Bloodied, Deng Fa swung his shield and knocked a strange zombie rushing up into the air.

Then he turned his head and yelled at the other players behind him.

"Can't go back any more!"

"Behind us is the material room!"

And yet the people who responded to him - very few.

Only a few players who can attack from a distance have a few shots - shots or spells.

But sporadic bullets with ice picks, fireballs,

There was simply no way to stop the enemy's approach.

"Damn...... A bunch of mud that can't hold up the wall!"

Seeing a reincarnation player who doesn't listen to his orders at all,

Deng Fa can be said to have an incomparably headache.

Although the players of the opposing faction come fiercely.

But if it's just defense,

Opposing factions with favorable terrain have an advantage.

But who knows how many people died after being attacked by a sneak attack.

This improvised team immediately collapsed!

He was the only one left still struggling to hold on.

This reminded Deng Fa of his regular players.

As an officially funded and cultivated reincarnation player.

They can be said to be extremely powerful "regular army".

Not only do you not need to worry about consumption every time you enter the dungeon world.

There are also special powerhouses to plan their growth routes, experience and skills for them!

Under this kind of cultivation at any cost,

Only then can there be tank players like Deng Fa with strong attributes, well-equipped, and perfect skill matching.

But even so, fighting dozens of enemies on his own is still beyond his ability!

After all, he was only a tank, and he was weak in attack.

"No, if it drags on like this, my supplies will run out sooner or later......"

At this time, Deng Fa missed his teammates very much.

It's a pity that because of this mission, he was sent to this dungeon world and could only fight alone.

A sound of breaking the air came, and Deng Fa was shocked.

"Oh no, it's the kind of biochemical monster that can control people with its tongue!"

His de-control skill has just been used up, and it's still on cooldown.

Once contained, he can't block attacks!

This is simply a free opportunity for dozens of enemies who are eyeing each other!

Wow –

Like a comet, the blade with a scorching wake slashed through an arc.

Cut off the long tongue that came out of nowhere!

This lifted Deng Fa's spirits.

"Reinforcements...... No, how can there be only one person?!"

"Wait, it's him!"

From the other corner of the hallway, Rien's figure appeared in the sight of the warring sides.

"Good, looks like we caught the last train. "

Seeing the [Special Reading Room] security facilities that are still intact,

Lane's heart suddenly relaxed.

As long as the other party hasn't stolen the information, it's still too late.

The players in the Yagi camp are also impatient at this time,

is one step away from the victory goal of the camp,

But this step has been delayed,

First of all, there was an amazingly hard and well-equipped tank that had been carried for a long time.

Now there's a mysterious reinforcement that has suddenly appeared......


"Kill them, and victory will be ours!"

In an instant, countless gunshots rang out,

The library is as lively as the firecrackers are set off during the Chinese New Year.

"Lucifer. "

Ryne's face was calm, and the tall automaton blocked his body,

Then, in front of it, a "wall" formed by the condensation of a scorching air stream rose up!

- Airflow Wall!

This trick was used by Lane when he was fighting Bronson, who had done so.

The effect is similar to the "Low-Level Projectile Protection Enchantment".

But the difference is that with the effect of [hot air manipulation],

Even melee attacks can be offset to a certain extent!

Not to mention ranged attacks like bullets and arrows!

"Because you need to crack the firewall of the database, most of the main players are players on the technology side......

Taking advantage of this time, Lane used [Information Decomposition] to check the enemy's information.

One of the spectacled men in a white robe caught his eye.

"Mishima, the first profession is a biochemical researcher......"

"Second career, geneticist!"

"It seems that he is the culprit who put the tank into this world!"

Dr. Mishima is also a typical research-oriented player on the technology side.

Unlike Lai En, he is good at research in biology and genetic technology.

Lee, on the other hand, is in mechanical engineering, physics, and chemistry.

"There may be more zombie viruses in this person's hands, or special infections. "

"He must die! He must not be given the opportunity to harm the world!"

It seemed to sense Lane's killing intent.

Dr. Mishima cast his gaze at him from afar, (read the violent novel, and go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

On Sven's face, which was still clean, a strange smile appeared.

"Be careful!"

"There are enemies passing in your direction!"

Deng Fa's face changed, and he reminded loudly.

Because of the pressure shared by Lane, his form has recovered a lot. []

Seeing several sneaky monsters attacking Rien,

Immediately issued a warning!

However, he didn't really need to be reminded.

Through the [Elven Vision], Li En had also sensed the monsters that were quietly coming by......

"Fat man, smoker, monkey...... It's really a special infected person in the world of "Road to Survival". "

Ryne identified these special types of zombies and responded immediately.

The greatest threat to these enemies lies in the sudden attack from the blind spot.

With different special abilities, you can directly control people to death!

Even a powerful tank like Deng Fa was almost planted in the hands of these special senses.

Suffice it to say how powerful they are!

But as long as you know their abilities and location in advance.

The threat will be greatly reduced!

Unfortunately...... Ryne, who has [Elven Vision],

This can be done easily.

"Come on, long-lost Steam Star......"

With the cover of Lucifer,

Dawn went straight to the center of the battlefield,

A round grenade was thrown.

"Ice Mist Diffusion Version!"

Tokens transformed from [Steam Star] and [Ice Mist Bomb],

At this time, the effect that Li En expected was played.

The dense ice mist spread out in an instant, blocking everyone's view!

Including those special infected zombies who want to launch a sneak attack, they have also lost their targets!

Of all those affected......

It doesn't include Ryne, who has been maintaining the [Elven Vision]!

"Lucifer, Metal Storm!"

In the narrow terrain, the sharp feather blades released by the automaton

Crazy spinning and cutting like a meat grinder

It has become a weapon to harvest life!

Even the white ice mist gradually turned scarlet,

And it was accompanied by a continuous sound of electromagnetic explosions.

In Lien's sight, the hint of the increase in kill value has not stopped!

A feathered blade flew towards Dr. Mishima,

This technology player from Sakurajima Country broke out in a cold sweat,

Directly released a giant zombie with an extremely thick right arm and an extremely weak left hand.


This is the special infected person he has,

The presence of the second highest HP,

Have a full 600 HP!

But under the horrified gaze of Dr. Mishima,

The Stormer, whom he used as a meat shield, was struck by that small feather blade.

The body suddenly stiffened.

Then, in the roar of "Zila",

Suddenly exploded into a sky full of corpses!

Compared to the impending threat to life,

Dr. Mishima is more concerned about

A special infected person that you are proud of.

Killed so easily!

"It's—it's impossible!"

These words are your last words. "

Dawn walked out of the ice mist,

Raising the Colt "Monty Python" and pointing at Mishima's head.

"It's over. "


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