, and the first in both theory and practical courses!"

"In this way, even the first subject student will be impressed by our second subject student, right?"

Speaking of this, she seemed to remember something, and hurriedly added.

"Ah, Honoka and Shizuku, I didn't mean anything against you. "

After all, among the people present, Honoka and Shizuku are both first-class students.

"It's okay, that's true, isn't it?"

Honoka said nonchalantly, and then as if she remembered something, she suddenly looked at Rien.

"Speaking of which, which ones did you choose for your theory classes?"

"History of magic, systematics of magic, and geometry of magic. "

Dawn replied casually.


Shizuku Kitayama, who had not spoken all this time, suddenly let out a puzzled voice.

"I was in the exam room of Magical Structures, and I seemed to have seen Lane-san. "

"This ......"

Seeing the puzzled glances that everyone threw at him, Li En spread his hands and said.

"Although I only chose 3 graded theory courses. "

"But actually, in order to test my knowledge, I took the theory exams for all subjects. "

This answer was obviously a big surprise to everyone.

"This—This is non-compliant, right?!"

Erica, who is not good at theory classes, retorted in shock.

"How can anyone take all the theory subjects at the same time, even the teacher is not allowed to do this, right?!"

Rien nodded.

"It's really out of line. "

So I made a pact with Mr. Ono. "

"My grades in theory courses are based on the three electives with the lowest grades. "

Hearing this, including Shizuku, who doesn't show much expression.

They all looked at Rien with a gaze that seemed to be looking at a monster.

"That is to say......"

Erica summed up weakly.

"Even if you add up your 3 lowest grades in theory courses. "

"It's also the first level in the whole grade, is that what you mean?"

Rien scratched his head.

"That's right. "

After a moment of silence.

Erica suddenly scratches at her beautiful red hair.

"Ah...... No matter, after school today, Li En invited him to eat cake!"

"Seconded. "

Kitayama Shizuku raised his face expressionlessly and agreed to the proposal.

It seems that she really cares about the grades.

"That...... Since Shizuku agreed, I seconded it. "

Seeing her friend raise her hand, Honoka also smiled and joined the team that supported the crusade against Rien.

"Mitsuki, what are you hesitating about at this time!"

Seeing Mitsuki's hesitation, Erica urged.

"I've heard that the café has been focusing on new art-style products lately. "

"Don't you want to taste what it tastes like?"

Hearing this, Mitsuki, who is a member of the art club, widened her eyes.

Then he looked at Rien embarrassedly.

"Forget it, let's go, I'm in for a treat. "

Rien smiled and rubbed Mitsuki's head.

Then he twisted the face of the initiator - Erica a few times. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"However, I still have to go to the student council room after school. "

"Until then, please wait a while. "


The student union office is a lifeless scene when you enter the door.

That's not to say it's not busy. []

Instead, it's more like the scene after everyone burns out their energy in a mountain of affairs.

"Ah...... It turned out to be Li En's classmate. "

The head of the head of the Discipline Inspection Commission was lifted from a pile of paper papers.

"Suddenly there was an urge to throw everything at you. "

"Forgive me for refusing. "

Rien walked over to Shenxue and sat down.

"I'm just a passer-by who invited my sister to a tea restaurant for a cake. "

"I'm sorry, brother, but I still have some things to do here. "

With a slight apology on her face, Shenxue shook her head lightly at Rien.

"Then I'll help you share some of it. "


"Hey, you're too different, aren't you?!"

The chairman of the Discipline Inspection Commission looked at the brother and sister who were in the mode of showing affection, and slapped the table angrily.

"Mayumi, don't you just care about it?!"


The student council president seemed to be a little distracted since Lane entered the door.

I don't know if I remembered the scene a few days ago, when I suddenly gave Li En a knee pillow on a whim.

She coughed lightly and put on a gentle smile with affinity.

"Since Ryne-san, too, will help. "

"It's better to come to the rookie selection to participate in the Nine School Battle. "

"With the strength of being the first in the grade, I guess I can get good results in the official rookie battle, right?"

"It seems that Sister Mayumi's information is quite fast. "

"Where do you think the report card on the bulletin board was printed from?"

Morley interjected, looked Lane up and down, and nodded in agreement.

"Mayumi's suggestion is good, if Dawn you can become a rookie player......"

"At least it can help us score one track in the rookie race. "

Mayumi's eyes lit up, if Rien could compete in the rookie game.

Then you can go to the game with her, maybe there will be more contact opportunities.

"Then it's ...... decided"

"Wait, please don't ignore the opinions of the parties. "

Li En reluctantly interrupted the two senior sisters who decided for him without authorization.

"I never said I'm going to be a rookie for the Nine School Battle. "

The Nine School Battle, officially known as the "National Magic High School Goodwill Magic Competition".

The main body of the competition is the high school affiliated to the nine magic universities,

In other words, it's a friendly match for magic colleges and universities across the country.

However, it is an in-house event, but it is also open to the public and has a high degree of commercialization.

It is rumored that billions of dollars are open at events every year.

Of course, these things have nothing to do with the students participating in the competition.

As one of the few events where the public can witness the magic competition.

The popularity of the Nine School War is also second only to the University League's magic competition.

"Why not?"

Morley looked at Rien in surprise.

"If you can perform well in the Nine School Battle, more companies and families will pay attention. "

"It's a good thing for your future as a magician. "

"The problem is, I don't want to be a magician. "

Hearing Lee's speech, everyone except Deep Snow showed a look of disbelief.

"Because I'm more inclined to be a 647 magician than a magician. "

In the graduation path of the magic science college.

Most students with excellent grades and outstanding qualifications will choose to go on to study at a magical university.

Most of the second-degree students with mediocre magical qualifications will choose to become a magic technician.

Become a screw in various companies or companies related to magic engineering.

Although their treatment will be higher than that of ordinary people.

But the ceiling is certainly not comparable to the magicians who stand at the top of the industry.

"Magician...... It really looks like a choice that Lane would make. "

Mayumi didn't know what came to mind, and said to herself.

"Deep snow, I remember that in this year's entry list, there are very few engineers in charge of debugging the dedicated C.A.D. of the participants, right?"

According to the rules of the Nine School Battles, contestants are not allowed to use their own magic machines.

Because there will be people who secretly install illegal plugins to cheat.

Therefore, it will be replaced with a C.A.D for the exclusive use of the competition.

Changing the machine will inevitably lead to differences in usage habits and feel.

At this time, it is necessary to let the technician who is with the team, that is, the "engineer", make adjustments.

Frankly, this kind of talent may not be uncommon in companies that specialize in developing and modifying CAD.

But for high school students, having such professionalism is still a bit too much.

That's why there's a lot of competition for places.

But there are very few engineers, and there is even a peculiar phenomenon of gaps.

"Hmm...... Even if you add the seniors in the third grade, there is still a gap in the position of engineer. "

Shenxue seemed to think of something, and with a smile in her eyes, she looked at Lane.

"I recommend my brother to be the engineer of the Nine School Battle, after all, ......"

"I don't want other technocratic people to tweak my C.A.D. "

Hearing Miyuki's recommendation, Mayumi clapped her palms,

With a playful expression, he cast his gaze at Rien.

"Lien-san, do you have anything else to say?"

Looking at the exclusive personal tasks that popped up in the sight for a long time,

Lane shrugged.

He had no reason to refuse.


(The Battle of the Nine Schools is the last big plot of the copy of "Demon Inferior").

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