
[Stage 2 Objective "Defeat the Attackers and Defend the Campus" (Completed)]

[Mission Evaluation: S, Reward Multiplier x2]

[The incident has entered the final stage, please stop the intruder from stealing confidential information immediately!]

"This is the second phase of the mission?"

Li raised his eyebrows, the progress of this attack was a little faster than expected.

Opening the dungeon map, he was slightly startled by the distribution of enemies in the school.

It seems that with him killing the "tank" as a node,

Players from the Yagikai faction in the rest of the regions,

It's all starting to gather towards the library!

scattered around the campus,

Only a few aboriginal invaders from the opposing camp remained.

"Looks like that guy named Dr. Mishima knows that the tank has been killed by me. "

Lai quickly figured out the cause and effect.

Although the other party cannot control the tank,

But it seems that the death of the tank can be received.

The sudden change made them make tactical adjustments.

It has to be said that this hand is very decisive.

"Deep snow, you go and help the teachers fight those attackers. "

Rien turned his head and said.

At best, the security guards at the school are only responsible for guarding the door.

The strongest combat power of the magic science high school,

In fact, they are high-level magicians who have been stationed as teachers.

"One High School" is the highest level of magic university, and the quality of the 560 classroom team is also extremely amazing.

The combat power of this school is compared to the entire legion!

After the initial panic,

The school's internal staff also reacted.

Effective countermeasures began to be organized.

"Brother, be careful. "

"Well, you too. "

After a brief goodbye, the two left in opposite directions.

Ryne stepped on the great sword that Lucifer had become,

But I was still thinking about the battle in my mind.

In fact, the "Angel Sword Array" he had just used was an improvised means of attack.

After obtaining the "Magnetic Storm Crown" skill,

His mechanical properties are transformed into "electromagnetism".

This is not a simple literal shift.

It's genuine, and the nature of his special energy has changed.

His mechanical power can now create magnetism, attracting metal and mechanical props.

Using this property, he was able to make simple magnetic energy devices.

Because the time to acquire the "electromagnetic" property is still short,

Lane hasn't developed any particularly effective ways to use it yet.

But I didn't expect that in the case of anger,

The knowledge he had accumulated before was well understood.

As if in a flash of inspiration, the "Angel Sword" was driven to make an extremely astonishing attack.

"Hmm...... In principle, it is similar to creating a magnetic levitation launch space to reduce friction. "

"Then use the [Hot Air Operation] compressed air to detonate the ...... in an instant."

"So as to achieve a high-speed attack that is several times the speed of sound!"

An ordinary pistol bullet also has an initial velocity close to the speed of sound in the effective range.

But bullets can only be fired in a straight line.

It also can't complete a series of operations such as firing, killing, repairing, and recovering automaton figures.

"However, this type of attack consumes a lot of mechanical power. "

Although it is not a skill, it is necessary to use mechanical force to create a magnetic levitation launch space in the process.

This is higher than the usual skill cost.

Probably each launch requires a cost of 50~100 mechanical power.

After proficiency, it may be stable at around 50, or lower.

At the moment, this type of combat is not too cost-effective......

"But it's handsome. "

Li En finally gave an evaluation,

Then he filled a bottle of Drake's elixir that he had exchanged from the world of Karakuri.

Replenishes more than half of the mental power consumed.

With his intelligence attributes, a bottle of "Crude Refining Elixir" can restore 300 mechanical power.

Combined with the natural regeneration effect of high intelligence and high willpower attributes.

In less than a few minutes, the equipment that has been lost in battle can be replenished.

"The library's first line of defense has been breached?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Rien jumped out of the air, frowning as he surveyed the surroundings near the library door.

Judging by some of the disfigured corpses that were destroyed,

Obviously, the invaders of the Yagikai camp were superior.

"Construction Warfare...... Don't damage the school buildings too much, tsk. "

Rien put away the copy map, and in this complicated situation, he had another more practical means of reconnaissance. (bgcg) []

- Elven Vision!

With the blessing of the will attribute, Li En casts the elven vision

The coverage radius is enough to reach 50 meters!

It's already possible to envelop most of the library!

In the third-person perspective outlined by the lines,

Rien was well aware of the many hostile enemies who were lying in ambush near the doorway.

"There are 4 passages on the second floor, 2 at the staircase and 4 ...... at the corner of the corridor"

"Are they all natives?"

In the next second, Lane opened his eyes and rushed directly into the library!

In case you don't have enough weapons when you encounter the player later,

So this time he did not use the "Angel Sword".

Instead, the automaton are directly switched to angel form and automatically seek enemies!

"What's that? They're coming at us!"

"It's the enemy, don't care what it is, attack quickly!"


The silent library suddenly became a noisy battlefield.

[Your automaton is attacked, and its durability drops by 77 points!]

[Your automaton is attacked, and its durability drops by 36 points!]

[You kill an intruder and get 0.5% contribution!]

The battle prompt appeared in front of Lane like a swipe.

But at this time, he didn't have the heart to go through the information.

Because his attention has been fully devoted to maintaining the [Elven Vision]

and manipulating 11 automata.

Through the [Elven Vision], he can see the whole situation without leaving home.

And use it to manipulate the automaton against the attackers scattered around the corner

Perform a scalpel-like precision strike!

A few minutes later, the last corpse was thrown to the ground by the angel puppet, ending the battle.

Ryne summoned all the puppets back to check the wear and tear of the battle.

"5 units are slightly damaged, and they can continue to fight with a little repair. "

"3 units were moderately damaged and needed to be maintained......

"The two were severely damaged, and they probably had to be disposed of. "

Ordinary Angel series model dolls,

The durability is only half that of "Lucifer", 500 points.

It is still somewhat vulnerable in the face of heavy fire suppression by modern weapons.

Although the enemies are just some aborigines who have no special abilities.

However, once the firepower is intertwined, it can also deal a lot of damage in an instant!

If it weren't for Lane's ability to accurately control each puppet,

I'm afraid that the number of severely damaged bodies will be doubled!

Even so, after this battle, the two scrapped dolls also made Li En quite distressed.

Before acquiring the knowledge and skills to make dolls,

The automata in the "Angel" series are all consumables.

This is also the reason why Lane is reluctant to let Lucifer participate in the usual battle.

But for now, he had to give it his all, because judging from the dungeon map......

Players who have invaded the library have been suppressed into the [Special Reading Room] where important confidential documents are stored!

If you let them break through the last line of defense, get the information.

Then whether it's the faction target, or Lane's chain events, promotion missions.

will face the consequences of failure!

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